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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I’m glad you’re giving context to how this actually affects gameplay. Man, though, it’s such a shitty thing to do almost regardless of context.
  2. I’m not sure how much the PC mods improve the visuals, but if a person only ever played the old console versions it’s a huge upgrade in both performance and visuals. The only DLC missing is an obscure one I think they lost the source code or something for. I think the quality of life and performance improvements of the first game are extremely noticeable, and I’ve heard 3 looks almost like a new release. Personally I’m quite happy with the purchase.
  3. Nintendo pulling some absolute bullshit and will get away with it Scott free? I refuse to believe it.
  4. @XxEvil AshxX that liara meeting planet is def the first time where the game challenges you a little. It’s crazy that you can spend like 6 hours on the citadel before going there doing essentially zero combat lol. It’s such an odd game for a AAA like mainstream title.
  5. Are you placing him with the squad controls? I find that has been more important than I remember (and also way simpler with the new D pad controls).
  6. It’s not bad it’s just boring in comparison, the abilities are some of the most interesting things about the combat. I’m playing on PS5. It looks really nice, runs quite well, a few hitches here and there but honestly looks real sharp.
  7. I just played the first hour and a half as a soldier not knowing I quick selected a character. Restarting it later. Woe is me.
  8. I need to look into what my motherboard can even handle for upgrades at some point, if I can even find a video card when I wanna upgrade.
  9. Once I purchased a PS5 I crossed over a threshold I haven't been at in some time: my console is probably significantly (?) more powerful than my PC, which was built in 2015 with the help of fine folks on this forum. I'm just kinda curious where everyone else is at with that? Maybe post your PC rig to back it up...
  10. Is there an example of a toggleable first person to their person game tho? I think it’s less about Bethesda sucking at third person controls and more about they made a first person game and wanted people to have the option for third person to see their character (but never gave a shit about making that super fun to play). Like maybe the new Battlefront games were OK at switching between but I’m blanking on any others. I reserve the right to be a moron about this.
  11. I would say: 1. It’s not unlike Bethesda to release games with very little to no footage or screens out there until right before launch (exactly what they did with Fallout 4). I am skeptical it will come out this year, but not for this reason. 2. I think exclusivity depends entirely on prior agreements. If MS isn’t beholden to a prior contract, it’ll be an exclusive, but given the development time, gun to my head, I bet it’ll be multiplatform.
  12. But doesn’t get the clicks. However you're correct. Felt incomplete to me, or a proof of concept even.
  13. It’s fine, but it wouldn’t be among games I’d recommend to people.
  14. Word of caution about Octopath: it sucks ass.
  15. Yeah I wanna give the Jeffs time to work some chemistry. I feel like B has always been amused at G but it’s different when you have to work together every week. The loss of Brad sucks and the loss of the beast cast is tragic, but the bomb cast felt… somewhat normal this week. It was kinda nice. Vinnie is on Brad and Will Smith’s tech podcast this week just an FYI.
  16. I could see the argument that like just being in the medical field doesn’t make you significantly more knowledgeable about certain topics, but that falls flat when there is scientific consensus from experts in the specific medical field we’re dealing with here. It’s just the Asimov quote coming back time and time again.
  17. No because we’re not equating the two like you are.
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