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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Yes, it’s the best RE game by a mile and I like a fair few of them.
  2. We’ll move before we get close to paying off our mortgage, so maybe it’ll be my life when I’m about…70?
  3. Most of my life is stressful so just assume if you’re breathing, there’s a vague amount of stress in my life.
  4. You’ll be glad to know it went fine. Headteacher has said that I implement all the training I’ve received in my teaching and my explanations and modelling were good. If you care, I now need to make sure I’m meeting the demands of the kids I anticipate ‘nearly getting it right’ by giving them more practise and focused 1:1 time so they are secured on the lesson objective. I also didn’t have to revert to hitting or swearing which was good.
  5. Running tonight after work, really need to do some circuit training but it’s freezing at the start and end of the day and I can’t do it at home.
  6. I mean, I don’t have a PC but this has the same feeling of the rotation I do through all the streaming platforms I pay for until I decide to just carry on binging the same series I have been for the past week…
  7. My head teacher (aka boss) and English lead (the one responsible for all the teaching of English in school) are coming round to see us teach. Nothing like the pressure of people scrutinising you do your job in detail. All on prep for a few weeks time when our trust (my school is in a partnership with 15 other schools) leaders will come to our school to do the same thing, but with all the subjects!
  8. Wife finished Kingdom Come: Deliverance and loved it. Now in the count down to Hogwarts Legacy. More Pokémon for me, just catching and training Pokémon solely based on how cool they look. I’ll probably finish the first Gym later if I get my work finished in time.
  9. I’m about an hour into Pokemon Violet. I’m enjoying the game and it feels good to play, but surely at some point someone should have had a word about maybe targeting a specific art style because it looks like a mobile game. A clear, distinct art style (I’m not saying cel-shading would be the correct approach, but…), it could have disguised a lot of the GC era texture work. Battling is fun and I like the fact that everyone gains experience after a battle (I’ve not played a Pokemon game since Soul Silver and not completed one since Red, so all the systems feee new).
  10. So, the demonstration was well attended and generated positive buzz. Here’s hoping the government assesses the situation, realises more people are aware they can join a teaching union temporarily, and agree to fund schools for any pay rises, then anything regarding my pay is a bonus.
  11. I mean, it really just needs leaving alone for a while then reboot in the future. I feel like between Infinite and the MCC most fans are well taken care of.
  12. Yes, to miracle diets that people follow and expect to be a life changer. I say that, there are times when a short term diet is the right choice (then a change in lifestyle).
  13. Looking to convince the government to pay teachers a wage that matches inflation, which is funded by the government and not by our schools. Alongside this, it will have the knock of increasing funding for schools, aim to address a recruitment crisis, and hopefully set a precedent for the rest of the country. I’ll be off to a demonstration for an hour which I feel will be an interesting experience. Similarly, it’s been interesting watching the government critique of our strike, when they’ve glossed over the fact the government branch that governs education (the department for education) is also on strike, alongside the government both that inspects and assesses schools.
  14. Great episode though I’d be interested to see how the person that created that Twitter thread above would prefer the ending. They carry on as they were? They eventually die of starvation, dehydration, or disease? They get eaten? They turn into monsters? Is there a better cliche to go with than someone killing a persons they love to spare them from everything bad that inhabits that (fictionalised ) world?
  15. Played a half of rugby at the weekend, felt fine from a fitness pov. Went for a recovery run tonight (2.5km of hills) and felt great. Need to try and do circuits tomorrow…
  16. Finally beat Fire Emblem Three Houses and thoroughly enjoyed it. I played the Blue Lions storyline and it too about 37 hours on casual. Times gone by, I’d keep this to replay again in the future, but that ain’t happening, so trade in, where we come! 9.5/10. Next will either be Final Fantasy 6 as I’d love to actually beat it, or something on the Switch.
  17. I’ve not been to beat kebab as it isn’t in the best location to get food after a night out, for where I’d usually head back too. I’ve walked past it a fair number of times though.
  18. We cooked a dinner for a colleague of my wife and her partner on Friday. I’d imagine I’ll see them again at some point.
  19. I have massive nostalgia for the game but I find most of the mission based gameplay is fun - escort/protection missions withstanding. It does remind me I’m also one mission off finishing Perfect Dark on the N64.
  20. Using my commute to work in the morning then Fire Emblem on the way home. Hopefully I’ll wrap it up by this weekend so I can try out something new!
  21. Kind of want to train for some kind of event (either marathon, triathlon, big hike) but I feel like I need to get checked over to make sure I’m fit for actually train. As it stands, these things are wrong with me: Lump on side of knee that is most likely from some kind of impact, but want it checking. What feels like a hole in my shin, probably from a rugby boot, but again, is it OK. A cut on my heel, which refuses to heal (it doesn’t help with all the walking, running, and its location on the bottom left), but it would be nice to check. So essentially I want to know if I’m healthy but don’t have some kind of random cancer or diabetes? That’s where my extremes head off to. However, as none of them, bar my heel, actual impact on me in any way, I feel almost guilty using up a doctor/nurses time.
  22. Can we hurry up and turn this into a ‘Which is better: Three Houses or Engage?’ I won’t be buying this just yet as I’m now 3 chapters from the end of Three Houses and will need a break from the series.
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