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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Wait so you’re pro choice but only if it applies to you personally?
  2. It's an interesting thought experiment to think about, say, what if this virus was killing children at the rate it was killing 80+ adults (especially at the beginning of the outbreak). I think the partisan lines would all but disappear, which tells you a lot about how we value the elderly. I think COVID is in a way almost the worst level of deadly - it spreads so damn fast and kills enough people (or at the very least causes them to be hospitalized) that if left unchecked we get what we had in Italy at the beginning or India (fucking tragic) now. But if you take the proper precautions it makes it seem like it's NOT a big deal, we shut down for no reason, blah blah. Like the things that are effective in stopping its spread make people MORE suspicious BECAUSE they're effective and people are, well, not that smart on the whole. The thing that gets me heated is that those are the people calling everyone else "sheep" and whatnot. I've had to not think about it too much because it truly makes me upset, and look at it in a more productive way, nonchalantly point skeptics in the right direction or kind of shrug off their concerns with haha yeah anyway I was vaccinated and I got to hug my grandparents without fear for the first time in over a year sort of thing, maybe it works maybe it doesn't. But shaming these people into it won't work.
  3. I'm a mix of heartened and disheartened by the number of people who have gotten the vaccine in the USA. I think if you'd asked me last summer if we'd be where we're at now, I might not have believed it. Unfortunately the misinformation campaigns are strong for right leaning people, especially in the south. Read a really disheartening article about a doctor and preacher trying to gently coax skeptics in the deep south to get the vaccine, and it's not very effective even with people they have personal relationships with. It's scary that things that are so easily proven to be false get their grips into people - not that that's a revelation, since we've seen it in spades the last four years. The number one reason I think people claim they don't want it (other than if they're young and don't think it matters if they get covid) is that "we don't know the long term effects." Yet they're willing to roll the dice on a disease's long term effects that we're already seeing can be dangerous in young, healthy people. It's a puzzling one to me. I think the medical community and even people like Fauci have done a poor job at messaging in a range of issues, not entirely their own fault, but these vaccines are frankly fucking MIRACLE drugs, and the amount of skepticism they're met with is just like...man... we're never going to be able to unify around anything in this country.
  4. Been so since early January
  5. Without internet probably a JRPG I’ve been meaning to play and haven’t or a comfort food western RPG like Fallout NV or something. With internet I’d pry do PUBG.
  6. I’m lucky to get an hour a night on weekdays, maybe a couple a day on weekends. Two kids changed my free time up quite a bit.
  7. Yeah. Ben has even expressed regret to some degree since leaving lol, I wonder if he’d consider coming back if they changed some stuff around.
  8. Maybe so, it certainly seems possible since they are all leaving at the same time, but the way he stated it makes it seem like that wasn’t the case. I truly wonder if any of them are going on to public facing professions. Vinny is so fucking good at it but I’m not sure his heart is in it. Brad I have no idea. He could go be a writer or who knows what. I honestly just did not expect the core group to break up. I wonder what Jeff has planned.
  9. In all seriousness that is my favorite set of podcasts and a major highlight of my week. I wish them all the best but selfishly hope they get together for something together soon?
  10. I happen to really like that game. It came and went for the media but it played really well and had good coop.
  11. There’s really not much of anything of major interest releasing this year to me, though I’d certainly be interested in seeing what this is if the rumors are true. Still, it’s tough to get TOO hyped for a Bethesda Game Studios game at this point - they haven’t exactly been knocking it out of the park in the last decade, really.
  12. It certainly feels a bit budgety - like a PS2 game trapped in a PS4 game’s body. Like the mobility feels like it’s missing additional moves or something. We’ll see, I don’t have time to add those old ones to my already stressed backlog. If this thing is incredible I might jump in on its first sale.
  13. I think Ratchet is gonna be a tough sell for me. I’m playing the PS4 one and it’s ok, doesn’t really hold my interest very long.
  14. The human voices are pretty good, though they all have the same weird tone to them all, I don’t know how to explain it. But yeah I can hear the alien phrases in my head lol. I recently played through it as well and I just was surprised to find that someone could play through it and be like nope, this game is good to go, no remake needed.
  15. Hard disagree. The PC original version is a hot mess performance-wise, a lot of the systems and interface suck ass, odd production with weird camera angle choices and cutaways / voice acting, etc.
  16. A small part of me does see Sony’s side of it, because the reaction in a way is overblown to what will actually happen now, which is most of the people who acted like it was an absolute outrage will continue to not buy a game on the service the rest of their lives. Which, listen I get it I get it I get it. It’s not about profitably or even sustaining a service for the people who will actually continue to use it. It’s more about instilling faith going forward that our digital libraries aren’t coming from some hose that can be turned off whenever Sony decides to do so (though that still absolutely is the case lol). But at the same time I can see some Sony exec looking at the combined sales of the vita and PS3 store for the end of 2021 and - I mean honestly what do you think it could possibly even amount to - a few thousand dollars? And that exec just has to be like, are you fucking kidding me???
  17. Loved infinite. At the time it was pretty universally loved as well and then I felt like many people bailed when some of the problematic themes were pointed out to them lol. Which are totally valid criticisms but I felt like many people jumped on the bandwagon like “oh boy infinite wow we all know and always knew that had some doozies didn’t we?” when in reality the first time around they thought it was dope as hell. Anyway, I think 1 and infinite are a tad overrated (though I love them both) and 2 is underrated.
  18. Well I’m probably much closer to a communist than sharing whatever worldview you likely have, for one. But also there’s literally nothing I could say to change your mind so I will not waste the effort.
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