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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. omg all these spoilers jk I know a lot of the major plot points but zero details Like, I've known of the I fucked spoiler name bit since it happened.
  2. Old Title: I find myself often willing to look the other way when it comes to the more deplorable actions a Main Character can perform. You know. They are the main character. We, I, can often see the world through their eyes and it makes why they do come across as less bad. Like, sure, what they did was bad but they are the main character after all. Oh, the antagonist is doing the same thing? Totally unforgivable. Anyway, started watching Breaking Bad recently. It is impossible to look the other way.
  3. No. They never clicked with me. I'd love to play them and be good at the, but like, I actually have to practice them. It wasn't something I was good at naturally. And I don't like that when it comes to video games. If I don't have a certain level of base skill by default then I lose all desire to get better. It is the same thing with mobas. I am far better at them now due to playing more games on PC, but when I first played LoL or something like Starcraft, I just had no gamer instinct like I do with a bunch of other games. That's how fighting games are.
  4. When I was a kid, I thought that it was stupid that America didn't go over to Canada and take it over by force. Seeing South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut as a child in elementary school was probably not something that should have happened.
  5. They are 100% using this to make a new line of Santa Clause media without Timmy while not upsetting fans when he gets the boot.
  6. I enjoyed the fuck out of AC2 and BroHood. The third Ezio game was alright. Then I played AC3 and tossed the series in the trash. The Past 3 Witcher Creed game never entered realm of something I would be willing to play.
  7. Why would anyone be ashamed of liking any metal?
  8. It is because it isn't new. You could say it is hype, but it has nothing to do with hype generated by fans. Getting excited for something because other people are excited isn't really my thing. What builds up hype for me are shit like trailers. What happens is that the shit comes out weekly and then I just lose interest overtime because there isn't new media to keep my interest. I mean, what made me play final fantasy xiv was the trailers. Shit was omega hype. Every new trailer gets me excited. When the devs hold live show to talk about the upcoming content that gets me excited. With shows, I get hype, but I only get one episode to unleash that hype on and I don't want to do that. That would be like the ffxiv devs releasing a raid tier with 1 boss instead of all 4. I know it all sounds stupid but that's how it works. I want the shiny new thing and I want it now, like a petulant child. When it isn't new, unless it is something really great, then I don't care. I wanted to watch Falcon, Fett, and Obi. I waited for them and now I don't care about them. They are right there. I could watch them right now, but I have no interest in them.
  9. That's what I do. Only to not end up watching it at all. So I don't watch it weekly, nor do I binge it once it is all done. It has to be dumped all at once or I don't watch it.
  10. No duh, but I don't care about them. All I care about is me All it has led to me consuming less. Cuz if I can't binge I don't watch. This is true. I remember exactly which Mandalorian episodes are shit and boring and feel like filler. What exactly are you forgetting about that you watched? Sure, it becomes a blur I suppose but it isn't like I forgot the plot. And it actually give more more of a reason to re-watch a show. I've only watched Mandalorian once, I've watched Dare Devil and The Last Kingdom a few times now. And I don't get what you mean by engagement still. Just people talking about the show? I don't really care if I or someone else "can't" talk about a show because they weren't there for it week 1. And like, if I want to talk about something, I just make a thread about it no matter how old. Not a fair comparison, but I and other people do it all the time with video games.
  11. how the fuck are they gonna put more pepperoni on the side with the green peppers
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