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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. That living museum idea is good, I’ll pass it on to some colleagues as they cover Ancient Egypt with 10-11 year olds.
  2. Dipping buttered toast into a cup of tea (2 sugars, the only time I take sugar). It’s inherited from my grandfather but tastes lush.
  3. I loved English growing up and really enjoyed writing. Art, sport and science were also favourites.
  4. I mean, I liked Chrono Trigger, the FF7 remake was good…this has chances?
  5. When I renew my gym membership for the summer, I love using the treadmill to very specifically focus on increasing my pace and doing some interval work so I get to an anaerobic state, then I can just pop off and recover. Road and trail running are a different beast where it’s about setting a realistic pace and battling every single, tiny, horrible incline and bit of uneven road. There are few better things though than running through a forest or in the countryside, cold but nice day, listening to music, nothing to do except look about and to keep on going.
  6. I loved Kid Icarus: Uprising, but it so should have been a Wii game.
  7. The content does seem great - but I literally don’t have the time for more than I currently use (Netflix, Prime, 4od, iPlayer) - any more and I won’t be able to leave my sofa!
  8. I’m a naturally warm, sweaty person, so I tend to shower twice a day and wear decent deodorant. That said, come the summer when I shave to teach in a shirt and trousers…I stink. Thankfully a lot of 8 and 9 year olds smell so i can pretend it’s them.
  9. Speaking for where I live, roads are better maintained on the whole. That said, I only run in the road when necessary.
  10. Started Skyward Sword HD, it feels good to play a traditional Zelda.
  11. Another reason to move to England. If the option is there, we walk it.
  12. Really interesting to see how much they all came to. I sometimes think about my GameCube collection and how, at the time, I sold it with the console for £200 or so. I think I could have made that selling maybe three of the games I had, now.
  13. I think we’re looking at choices for design to ensure they is no bullshit, performs perfectly on its platform, looks and sounds brilliant, controls perfectly…the list goes on.
  14. Being as objective as possible, I can’t think of a single thing that Mario Odyssey did wrong. Looked great, controlled well, each moon was fun to find… Titanfall 2 must surely be up there as a perfect game as well.
  15. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. B Links Awakening (Switch). A Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope. B South Park: The Fractured But Whole. B- Control B+ Undertale B+ Golf Story B Resident Evil: Village A Final Fantasy 7: Remake B Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes B+ Luigi’s Mansion 3 B
  16. …Will you say: a) ‘a guy on a message board I post on grew up there!’ OR b) ‘I know a guy from the Isle of Man!’
  17. More Luigi’s Mansion 3, up to Floor 14. I also ended up trading in a few games and picking up Skyward Sword HD and The Outer Worlds. Mostly for my wife once she gets bored of Harvest Moon: It’s a Wonderful Life. I still harbour vague thoughts of playing Metroid Prime and Eternal Darkness at some point this year.
  18. Some amazing games their, not just as launch titles but across the lifespan of the console.
  19. As primarily an N64 and GameCube owner growing up…never really came up.
  20. Would you describe this as a typical Sunday, or a rare occurrence? If it’s the latter, what would your typical Sunday be? I ended up going on a long, family walk after getting up at stupid o’clock this morning (about 4:30qm) to get my daughter breakfast, have a play and watch some cartoons before my wife took over. All this has led to me not doing the main plans I had for my sister day (out things in attic, get work prepped/finished for tomorrow or playing Yakuza Zero). I’ll also throw on, do you want kids? If so, any preference on gender? #out Update: Also, did you see that Ireland beat New Zealand at rugby yesterday?
  21. Now, this thread hasn’t explained why, but so we need to assume the food the burned your mouth was either a pizza or something from the microwave?
  22. Do it myself? Why do you think I got married?!
  23. More Yakuza. Really enjoying it, my only complaint is the amount of times, when I’m walking, I’ll get caught on objects, which stops the flow of movement. I wish they’d implemented a GTA-sequel ‘brush past’ thing, just so waking down an alley way didn’t feel like a chore. The story though is wonderful so far.
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