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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Looking at sales numbers it’s fairly pedestrian though at best. 2 is the best selling game and it’s like 2 million worldwide. Just doesn’t scream hey let’s get a bunch more of these beloved characters in here.
  2. I think I’d like them actually they’re just too long for me to commit to in good faith.
  3. I actually had no idea they owned monolith. That makes a lot more sense.
  4. Online smash is an abomination but I still enjoy it locally, or I did before the plague. I have nothing against the Xeno games it just seems odd that they are expanding on what to me seems like a very obscure choice other than I assume they have a close partnership with Nintendo.
  5. Do people like Xenoblade that much or does Nintendo owe them a bunch of favors?
  6. They just know how to piss me off. Skyward Sword instead of Wind Waker. I just don’t get it.
  7. The first Dino crisis is a cookie cutter RE game with dinosaurs instead of zombies. It’s good if you like that. The second one is completely different, more of an action game with tons of ammo and combat. I never played the third.
  8. Fair enough. I think it’s fantastic, but I will say it’s one where if you don’t keep several saves you can actually screw yourself to the point where you cannot beat certain bosses late game haha. That’s the only major flaw I have with it, otherwise I hold it up with any of the early games.
  9. In what way? I feel like most people who played it in the moment felt like it was the RE3 we deserved...
  10. Eh I think RE 5 was generally received positively. People were just surprised it was an action coop game. I think it was average and completely forgettable, other than I remember fighting in a fucking volcano or some shit in the end lol. 6 is the only one universally hated I think.
  11. I can’t remember who I’ve told this to on the boards(I remember having a similar convo), but I do not want to spoil FF7R for you, so as much as I feel like I can say is that it is a reimagining of the story of FF7, and god I just don’t feel like I can say more than that. I understand the impulse to wait until the full storyline has been complete, but I think if you have genuine interest in the game and are doing that out of some kind of principled stance, you’re going to be waiting a long time and at that point you might realize that it’s not really what you expected it to be, and maybe you’ll be spoiled on a bunch of stuff you didn’t wanna be spoiled on. That’s the only reason I press the issue I guess. If you’re not gonna get it, make it because it’s kind of wildly overrated? rather than you want the “complete” plot.
  12. It really wouldn’t tho. If you don’t like the Halo 4 comparison, let me tell you about a little game called Halo 2.
  13. This is sort of true but also no different than not buying Halo 4 because there will be a Halo 5.
  14. I actually replay RPGs quite a bit. Hell that might be most of what I do anymore.
  15. I feel like 3/4 of the game I was like, ok soon I’ll have all my characters together and I’ll be able to do side quests and combat at my leisure and it’ll all come together, but it just never came together the way I wanted it to. Constantly switching materia when the parties changed, not knowing if or when I should spend weapon points, stuff like that. If I played it going in knowing what I now know I would have enjoyed it a lot more, but I didn’t enjoy it enough to play it knowing that stuff lol. I know it supposedly goes a little batshit in the final chapter but frankly as a huge fan of the original I’m kind of ready for that. Give me some weird shit I guess.
  16. Yeah I mean I know the games, I think they’re good games...mostly. They haven’t held my attention long term though or in some cases I’ve been supremely disappointed with games that have historically been some of my favorite games ever (Paper Mario is like the epitome of this, I hate they way they’ve turned it away from a more classical RPG). I’ve played a lot of animal crossing but I feel like its design is stuck in 2005 overall. They tease me with potential and squander it, and it makes what isn’t a bad game into a really frustrating experience for me. Same with how they’ve neutered finding good content in Mario Maker 2. I kind of wish they’d stop trying to do multiplayer stuff to be honest. They so bad at the little stuff it really ruins a lot of the fun. Give me single player Zeldas, Mario’s, Metroids all day long. So yeah it was like bam they hit me with the good shit right away and everything since has just disappointed me in some significant way, with the exception of Smash which depresses me in a different way in that I no longer have a bunch of friends close by who come and play it with me every few days.
  17. Yeah I just don’t think they’ve been pumping out their A game for a lot of their stuff. Others seem to enjoy it and that’s fine.
  18. The Gameboy Advance is for my money the best one I think. I really like my switch, but I’m actually bummed about the Nintendo support on the thing. Zelda and Mario were such a great start and it’s just been meh since. I very much enjoy having many great third party games and indies in handheld, but it feels lacking in the killer Nintendo titles.
  19. I’m almost on the final chapter of the PS4 version, and, while I liked it, I don’t think I liked it enough to replay it. Maybe the last chapter will change my mind.
  20. I can’t believe they haven’t ported wind waker yet. They did all that work for a console with an install base of 150 people, it just seems like a no brainer.
  21. It’s a shame nintendo rarely drops their prices more than $10. I will probably never play this. Played some on Wii U, but eh, wasn’t super my cup of tea.
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