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James Gunn's "The Suicide Squad" OT - update: new poster released, new trailer 26 March 2021


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I'm in the middle of it, and am enjoying it outside of my friend's wife being the absolute fucking worst to watch a movie with. Over a third, maybe over half, of the time we're sitting here she keeps engaging him in completely unrelated conversation about stuff that's about literally anything but the movie. Just wtf. 

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I thought it was very good. Not perfect, but surprised to see so many criticisms. It largely works and is easily the best of the DCEU movie. Like, not even close. It it manages to be mean spirited at time, sweet at times, and utterly beautiful in other moments. Whether it wasn’t fully your bag, I can’t fathom how someone could say this isn’t an improvement over the first.

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4 minutes ago, Komusha said:

I thought it was very good. Not perfect, but surprised to see so many criticisms. It largely works and is easily the best of the DCEU movie. Like, not even close. It it manages to be mean spirited at time, sweet at times, and utterly beautiful in other moments. Whether it wasn’t fully your bag, I can’t fathom how someone could say this isn’t an improvement over the first.


The first Wonder Woman is much, much, much better than this.

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A real blast. Gunn was given the opportunity by the competition to do a hedonistic victory lap, and within the first ten minutes, he announces his intent to go on an anarchic rampage. And with some inspired direction, no less. Half a fight scene is shot in the reflection of a helmet. Wonderful!


Amused to see all the Harley hate, because she was one of my favorite aspects here. Liked Birds of Prey well enough, and haven’t seen Suicide Squad, but think they struck a good balance here between bonkers, capable and — in a standout scene for me — the lines she’s drawn for herself and the pain behind the mania.


Also, great unexpected use of the Pixies.



Also also, I guess we've done away with covering spoilers, so perhaps someone could change the title?


14 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

I think that's the larger issue with the movie, the whole revolutionary / US coverup of alien research... thing is completely unnecessary and half baked at best. The movie wants us to simultaneously care about the revolution happening but ignore the population getting wiped by Starro.


To what degree do you think the movie wants us to be invested in the revolution? The guerrillas are established with a joke, and it concludes in an overtly gory way. It's a means to an end.


And they turn back to stop Starro from his rampage. 


I'm not following your stance here at all.


14 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

Guardians 2 had this problem as well, giving Yondu a hero's sendoff after it's revealed tat he participated in the abduction of and was complicit in the killing of hundreds if not thousands of children. But the Guardians don't pointlessly and remorselessly slaughter a village of freedom fighters we're then immediately supposed to care about so 2 of the characters can have a pissing contest.


You're right, the Guardians don't and wouldn't do that -- because they're completely different characters operating on a completely different spectrum of morality in a completely different movie. It would be wildly out of place, and it's why Yondu's exit treatment leaves one uneasy. They don't fully reconcile his past actions, and he's embraced/mourned by generally good people who are aiming to do the right thing. It doesn't jive.


By contrast, the Suicide Squad are a bunch of unrepentant criminals ranging from a man-eating shark to a young woman who doesn't seem too bothered about forcing a rat down a person's throat. The reveal of who they killed isn't to garner sympathy. It's a joke. Flag is the only one who seems to care, and he's presented as the anomaly.


Essentially, I think what was a weakness in GotG2 is actually a strength here. The amorality of the roster of characters lends itself much better to Gunn's transgressive tendencies.

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2 hours ago, Zeluge said:

A real blast. Gunn was given the opportunity by the competition to do a hedonistic victory lap, and within the first ten minutes, he announces his intent to go on an anarchic rampage. And with some inspired direction, no less. Half a fight scene is shot in the reflection of a helmet. Wonderful!


Amused to see all the Harley hate, because she was one of my favorite aspects here. Liked Birds of Prey well enough, and haven’t seen Suicide Squad, but think they struck a good balance here between bonkers, capable and — in a standout scene for me — the lines she’s drawn for herself and the pain behind the mania.


Also, great unexpected use of the Pixies.



Also also, I guess we've done away with covering spoilers, so perhaps someone could change the title?



To what degree do you think the movie wants us to be invested in the revolution? The guerrillas are established with a joke, and it concludes in an overtly gory way. It's a means to an end.


And they turn back to stop Starro from his rampage. 


I'm not following your stance here at all.



You're right, the Guardians don't and wouldn't do that -- because they're completely different characters operating on a completely different spectrum of morality in a completely different movie. It would be wildly out of place, and it's why Yondu's exit treatment leaves one uneasy. They don't fully reconcile his past actions, and he's embraced/mourned by generally good people who are aiming to do the right thing. It doesn't jive.


By contrast, the Suicide Squad are a bunch of unrepentant criminals ranging from a man-eating shark to a young woman who doesn't seem too bothered about forcing a rat down a person's throat. The reveal of who they killed isn't to garner sympathy. It's a joke. Flag is the only one who seems to care, and he's presented as the anomaly.


Essentially, I think what was a weakness in GotG2 is actually a strength here. The amorality of the roster of characters lends itself much better to Gunn's transgressive tendencies.

Agreed on all counts.

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^ It's been a while since I watched it so perhaps I am not remembering it, but I swear Yondu didn't know what was happening to the kids and when he found out that's when he decided not to deliver Peter to Ego. You always knew Yondu was criminal but I don't they ever presented him as a truly 'bad' guy. Even in the original he came across as likable. 

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11 hours ago, Zeluge said:

A real blast. Gunn was given the opportunity by the competition to do a hedonistic victory lap, and within the first ten minutes, he announces his intent to go on an anarchic rampage. And with some inspired direction, no less. Half a fight scene is shot in the reflection of a helmet. Wonderful!


Amused to see all the Harley hate, because she was one of my favorite aspects here. Liked Birds of Prey well enough, and haven’t seen Suicide Squad, but think they struck a good balance here between bonkers, capable and — in a standout scene for me — the lines she’s drawn for herself and the pain behind the mania.


Also, great unexpected use of the Pixies.



Also also, I guess we've done away with covering spoilers, so perhaps someone could change the title?



To what degree do you think the movie wants us to be invested in the revolution? The guerrillas are established with a joke, and it concludes in an overtly gory way. It's a means to an end.


And they turn back to stop Starro from his rampage. 


I'm not following your stance here at all.



You're right, the Guardians don't and wouldn't do that -- because they're completely different characters operating on a completely different spectrum of morality in a completely different movie. It would be wildly out of place, and it's why Yondu's exit treatment leaves one uneasy. They don't fully reconcile his past actions, and he's embraced/mourned by generally good people who are aiming to do the right thing. It doesn't jive.


By contrast, the Suicide Squad are a bunch of unrepentant criminals ranging from a man-eating shark to a young woman who doesn't seem too bothered about forcing a rat down a person's throat. The reveal of who they killed isn't to garner sympathy. It's a joke. Flag is the only one who seems to care, and he's presented as the anomaly.


Essentially, I think what was a weakness in GotG2 is actually a strength here. The amorality of the roster of characters lends itself much better to Gunn's transgressive tendencies.

I agree with all of this 

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4 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

^ It's been a while since I watched it so perhaps I am not remembering it, but I swear Yondu didn't know what was happening to the kids and when he found out that's when he decided not to deliver Peter to Ego. You always knew Yondu was criminal but I don't they ever presented him as a truly 'bad' guy. Even in the original he came across as likable. 


Basically, but I think it was more like Yondu didn't question what was happening to the kids at first because the money was too good, but when he dug deeper he found out they were being murdered.

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13 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

sounds about right


Yondu makes it pretty clear he knew SOMETHING was up from the start, that he kept delivering kids to Ego once he knew they were being killed, and that trafficking children AT ALL is against the Ravager code even if the kids don’t end up dead. Peter also makes it clear that he thought Yondu was abusive to him the whole time he was part of Yondu’s crew. So the send off looks lovely and feels great, but it doesn’t make a ton of sense. 


On 8/8/2021 at 5:15 AM, Zeluge said:

To what degree do you think the movie wants us to be invested in the revolution? The guerrillas are established with a joke, and it concludes in an overtly gory way. It's a means to an end.


And they turn back to stop Starro from his rampage. 


I'm not following your stance here at all.



You're right, the Guardians don't and wouldn't do that -- because they're completely different characters operating on a completely different spectrum of morality in a completely different movie. It would be wildly out of place, and it's why Yondu's exit treatment leaves one uneasy. They don't fully reconcile his past actions, and he's embraced/mourned by generally good people who are aiming to do the right thing. It doesn't jive.


By contrast, the Suicide Squad are a bunch of unrepentant criminals ranging from a man-eating shark to a young woman who doesn't seem too bothered about forcing a rat down a person's throat. The reveal of who they killed isn't to garner sympathy. It's a joke. Flag is the only one who seems to care, and he's presented as the anomaly.


Essentially, I think what was a weakness in GotG2 is actually a strength here. The amorality of the roster of characters lends itself much better to Gunn's transgressive tendencies.


Again, I don’t think the movie is bad. It’s fun, it’s fine.


I think the movie wants us to care about the revolution / the people running Corto Maltese in that we spend a decent amount of time with them. Almost all of it ends up up meaning nothing, but not in the good / farcical, Monty Python / Sam Raimi kind of way. It’s the same with the opening scene of the movie or the time Harley spends captured, escaping while being rescued, etc. They’re gags that take up runtime and/or set up stuff that ultimately has no payoff. And it’s time they could have spent better developing Bloodshot’s emotional development since I’m clearly supposed to care about that by the end of the movie. But he’s an unrepentant killer in some scenes and sympathetic in others based on nothing except what the scene needs at any given moment.


The best way I can put it is that James Gunn made a JJ Abrams movie. It’s loud, it’s bright, it’s fun, and as long as people are running, shooting, and yelling, it’s really easy to get caught up in. Does it really work in a big picture kind of way? No. But is it fun to watch Elba and Cena merc up a bunch of people, or to see King Shark eat a bunch of mobs? Absolutely.

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The movie wants us to care so much about the revolution that the characters THEMSELVES forgot that poor Milton was with them the whole time and even after he got killed, they coudln't even remember his name! Harley thought Bloodsport's name was Milton. THAT'S how much the movie wants you to care about the revolutionaries :lol: I kept wondering who that portly fellow was that was with them throughout the third act myself :p


As far as Bloodsport goes, to paraphrase Seth Gecko from From Dusk Till Dawn "He's a bastard but he's not a FUCKING bastard." Yes he's a killer, but he knows what he is and why he does it and does't seem to get any joy from it. Meanwhile Peacemaker hides his psychopathy behind patriotism and Bloodsport calls him out on that. So I humbly disagree with @Kal-El814 here... I think all of the character beats worked and the movie holds up under it's own (wacky) internal logic. I'd be definitely be interested in seeing where THIS Suicide Squad goes in the future and I'm curious to see what they do with Peacemaker on the HBO MAX show.

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I mean if The The Suicide Suicide Squad Squad is on HBO GoMax or whatever the fuck it’s called, I’ll watch it.


I was more curious about the Peacemaker show before I saw this. A show based on Cena’s take on the character is… yikes, that’s gonna be a lot. We’ll see.

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I love this movie the more I think about it. As time goes on I focus less on the flaws and just remember how many great moments this movie has. I’ll try to watch it again before it leaves HBO Max.


I’m also not sure how many here actually saw it in theaters, but I can confirm that this thing absolutely rips on the big screen.

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Strangely enough, the only character I actually cared about during this film was King Shark, which is amazing because he's treated as somewhat of the throwaway character throughout this whole movie.


One of the real problems with this movie was how dark it was filmed. Way too often, I couldn't tell what was going on because some scenes were just too dark for me to see what was actually going on. And the when we got to the end, because of the fact that there is an absurd number of characters we're following throughout this entire movie, there were fight scenes between main characters where I honestly couldn't figure out which character was which one. There was one critical death scene where I literally had no idea who the character was because the characters were so blended together that it was difficult to follow the continuity.


Overall, the movie was generally enjoyable, but I'd hardly say it was the best DCEU movie made. Snyder's Justice League and then Man of Steel definitely come in much stronger, in my opinion.

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On 8/6/2021 at 5:40 PM, Kal-El814 said:

Definitely worth the stream if you’ve got HBO Go, and hey it’s not four motherfucking hours long.


On 8/7/2021 at 5:57 PM, Chris- said:

Yeah man sounds good, allow me to ride my time machine back to 2013 and open the 'HBO Go' app.



On 8/7/2021 at 6:41 PM, Kal-El814 said:

If HBO can't be bothered to manage their brand effectively, I sure as shit am not going to try.





How much did the marketing team get paid for this one?




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