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E3 Expo Leaks Personal Info of Gaming Journalists, update - E3 2019/2018/2006/2004 info confirmed as compromised


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I'm so sick of shit like this. People are too stupid to handle sensitive information in the age of everything being digital. I say this after I just got done reading a letter from my health care provider saying on "April 24, 2019 through an investigation we determined that an unauthorized party may have accessed some of our servers. The unauthorized access may have occurred as early as August 25th 2010 . The information accessed may include your name, address, email address, date of birth, social security number, member ID number, group number, and subscriber number. Here is 2 years of complimentary credit monitoring service".  


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E3 leak older, worse than originally thought.


The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) have leaked over six thousand more names and personal details from members of the games media than was previously thought, the company confirmed to Rock Paper Shotgun. In addition to the 2025 journalists, bloggers, analysts, and streamers whose physical addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail handles were made public in last week’s leak of E3 2019 info, information for media attending two earlier years of E3 conferences was also made available through public spreadsheets.


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Aaaaaaand now E3 2018



Following publication of our story, a second source reached out to GameDaily with additional information. They provided evidence to us that they had acquired a copy of the 2018 file in the same way as our initial source. We granted anonmity to protect this individual's career.


Our second source stumbled upon the file in September 2018. They immediately contacted a monitored E3 Expo email address to alert the event staff to the data leak. Our source shared the email, complete with headers, so we were able to verify their claim.



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Trade shows like this are subsidized by the big players. I’m surprised it’s taken so long for them to realize they can have their own events and better control costs and messaging.

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42 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Trade shows like this are subsidized by the big players. I’m surprised it’s taken so long for them to realize they can have their own events and better control costs and messaging.


I think the delay was because E3 was something of a Macy's Parade type "tradition". A product of a bygone era when magazine coverage meant you needed everyone in the same room at the same time, and events like E3 were convenient for that. But magazines died over a decade ago, and broadband internet has been the majority for even longer, so the persistence of E3 I think is down to gamers' love of rehashing the things they like.

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