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46 minutes ago, Jason said:

Just ordered a folding stationary bike on Amazon, $150 with tax. I have a trainer for my bike but I hate how much space it takes up while set up and I don't want to have to set it back up each time. Likewise don't need something like a Peloton with all the classes, I just want to get on and pedal, and don't really have room to just have one sitting in my apartment anyhow. And I find outdoor cardio incredibly boring, I prefer to just zone out on my phone or a TV show while pedaling. Hopefully helps get the 20 lbs I put on during quarantine back on.

I can't stand exercising indoors, I don't really care for TV much either so watching a show while on a treadmill or bike is like some type of torture. 

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

Just ordered a folding stationary bike on Amazon, $150 with tax. I have a trainer for my bike but I hate how much space it takes up while set up and I don't want to have to set it back up each time. Likewise don't need something like a Peloton with all the classes, I just want to get on and pedal, and don't really have room to just have one sitting in my apartment anyhow. And I find outdoor cardio incredibly boring, I prefer to just zone out on my phone or a TV show while pedaling. Hopefully helps get the 20 lbs I put on during quarantine back on.


I'm in the market for something similar. Let me know how it is.


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21 hours ago, Jason said:

Awesome, got a text from Amazon that I have to go get it from the post office. Gonna guess they didn't actually try to deliver it. :SARS-CoV-2:


Be a Karen to customer service saying you don't want it anymore now. You might get it for free!

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1 hour ago, Joe said:

Be a Karen to customer service saying you don't want it anymore now. You might get it for free!


There was no "missed you" note, which is kind of important because that slip tells you which specific post office you need to go to. I don't want to have to go to any post offices right now, let alone potentially have to go to multiple ones. I already tried Amazon's phone system for "package not deliver" and it's making me wait until Tuesday to see if it shows up (which I guess it might given that there was clearly no actual attempt--maybe they ran up against DeJoy's overtime ban), but at that point I'm going to try to use the fact that there was clearly not a delivery attempt and that they didn't even tell me which location to go get it from to get them to send me another one and let Amazon deal with USPS on figuring out where the first one is.

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Come to think of it though, I do vaguely remember this happening over the summer where it went from "out for delivery" to "available for pickup" but then showed up on its own (with people on Nextdoor saying that you won't have any luck if you go try to pick it up yourself, despite what the status says) a few days later so hopefully it's that.

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I'm only 5'10'' so not a big difference, but maybe I should spring for something a little pricier once I get a job. Thanks for the info though! Can you believe my brother had a brand new elliptical from Amazon that they told him to keep or dispose of and he freaking disposed it! Still pissed about it.

  • Guillotine 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Starting to get back into more consistent running now it’s not freezing cold. Just finished what I think was about 4.5 run that was half uphill. With working and a baby though I can just about get myself motivated to run, but I’m still not there with doing strength work. I might just do it after school for 20 minutes in our dance studio of I’m allowed as it’s barely used and cleaned every day. My wife also wants to get healthier so we’re eating more sensibly (which also went out of the window with the baby) so it’ll be nice to shift maybe 20lbs of excess and replace it with some lean mass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had to complete a lateral flow test this morning - so went running to pass the time. I was not dressed appropriately for -3 weather but I ran (what the iPhone health app says was) 6km in about 31 minutes...so that’s quite nice.


Edit: add to that when I was teaching - a big TV I planned to use so we could complete a children’s fitness circuit and some just dance, was missing. So I ended up watching and completing the workout which ended up being twenty minutes of leg exercises. Both of those and a day teaching 7-8 year olds has finished me off. :sleep:

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5 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

First run in a long time where I didn’t feel like I’d have a BM half way through. That was nice.


Run was about five miles, half hills and I had a go at upping my pace for the last mile which I’m hoping to build in more and more until I’m hopefully not slow.

The worst! Running in the suburbs with no place to use a bathroom is one drawback. Precovid you could stop into a gas station or something in an emergency, but now everyplace has their bathrooms closed. 

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28 minutes ago, Ominous said:

The worst! Running in the suburbs with no place to use a bathroom is one drawback. Precovid you could stop into a gas station or something in an emergency, but now everyplace has their bathrooms closed. 

Yep. I keep my wife on standby in case the situation gets too dicey! 

I’ll see how my legs are, but may go for another run tomorrow for a similar distance now it’s not -6C every morning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Editor’s note: This essay by Henry Rollins was originally published in Details Magazine in 1994. Iron and the Soul By Henry Rollins I believe that the definition of definition is reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. Completely. When I was young I had no sense […]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Enjoyed a run this morning and then followed it with a 15 minute YouTube stretching routine which seems to have worked (my legs don’t feel dead). But then capped that off by going for a family walk - with a little 16.5lb bundle of fun in a baby backpack walking up a hill for a mile.

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  • 1 month later...

Enjoyed a nice 4.2 mile run home. One killer hill near the start and a nice finish through a local park.


I’ve decided I do want a gym membership to build up my strength so I’ll be sorting that on pay day. I’m hoping to literally go for a weight session before work (and the baby wakes up) for literally 30 minutes and add in runs home if I’m on public transport. 

See if I can manage that.

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  • 1 month later...

Speaking of weight lifting - several months later - I’ve managed two gym sessions this week. Trying to find a way of meaningfully exercising and 30 minute sessions in the gym, running home from work and the odd cardio session/hike will hopefully be enough till my daughter is a bit older.


I was just starting to feel that pull of working a lot, being at home a lot, eating food and not finding the time to actually exercise - which is always a mood inhibitor for me.

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  • 1 month later...

Been on holiday so enjoying some swimming/paddle boarding - went on a 6+ mile run the other day by the coast which was lovely, but I'm guessing I had my shoes laced incorrectly as it's made the top of my left foot bruised/swollen. It was nice to know I still have the legs for that distance though. 

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