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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. A great game that I’m sure nearly killed my OG PS4.
  2. It looks interesting, but realistically if it’s nails like the rest I just don’t have the time to invest (much less, in a huge, open works).
  3. It lasts roughly 2 hours in the UK, with a few shops selling decorations and sweets. Plus, if you want to serve real alcoholics, you know where to come…
  4. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. 7/10 I enjoyed it but it never felt scary or worrying. It helps though that the cast were decent and made what would have been a 5/10, better.
  5. For the few years where I didn’t have a PS1, MGS was the only game I felt envious of.
  6. House of Ashes. Tomorrow, the GameCube is making the long trip downstairs and I’ll get back to Eternal Darkness.
  7. 3 3/4 miles on a road I know felt glorious. Even though 1/5 of it is up an irritating incline. Enough in the tank to do the last mile 3/4 pace, walking across roads as my rest period.
  8. House of Ashes done so it’s back to Luigi’s Mansion 3, which only has a few hours left in it. Still a great game and a demonstration of why Nintendo has been successful with a handheld, home console over other console makers. Namely, the understanding of how to chunk a game up so it suits playing for 10 minutes, or for a longer session.
  9. This comes off then back of finishing House of Ashes, but Salim is an awesome character in pretty much every way. I’d be hard pushed to think of a character I’ve liked more in a game. Although soft spots are there for Leon Kennedy and Marcus Fenix.
  10. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. B Links Awakening (Switch). A Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope. B South Park: The Fractured But Whole. B- Control B+ Undertale B+ Golf Story B Resident Evil: Village A Final Fantasy 7: Remake B Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes B+
  11. Company politics aside, I love my iPhone SE 2020. It’s been my favourite phone I’ve owned…but I’ve never opted for anything expensive.
  12. More House of Ashes, one of better horror games/viewing experiences I’ve had in a while. It helps that it riffs on some of my personal, favourite horror films.
  13. This weeks bombcast out a good argument forward for this. Nintendo, being a very particular company, with a focus on creating interesting/progressive games in their various series, literally don’t give a shit about their back catalogue as it’s retreading old ground and doesn’t buy into the company ethos.
  14. I feel like a lot of games offer that, looking at you FromSoftware.
  15. Now, I know I don’t want this. I spent a lot of Persona 5 waiting for the exit social bit to start…but I also really like the capturing demons part, the apparent lack of teenage anime guff and…it’s in the Switch so I won’t feel like I’m sitting down for 20 years, doing nothing else.
  16. Like Chris said, usually I’ll have a drink (coffee, water, sometimes wine). I don’t really eat when I’m watching TV or playing games, though I did have some Sriracha Mix and a tangerine yesterday evening.
  17. Playing House of Ashes, it definitely feels better than Little Hope and Man of Medan and has overall felt like a better experience than both. I hope it keeps building and it ends with the same kind of crescendo that Until Dawn did. Still planning on a retro binge, but that will be after this is done and dusted and I can possibly get my wife into something on the Switch.
  18. No idea who that is, but I’m glad there’s a bit of diversity outside of regional accents.
  19. It’ll do but here’s hoping the PS4 gets a good December line up (surely Spider-Man must be in the cards at some point).
  20. Nothing wrong with the name Benedict Much like Octopath Traveler, I doubt I’ll buy this, but at the same time, I’m glad it’s a thing.
  21. I’ve had a look at the latter and really have no time to do anything like a class, at least not until the summer holidays.
  22. Like most people, I like laughing and feel like I have the capacity to make other people laugh. I just wanted to know, anyone give it a go? How hard is it to actually write something funny? Is it fun to perform or does the fun come from the fear of performing and the success afterwards? There are more questions, but I’ll wait until I’ve found someone to actually ask.
  23. Your game choices are very interesting. Not in a derogatory sense, they just tend to be a bit different.
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