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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I think most employees know their company kinda sucks and are amused at people knocking them :lol:


What's interesting, and I admit that someone else on the tweet's replies stuck out:


She's not one of those hardcore Bernie fans. She thinks many of the candidates are "wonderful," and that includes Senator and long(no)-shot Michael Bennett. And she's one of those Democrats who mostly watch MSNBC because it's to the left, whereas many progressives don't trust MSNBC and support "independent" media.


And somehow they pushed her into Sanders. *prays others did the same*

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5 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


What's interesting, and I admit that someone else on the tweet's replies stuck out:


She's not one of those hardcore Bernie fans. She thinks many of the candidates are "wonderful," and that includes Senator and long(no)-shot Michael Bennett. And she's one of those Democrats who mostly watch MSNBC because it's to the left, whereas many progressives don't trust MSNBC and support "independent" media.


And somehow they pushed her into Sanders. *prays others did the same*


It's really interesting, because while Bernie is the frontrunner, all the mainstream media attacks against him also create the perception of the underdog, and people are prone to bandwagoning and wanting to vote for the perceived frontrunner but then people also like cheering for the underdog. The mainstream media is making the same mistake with Bernie in 2020 that they did with Trump in 2016 - unparalleled media attention (which is great, in Bernie's case). 

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Warren, in New Memo, Outlines Her Path and Rivals’ Flaws



Seeking a revival, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign manager sent a letter to supporters expressing optimism about her path forward while taking a skeptical view of her leading opponents.



 In a lengthy Election Day memo outlining their path forward in the fractured Democratic primary, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign manager drew the sharpest contrasts to date with her leading rivals, arguing that Bernie Sanders has a political “ceiling,” Joseph R. Biden Jr. is at risk of having his support collapse and that Pete Buttigieg will struggle as the primary moves on to more diverse states.



Of Mr. Buttigieg, the memo says, “Despite being in the race for a year and effectively tied for second in Iowa, Pete Buttigieg fails to break the 15 percent threshold in any of the Super Tuesday states and is in danger of getting locked out of critical statewide delegates entirely.”


The memo goes on to foresee struggles for Mr. Buttigieg in more diverse states: “He still hasn’t answered tough questions about his record in South Bend.”



“Biden entered this race as the clear front-runner, reaching over 40 percent in national polling last spring. He’s now polling under 30 percent even among older voters and African-American voters, who have been his strongest supporters, and his support among younger voters has fallen to just 6 percent,” the memo said.


Following a well-reviewed Friday debate performance, Ms. Klobuchar has climbed in some New Hampshire tracking polls and drawn her largest crowds of the race. The Warren memo says she is “getting a well-deserved look” for the first time, but adds, “She hasn’t yet faced the tough questions and scrutiny that accompany rising momentum.”



“Bloomberg will soon be forced to actually debate his record, rather than hiding behind millions in TV ads,” the memo said.



“Senator Sanders starts with a ceiling that’s significantly lower than the support he had four years ago,” the memo said. “In Iowa, Sanders got no more than half the number of people who caucused for him last time, despite spending $11.2 million in the state on TV ads — a third more than he spent in 2016.”


Mr. Lau predicted more attention on Mr. Sanders going forward, too: “He hasn’t yet faced the scrutiny of his record that will surely come with any further rise.”


She actually makes good points, though I'd say for Sanders, it shouldn't be a surprise that he received fewer votes in a significantly more crowded field over the two last time (nobody cared about O'Malley). But I'm sure the attention in the next debate will be higher, especially if he wins NH.

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Sooooo, I think there is a real chance Warren is out after tonight. Biden will stick around for Super Tuesday but will scale back his campaign everywhere as establishment money moves to Klobuchar and Buttigieg. So the big question will be where the remaining Warren and Biden supporters start to go.

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15 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Sooooo, I think there is a real chance Warren is out after tonight. Biden will stick around for Super Tuesday but will scale back his campaign everywhere as establishment money moves to Klobuchar and Buttigieg. So the big question will be where the remaining Warren and Biden supporters start to go.


I got my vote by mail ballot today. I'm waiting to fill it out to see how viable Liz is. But it's not looking good for her right now.

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