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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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10 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Party unity would be Sanders immediately pulling out of the race and endorsing Biden and working as hard as he can to convince his supporters that this is not an election that they can sit out.


Why wasn't party unity telling Biden to drop out when his campaign looked dead in the water?

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Just now, Jason said:


Why wasn't party unity telling Biden to drop out when his campaign looked dead in the water?

Because the polling indicated that Biden had a reasonable shot at winning South Carolina. Biden had over a 10% chance of taking the nomination based on all the data then. Sanders had less than a 1% chance before tonight of taking it, and now he has no chance.

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:


I would buy "he doesn't even belong to the party" a lot more if they hadn't just bent over backward to let in the former Republican who was still bankrolling Republican reelection campaigns as recently as 2018.

It’s a statement of fact. He isn’t a member of the party and does nothing to benefit the party. Why would they bother bowing to him again when his support has shrunk since last time?


3 minutes ago, Jason said:


Why wasn't party unity telling Biden to drop out when his campaign looked dead in the water?

Because one was perception and the other is reality.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

When I was on line to vote last week in Cali, what struck me was how many older people waited in that long assed line. Also all of the volunteers were seniors. I found that interesting.  And in Texas, those folks stayed on line to vot for 5 hours... that's how much it means to some folks.


Retired people have time to stand in for 5 hours. People working multiple jobs don't.

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6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So the progressives should use their influence to push him to the left... the have leverage if they demonstrate that they actually care about the issues by you know, voting. 

I suppose that's fair. But the ones who did show up still constitute ~30% of the party. And let's again not pretend that issues alone are the sole decider of votes. Issues be damned, if you think this person, and a person is not their policies, can win people will generally vote for that person.


That said, we need to make it easier for everyone to vote. Hours long lines to vote is completely unacceptable, and this has happened more than once 

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14 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Working people in black neighborhoods in Texas that had a ton of polling places closed and had to stand online figured it out.


Okay, I like that the solution here is to blame the people getting screwed by their voting officials for being lazy.

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2 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Which is exactly the strategy being employed by some of the new neo-fascist groups in Europe.

The NZ shooter too.


People keep saying "10 more years, 10 more years" without thinking critically what will happen in 10 years. Once the right finds their Bismark, they're gonna be unstoppable and it will be even worse for nontraditional women, poc, and the TQ communities

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2 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


A public option with a requirement to have health insurance would result in universal healthcare.  It just wouldn't be single payer.  


You get that outcome by having it be the compromise from pushing for single payer. Not by preemptively surrendering by offering what you think is "realistic".

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2 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


A public option with a requirement to have health insurance would result in universal healthcare.  It just wouldn't be single payer.  

Anyone who thinks this is a great idea should really look what happens to your insurance premiums and or deductible next year after an unexpected high mortality, high medical care issue comes up like, say, a global pandemic

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Just now, GeneticBlueprint said:


Correct. Which is why we need politicians like Sanders that won't bow to them.


So after either Sanders dies in office from a massive heart attack, or is voted out in 2024, we'll have the exact same healthcare system we have now?  Or perhaps even worse because there is no room for compromise. 

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Just now, Jose said:


And you have brain worms if you think Biden will give us a public option. 


We get what ever Congress puts on the President's desk.  Biden at least has the advantage of having connections in Congress.  Sanders is that emo kid in the corner that isn't in anybody's click. 

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3 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


You have brain worms if you think the insurance companies would allow single payer.


3 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:

Already seeing ads saying the public option is the same thing as Medicare for All. 

Added an edit that is the same as jwheel: it's a distinction without a difference to these people, so why compromise and accept a shitty substitute?

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