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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. The UK has the best slang going - so it’s hard to want to absorb somewhere else. Maybe the ethos of the Australian ‘no worries mate.’
  2. Netflix, Prime, Spotify so...£30 or so. I’m tempted by BT Sport fit live rugby but is £25 a month...
  3. More Control and more Undertale. Only four working days until the Easter Holidays so I’m going to try and finish both before that starts so I can move on to something new. I’m tempted to trade in a few Switch games for Luigi's Mansion 3.
  4. RE2 RE2 remake RE4 REmake Resident Evil 7 I’ve completed them all bar REmake which I’ve managed to get about half way through before, but it’s still better than RE5.
  5. I’m vegetarian but would be tempted by insect flour as a better alternative to farming wheat.
  6. I’ve also just downloaded all the non-PSVR games with the Play at Hime thing, so if you have a PS4/5 - give them a go.
  7. I’d be looking at a 5-6 hour indie release to mix it up. I love a AAA , but with the Switch it’s great to have smaller, more focused experienced as well.
  8. Enjoyed a run this morning and then followed it with a 15 minute YouTube stretching routine which seems to have worked (my legs don’t feel dead). But then capped that off by going for a family walk - with a little 16.5lb bundle of fun in a baby backpack walking up a hill for a mile.
  9. I will always love Lord of War regardless of what anyone says about it.
  10. I mean - it’s sad and all, but I can’t really see myself actively wanting to buy anything from those eras where it wouldn’t be a physical copy.
  11. I won’t buy this unless it is an actual new console - not an improved iteration. However, after seeing the mention of Metroid Prime, how have we still not had a Prime collection (offering regular or motion for the first two games) - along with ports of Zero Mission and Samus Returns. I still want to finish MP, but it’s not great via the GC and I’m not overly keen on buying a Wii game in my Wii U to play with the wiimote and nunchuck.
  12. I say automated, for all I know our payroll team are doing everything manually... In the UK, depending on your total income, you receive a proportion of your income that is ‘tax free’. The idea behind this is each month - an expected yearly income average is made and the equivalent tax is taken per month. The great part about this is unless you’ve been at one job consistently for more than a full year, you will be taxed but will most likely not hit the threshold. I've been at my current job since September and worked part time as a student before that - usually not enough per week to hit the taxable income threshold -but have been paying tax each month even though I’ve now just crept into the taxable threshold. As the tax year runs from April to April I’m hoping on a sweet, sweet rebate. It’s happened a few times and it’s like a second Christmas. if it happens, I genuinely can’t wait to pay off some of my credit card and maybe buy some new kitchen cupboards. i just felt like sharing and wondering if you ever receive that joy?
  13. Anyone remember Lee? This feels like a Lee thread.
  14. Picked up a few objects of power in Control and now will try and see off another chapter. I’ve also picked up Golf Story again and more Undertale - where I keep dying to a spider boss as I’m awful at the game and have no healing items.
  15. Main book is War of the Wolf which I’ve just started. I’ve been listening to a charity reading of Lord of the Rings but it’s been a few weeks since an update - so I’ve started reading that to my daughter (as I left The Hobbit at work accidentally). Also on the last 1/4 of the Graveyard Book which is great and also left at work. I could also mention with my class at school we’re reading The Witches, which they’re absolutely loving. Sting of the Dump after that.
  16. Dad and his parents are English. My mum and Nan is Manx, but my mums dad was originally from Ireland. Based on that and history, I should hate myself in a number of ways.
  17. Dear me I could go for having a 3DS again just to play the Zelda games and Samus Returns. But that would be silly...
  18. Finished Orchestra of Minorities and really enjoyed it. An interesting story with plenty of bitter elements added as well. I’m now going to start The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman.
  19. I can remember a lot of instances at school of 13/14 year olds going out with, and sleeping with people 2-3 years older. One of those things that at the time I found odd, but now find deeply strange that it was so common.
  20. Played more Control this morning and will fire it up again this evening. I love everything bar the way the game is structured - but that’s not enough to spoil it. Update: finished Threshold - which was fun.
  21. Can anyone actually name a console shooter pre-360/PS3 era that doesn’t feel clunky to play? I’d love to say Timesplitters 2, but my heart tells me it wouldn’t be as silky smooth as amazing as I remember.
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