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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. This is entirely off the back of how well Metroid Prime Remastered is reviewing and a thought about what are some other great examples of remasters and remakes. Off the top of my head, the following have improved on a lot from their original games, to the point where (for me), they are the best way to play. Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green Pokémon Soul Silver/Heart Gold Metroid: Zero Mission Resident Evil 2 REmake Final Fantasy 7 Remake Tony Hawks 1&2 Super Mario All-Stars Links Awakening Of those, my favourite would be Zero Mission, which I loved after only playing small parts of other Metroid games. FF7R is the most impressive for how ‘ground up’ it was, but Links Awakening takes second place for me, RE2 in third.
  2. Witcher 3, it was just to pass some time, but I might see if I can beat the main story (I never have). Large scale games work so much better for me as handheld experiences - I’m more than happy to trade fidelity for the ability to play in 20 minute bursts.
  3. So, if I do end up getting this on the 22nd as planned (and finish it), I hope we get a shadow drop of MP2 in the not to distant future. I don’t fancy paying £25 to play it on my GameCube.
  4. They really are - Mythos as interesting as put me on a path to read Circe and The Odyssey shortly afterwards.
  5. Witchfinders was very interesting- but very dry. I read Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine over a few days and enjoyed it. I’ve decided to start To Kill a Mockingbird since I haven’t read it since I was 14, doing my GCSEs. Then, I’ll read Heroes by Stephen Fry as I bought it from a charity shop for the princely sum of £2.
  6. I don’t wait it out, but if I’m out running or in the garden, I’ll take the views in.
  7. I’ve downloaded Dragonball FighterZ, so I’ll give that a whirl. I also have Inside to finish and, after abandoning ship on Pokémon Violet, I’ve re-downloaded The Witcher 3 on the Switch. I’m really just wasting time until the physical release of Metroid Prime.
  8. I always play with subtitles and will do the same, unless it’s a key scene - the I enjoy it. Meaningless chat (the support chats in Fire Emblem: Three Houses) get skipped immediately.
  9. Reading the thread and thinking about this game, I regret trading it in after a play through. I could definitely go for another run through. Here’s hoping we get it in PS+ at some point.
  10. I’m in a similar situation (hereditarily), but I lack the millions to simplify, so I’ll just crack on and be happy in my own way.
  11. As a 13 year old, the variety of players choice titles allowed me to play so many great game, that I’d have ignored at a full price. It should definitely be a thing, even if it’s online only.
  12. This would be when I’m 50 and I’m somehow allowed (maybe a second home?) - or I’m, for whatever reason, left alone, this would be my choice.
  13. I'm a subdued environmentalist at heart and the idea of a small, sustainable home really appeals to me. The idea that it would encourage more of an outdoor lifestyle (or a snug, comfy one), that doesn’t impact on the world is a draw as well - plus it would be cheap (better yet, the type of home that generates income by selling back to the grid).
  14. My wife knows that my dream is to have a sustainable, micro home one day. Enough room to sleep, sit, cook and shower. Probably not at my place of work though…
  15. 😭 not tears it seems. This will be great, I just need to know the gameplay loop. We dungeons and temples, or (let’s be honest) shit machines and fun puzzles again.
  16. gamer.tv

    food kicks

    It’s not really a kick, but I’d say if the last 30 lunches I’ve had during my working week, at least 20 of them have been pasta, frozen veg, and a bit of mayo.
  17. For that sole reason, the N64 version was my favourite to play. Anecdotally, one of my favourite memories growing up was buying RE2 (for the N64) when I was 9 or 10, going to my friends for his birthday party, and we played through both campaigns over a Friday/Saturday morning. Then, the rest of our friends came over for his actual birthday and we did it all again.
  18. Right now it’s freezing so it’s my longy long rugby trousers! They’re a lovely age group to teach and you just have to embrace all of it. I do internally die inside when, after checking we have all our equipment, someone waltzes over to tell me they don’t have a pen/pencil about 5 minutes after we’ve started the independent task.
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