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What is your most distant relative that you have physically met?


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Obviously we are all relatives if you go back far enough, but I mean like, have you ever met any of your 2nd or 3rd cousins? do you keep in contact with any of them?


I went to a wedding for one of my second cousins in Detroit in like 2010.  The only reason I was invited was because my mom was still alive and she wanted me to go. I remember the bride and grooms' names were Molly and Josh - I don't remember which one I'm related to (maybe both, giggity), and I don't remember their last name.


Maybe it's just the fact that my family has always been scattered across the globe, but I've barely even met anyone who's been anything greater than a first cousin. And even then, I have one cousin I'm close to, while the rest I have only ever met a few times.

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My maternal grandmother came from a massive family that stays pretty well connected going back like 6 generations. They had a huge family reunion about 10 years ago. Met a ton of distant relations, immediately gave up trying to figure out how anyone was related to everyone else. 

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5 hours ago, Ominous said:

I met my half sister that I didn't know I had at the age of 41. 

That's pretty dope, in my opinion. Depending on how you view your parents, I suppose.


My dad is 74 and met a half sibling that he didn't know about as recently as 5 or 6 years ago. Granted, my dad was an orphan, so that kind of thing is to be expected.


When I was a kid, my dad spent 3-4 months a year in China for work. Both of my parents cheated on each other relentlessly and I have it on good authority that my dad really did not make use of condoms (authority being my mom)


Someday I'm going to find out that I have a few half siblings in Chengdu. I've long since accepted that fact. There's no way my dad spent that much time in one place and didn't impregnate someone. Like, the odds are overwhelmingly more likely that I have some half siblings hanging out somewhere over there.


One Chinese people can get in on 23 and Me it'll be open season on all my dad's unrecognized children. He'll probably be dead by then.

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On 4/29/2023 at 1:00 AM, Keyser_Soze said:

When my dad died I met a lot of my extended family which are very distant cousins, I'm not even sure where on the cousin charts they would be.


To put this in perspective my dad had like 7 brothers and 8 sisters or something like that. So the people I met were like the kids of kids of aunts I've never seen, so like way down the rabbit hole here.

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I was too young to remember who I might of met at (sadly) my grandmother’s funeral. Probably a great aunt and whoever her kids kids were (if any) Sadly a few years back, my mom had a family member (her aunt)she hadn’t seen in ages. They were going to try and surprise her with an extended family gathering for her 100th, but sadly died a few months before it. Who knows who I might of met. Theirs also a husband&wife realtors that share my last night, that my mom says are actually related too us but I have never met. 

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I haven't met my mother's side of the family. I never met my grandparents or cousins and I only know my immediate family. It's sad because I missed out on a lot of friendships and more importantly, presents growing up. 

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It's a good question but I'm not sure exactly what the answer is. Probably a second cousin once removed or similar. When I was growing up, my family used to occasionally have big family reunions and invite literally everyone in the family, no matter how distant. The most memorable one for me was a big camping trip at Crater Lake in Oregon (definitely worth a Google if you're not familiar). 

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