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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

If it is a cold day in the winter that didn't mean climate change isn't real. C'mon man. 

How do you think they measure climate change? By collecting lots of data points, which are anecdotes by themselves. 

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Just now, sblfilms said:

How do you think they measure climate change? By collecting lots of data points, which are anecdotes by themselves. 

And the studies of the data shows that climate change is occurring. What is not shown by any data studies I've seen, and none had been provided save for a media narrative, is that the Bernie Bros phenomenon, or online harassment in general, is somehow exclusively or disproportionately the domain of supporters of one candidate when you consider the relative size of overall support on Twitter 

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I find it difficult to assess what effect Bernie staying in will really have on a Trump / Biden general. In the past, I think you could plausibly say that opponents would watch a Bernie/Biden debate and pull talking points about policy, but it's kind of hard to imagine that happening here. No matter what, Trump will lie about Biden's positions and he'll lie about his own. He'll say that Biden will raise taxes, tank the economy, ban cows, cars, and guns, let immigrants kill your family, that Biden personally directed the Ukraine to meddle in our elections, and that Biden will personally fire every American from their jobs. Trump will say he'll cut middle class taxes, while primarily cutting them for the wealthy, that he'll preserve healthcare protections while attacking them both in court and legislatively, that he alone can strike new trade deals, while failing repeatedly to do so, that he cares so much about the planet, while gutting environmental protections, and that Mexico will pay for the fracking wall.


When Bernie's attacks on Biden will be focused on the viability of Medicare for All vs an extended ACA or a Green New Deal vs a more limited approach to climate change, it's hard to imagine those kinds of policy squabbles actually changing Trump's narratives when they're not based in reality.

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5 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

And the studies of the data shows that climate change is occurring. What is not shown by any data studies I've seen, and none had been provided save for a media narrative, is that the Bernie Bros phenomenon, or online harassment in general, is somehow exclusively or disproportionately the domain of supporters of one candidate when you consider the relative size of overall support on Twitter 

This is correct, which is why I explicitly said I don’t think the size of the Bros is meaningful, but their existence is real. You can observe it easily. The research you linked to only asks whether Sanders twitter followers use more negative word choices than other candidates followers. Negative words are only one aspect of harassing behavior.

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Some people complain about Bernie Bros and ironically are what they hate. Considering most proof is feelings and gut, I have to say that we have some very naughty people who attack Bernie supporters for no reason and are honestly more annoying. And that's about as good if not better proof since it came from me. I trust me very much

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

This is correct, which is why I explicitly said I don’t think the size of the Bros is meaningful, but their existence is real. You can observe it easily. The research you linked to only asks whether Sanders twitter followers use more negative word choices than other candidates followers. Negative words are only one aspect of harassing behavior.

Then back it up with data (plural)


Otherwise this is literally Jim Inhofe on the floor of the Senate with a snowball in hand trying to make data (plural) out of data (singular)

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34 minutes ago, Scott said:

Bernie staying in.


I like that he will force Joe to get on the record regarding progressive policy issues when the spotlight is on the two of them in the debate.


Still not a fan of him staying in, though.


Feel like it's time to coalesce and focus on Trump.

Every generation needs a Ralph Nader 

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I'd be interested in seeing a further data driven analysis of the whole Bernie Bro thing. I can say that it's something that I've personally see come up quite a lot, so it's hard for me to discount entirely. Maybe it is simply a function of there simply being a lot more Bernie folks on Twitter and Reddit, or maybe it's just where I go on the internet. I think it would be worth investigating where negativity gets directed, as I feel like Bernie supporters are more prone to attacking Democrats. Maybe it's that they're disproportionately active, so their comments tend to be at the top and therefore more visible.


I do question the ability of sentiment analysis to really capture online communication when it might be a matter of snake emojis, dismissive gifs, or bad memes, but I would still have suspected it would pick up some difference.


I'm open to the idea that the whole Bernie Bro thing is imaginary, but at the same time it's hard to discount my own experiences.

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6 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I think it’s an anti-Sanders surge. Old people of both political parties are hugely afraid of the word socialist, even in cases where they favor public ownership of some industries.

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10 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


So wait, the Youth DID turnout for Bernie? Is that what this Tweet is implying? By showing two of the more than a dozen states that have voted so far and ignoring the other states that showed a clear contraction in that demographic's participation? Also is he saying that the vote for Biden is a vote AGAINST all of these initiatives? I thought folks were saying that the issues that Bernie is espousing are supported by an overwhelming majority of Democratic voters... could it be that people who voted for Biden aren't rejecting Bernie's policy positions, they're rejecting HIM? Is that possible?

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

I think it’s an anti-Sanders surge. Old people of both political parties are hugely afraid of the word socialist, even in cases where they favor public ownership of some industries.


I agree it's an anti-Sanders surge, but have a different take. Bernie's policies are incredibly popular. You look at exit polling from almost every 2020 state, and the support for M4A, student loan forgiveness, affordable housing etc etc are over 60%.


Politics are incredibly superficial. People (by and large) just don't like *Bernie*

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Just now, osxmatt said:


I agree it's an anti-Sanders surge, but have a different take. Bernie's policies are incredibly popular. You look at exit polling from almost every 2020 state, and the support for M4A, student loan forgiveness, affordable housing etc etc are over 60%.


Politics are incredibly superficial. People (by and large) just don't like *Bernie*


OR... they like him just fine, they just don't think he can win in the general.

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2 minutes ago, osxmatt said:


I agree it's an anti-Sanders surge, but have a different take. Bernie's policies are incredibly popular. You look at exit polling from almost every 2020 state, and the support for M4A, student loan forgiveness, affordable housing etc etc are over 60%.


Politics are incredibly superficial. People (by and large) just don't like *Bernie*

A slight correction: none of the exit polls ask about Medicare For All, they ask generically about replacing all private health insurance with government health insurance. Medicare For All is a specific set of policy proposals, you’ll recall Sanders exclaiming a few times that “he wrote the damn bill”. We don’t actually know how popular his bill is when the specifics are given.


But indeed, no matter where people fall on policy, they seem scared of Sanders himself. And I do think that is the socialist label. That is why age is such a massive factor in whether people go Biden or Sanders.

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10 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


OR... they like him just fine, they just don't think he can win in the general.

He is very well liked on a personal level by democratic voters. Polls shows this. He's considered the most honest as well. That said, the #1 issue is beating Trump and right or wrong democratic primary voters fancy themselves pundits and so surmise that Biden is the best shot.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


My theory is that it's all about Trump.


Turnout is up because of Trump.


People are picking Biden because they think he has the best chance against Trump.


Policy matters to many people, but overwhelmingly it's less about M4A or liking Bernie and more about a perception of the general election.


Also, that is a horribly formatted and colored chart. Whoever put that together should be sent to some remedial excel course ASAP.

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31 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Wow someone should tell Harris that to win concessions and recognition for your constituency you have to stay in and continue to attack the presumptive nominee. What an idiot, just a grade A moron. 


Hahahahhahahah speaking of online harassment, the khive.


But yes, let's continue to handle sundowning presidential candidates with kids gloves should go well

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

And it amounts to fewer voters than Bernie got in Iowa but sure keep punching left the party can continue to ignore the left until the right coopts their policies


Dropping out and endorsing is what earns you concessions and respect. Your inability to grok this isn't me punching left, it's you punching yourself in the dick.

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9 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


Dropping out and endorsing is what earns you concessions and respect. Your inability to grok this isn't me punching left, it's you punching yourself in the dick.


What's funny is that I'm totally in favor of some clearly socialist policies, ones even further "left" than Sanders has ever proposed. A simple left/right analysis of individuals is just that: simple.

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The second he drops is the second the party jettisons anything on the left. It's quite clear they don't give two shits about Bernie voters or actual issues, but will breathlessly berate them into voting for the status quo.


But it is the fault of younger voters for not getting behind someone who clearly and openly shows them contempt, and doesn't address their material concerns at all. Biden is the front-runner and far more likely than not the nominee. It is on him to reach out to the 30% of the party and unify. You need them to win. And mashing the "get with us or get fucked" button is a great way to win support.

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8 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The second he drops is the second the party jettisons anything on the left. It's quite clear they don't give two shits about Bernie voters or actual issues, but will breathlessly berate them into voting for the status quo.



That course of events is not guaranteed and the outcome will be completely in Sanders' hands. He likes to take his ball and go home, expecting others to beg for his support. If Bernie gave a shit about his voters then he wouldn't continue to isolate himself from party politics but we all know most of his support is because he doesn't play ball, what's the use in expending an effort that Bernie won't?


And I really don't think you can ascribe the voting youth's viewpoints to all youths. Clearly if they all thought the same they'd vote but no. You can't just extrapolate like that... To say nothing of the fact that it's yet another scapegoat instead of asking what Bernie could have done differently to achieve a different result.

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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


OR... they like him just fine, they just don't think he can win in the general.

But isn't some of that attributed to the fact that right after IA and NV you couldn't turn on CNN or MSNBC without someone screaming that "fact" at you? 

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