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Resident Evil 4 Remake - Information Thread, update: 6.48 million units sold (fastest-selling game in series history)

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What is weird is that when I google it everyone says to use limited. But I think that is because they are using a TV where as I am using a monitor. I did try limited but it go back to looking exactly as washed out as it did before. My monitor really isn't that good. Like it is 1440p but I have always regretted getting it because color wise, the monitor is pretty bad. I've had turn brightness and contrast up while making the image slightly cooler or else it always looked way to warm and dim in general. I saw people mentioning something about crushed blacks but I'd rather have some spots that are just slightly too dark, than that god awful washed out look. And I don't think my black are getting crushed anyway.


I'm also not using HDR either and pretty much no one is talking about non-HDR displays. A lotta focus on LG tvs too which doesn't help either.


Even this video doesn't talk about shit being washed out but just about how blacks get crushed when not using limited.


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Who says to use limited?! It's right there in the name! Someone's been lying to you!


Full RGB means the ability to show 0-255, or the full range. That's what PC monitors have been using for years. Limited RGB has a range of 16-235. Its absolute black is 16 levels brighter (or less dark) than full RGB.

Anyway, finally scored a great on money (which I guess is the only thing scored) in the demo, gonna call it for now, don't wanna burn myself out weeks before the game even comes out, but I had a lot of fun experimenting. I can see even in this opening level there's gonna be a lot more to explore!

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41 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Anyway, finally scored a great on money (which I guess is the only thing scored) in the demo, gonna call it for now, don't wanna burn myself out weeks before the game even comes out, but I had a lot of fun experimenting. I can see even in this opening level there's gonna be a lot more to explore!


Are you going to try to play the hard mode? It happens randomly, demo exclusive and you only get one shot (no continues)

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7 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Are you going to try to play the hard mode? It happens randomly, demo exclusive and you only get one shot (no continues)

Say what? Can you elaborate? Happens randomly? Demo exclusive? I'm 100% down for whatever that is!

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3 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Say what? Can you elaborate? Happens randomly? Demo exclusive? I'm 100% down for whatever that is!


Yeah there's a hard mode of the demo, you know you got it because it will show you a splash screen before the first cinematic and it will ask if you want to play it. There is a random chance of it happening. You have to quit and try again if it doesn't come up.

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Yeah this is sliiiightly more than "hard mode."




Gonna give it another try tomorrow, get to the village proper and got the shotgun and all that but tried to parry the chainsaw... without a knife. Forgot I already used it up at the start. :lol:

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Also, so far, the biggest mistake the game is making is having breakable knives. Not only do they take up inventory space, but you can't do knife only runs. I would never do that personally, but I would have liked to see it again in the remake, without some NG+ deal that will 100% have an unbreakable knife.


And again, crafting sucks minus the herbs. I would care less if crafting components had their own bag, but they don't.

  • stepee 1
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I don't mind the breakable knives, mainly because it breaks the mind numbingly boring ass "shoot in face, kick, stab" strategy that everyone used in the first game. Crafting I'm fine with, but not the weird menu where I can't just combine two items manually and instantly. I've been so over the "hold this button down to do something that used to happen instantly" trend that developers seem to fellate themselves over. Fuck you Destiny for starting this awful trend.

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Oh and it would be a AAA game without shoving in stealth!


Not a big deal, and it doesn't even seem like you actually need to crouch to do stealth shit. I ran up to the bonfire and just back stabbed a bitch. As long as an enemy isn't facing you then it seems like you are "in stealth." Now, as long as they don't add some bullshit stealth section to Leon's portions then it is just something to ignore.

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4 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

I've been so over the "hold this button down to do something that used to happen instantly"

Yeah, I don't like it either. Make crafting actually worse. Also, apparently there is an auto-sort function which I didn't notice. I get it, but I don't like. I hate change!

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1 minute ago, Xbob42 said:

I wonder if the crouch is just for breaking line of sight over cover/avoiding ranged attacks

Just read you can duck grabs with crouch. Not sure if true.


Also, how do you feel about the animation delay? You can't popshot anymore. It almost feel like you have to "charge up" before you can shoot now. Not a fan of that. There are many time where I have shot, backed up, and then couldn't get my gun up fast enough to shoot again. Feels sluggish. Shooting in general feel pretty slow. I reminds of RDR2 in a way with how animation kinda got in the way of gameplay. I wasn't a fan of that in RDR2.


Game is still pretty fun, but I really dislike controller for it and the PC version looka like poop on my machine.

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Playing in 1080p while upping some of the other settings made the game looks better. Usually, it gets kinda blurry but this didn't for some reason. Still, for 1080p I can't get things as high as I'd like. What I'd really like to figure out is what is causing the the minor pop-in I am experiencing on textures. One that is easiest to notice is the pitchfork at the end of the demo.

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I don’t have a super great TV, just a run of the mill 4K screen, and it def looked a little more washed out than the PC version. I’m gonna check it out on my monitor + ps5 later tho and see if it’s better (my monitor is pretty good and has HDR). But it ran pretty nice in framerate mode, seemed like a rock solid 60 to me. 

I couldn’t get the HDR setting to flip over on PC… anyone have that issue?  

Anyway I want to try overclocking my CPU this weekend to see if that changes anything for me. I’ve never overclocked before. 

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1 hour ago, Zaku3 said:

I do like this Leon but still #notmyleon

He lacks the snark. While of course they had to keep that line in, it reminds me of like a highschool dweeb thinkin' he's cool and can pull off being Leon IRL but has the voice of a preppy kid.


Also, YT videos of the game look darker than both my PC and PS5 settings.

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36 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

I don’t have a super great TV, just a run of the mill 4K screen, and it def looked a little more washed out than the PC version. I’m gonna check it out on my monitor + ps5 later tho and see if it’s better (my monitor is pretty good and has HDR). But it ran pretty nice in framerate mode, seemed like a rock solid 60 to me. 

I couldn’t get the HDR setting to flip over on PC… anyone have that issue?  

Anyway I want to try overclocking my CPU this weekend to see if that changes anything for me. I’ve never overclocked before. 


You can only turn on hdr from the main menu not within the game. 

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On Xbox, make sure that you have Dolby Vision enabled.  I didn't realize that I had it turned off, and I had issues with HDR in games (particularly RE2).  For whatever reason it's superior on Xbox to HDR10 or whatever the other option is from my experience.  You can also calibrate HDR from within the Xbox settings.  On top of that, my TV has independent HDR settings and calibration as well.


Played through the demo last night and loved it.  Can't wait for the full game!

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