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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. It’s amazing that one little message board produced all of that.
  2. She’s been playing it pretty much non-stop since I bought it, but I’m sure there will be a big drop off at some point.
  3. I tried out Diablo 2 about 10 years ago and enjoyed it, though as I wasn’t part of that initial rush - I didn’t love it. I’d give it a go on the Switch but the fact they’ve said it will remain largely unchanged doesn’t exactly excite me - it’s a 21 year old game...
  4. More South Park to try and finish it up, though it’s looking like that’ll be more of a next weekend thing. I’m still enjoying the game and it’s almost more enjoyable now I’m powerful enough to annihilate most enemies pretty quickly.
  5. Based on what it’s like not really liking fold - I wish I could tap into that. I love food, I love cooking, I love eating it, I don’t eat a ridiculous amount but I find that if I don’t have something substantial at least for breakfast and lunch (usually porridge and then brown rice with vegetables and a protein) I won’t be able to function at work half as well as I do. I balance it out with three or so 4-5 mile runs a week and now the weather is improving, circuit training. A nutragrain bar and a water is what I’d have at break time.
  6. Talking of things that still need to come to Switch, where the N64, GB and GC games at for Nintendo online?
  7. I’m starting to enjoy the fact that profile and money are no longer the barrier between people being called out for the person that they are. I’ve worked with people that permeate a toxic culture and it’s very draining, so the less of that - the better.
  8. I prefer to be overly active rather than diet restrictive. Thus the cycle of get fatter at winter and then get thin from about March continues. I’ve been putting more thought into my diet now though regarding portion size and I’m hoping if the UK gets Covid under control I can go to the gym pre-work, shower and then drive off next year.
  9. I mean, the trailer was awful and the film looks rubbish...but I’ll definitely be watching it the second it appears on Netflix.
  10. There was some things to be interested in - but it was definitely a series of ‘if you’ve finished all the good games that we have, these are your next choices.’ It is a reminder that I should probably get Ultimate soon.
  11. I tried playing through it about 4 years ago - it just never became interesting over the half of the game that I played. A similar complaint that I had with Twilight Princess, though that was much better.
  12. Smashing through Fractured But Whole - it’s still enjoyable but I can already say this will be a 7/10 game. I’ll be picking up PS+ though for the game this month and then Final Fantasy 7, Spider-Man and then I’ll move back on to Switch games again.
  13. I can’t say I’m familiar with any of them. This is a reminder though that I need to actually make use of my Nintendo online - mainly by playing through some of the more notable SNES games.
  14. It’s not really a regret - but Baten Kaitos was a game I regret not picking up way back in the day. I think there were only a handful of games on the GameCube that would later go on to be cult classic that’s I didn’t pick up (Baten Kaitos, Metal Gear Solid, Fire Emblem and the various Mario spin-offs to name the rest). With the love of deck building games - it does feel right to have a remaster or a new entry.
  15. Based on my jog now - choose when to need the bathroom rather than being told by my body.
  16. I really enjoyed Revelations and could definitely go for another Resident Evil, on location game, where the story doesn’t matter and they can just whip out some good set pieces and throw in some random online components.
  17. That’s sort of what I’m expecting and if that’s the only Zelda news it will make me a bit sad.
  18. I’m just hoping for some Zelda news - anniversary, BOTW2 and maybe a remaster.
  19. My heart tells me that the only way this could be OK would be as an RTS game with some horrific story development. Any kind of first or third person combat would completely devalue the content.
  20. Ended up playing Little Hope this evening. So far it’s a massive upgrade on Man of Medan.
  21. Hello, as it says in the title. I’m looking for a good fantasy series (preferably where the series is either complete or were close to a next book). Any sub-genre is fine but I did love the Kingkiller Chronicles and the Farseer trilogy along with your usual Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. Thanks!
  22. It probably still doesn’t, but she’s into the genre for the building/growing a town aspect - less so the story or character content.
  23. I bought my wife My Time at Portia (Switch) as she’s a fan of sim games, making your own character, crafting, building a town - and she’s sunk at least 100 hours into Stardew Valley and doesn’t like Animal Crossing - so this felt like a natural fit. The trade off is I probably won’t get to play the Switch half as much so I’ve gone back to South Park; The Fractured But Whole - which I’m enjoying but, and I can’t believe this, it’s a little bit immature. The first game felt like parody - this just feels a like it’s pushing some weird non-boundary. It’s fun though and just like playing a long episode. looking forward though to picking up some big PS4 games from 2020 after pay day.
  24. I want to play it, but at the moment a 40 hour game would take me maybe 12 weeks to finish...
  25. gamer.tv


    My employer sorts mine out - so I have literally no idea how any of it works.
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