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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Downloaded the new Death Cab for Cutie album, so far it's very 'expected', but hopefully something a bit more interesting will pop up. (by expected, I mean it's as though they sat down to just write an album, rather than feeling like they had ideas that needed to be recorded and made public...at least, so far)
  2. Re-watched Doctor Strange when tidying up this morning and whilst it's not mind blowing, I would put it as one of the more underrated MCU entries.
  3. Felt a little ping in my groin on Monday, though nothing of it, still there today. Sounds like it's time for 2 days of ibuprofen and hope it gets better quickly.
  4. Sufficiently long enough for me to ignore the re-release of the first two games and then buy it when I'm drunk/hungover.
  5. Like most, Red Dead Redemption 2 at a push. Gone are the days when I’ll need to buy a game at launch.
  6. What do you think of Arkham Knight? I found myself being surprised (back in the day) by how much I enjoyed Arkham Asylum, namely as I thought it was a 100% stealth game. Then like most thought Arkham City was incredible, then I was one of about 1000 people that played Arkham Origins on Wii U and also really liked it. I say all of this as I've heard some less than favourable comments regarding AK and it's always nice to know. EDIT: Sidebar to the above, I was clicking through suggested games on Amazon (when looking at nothing) and it brought me to some Wii games. I could buy Resident Evil, 4, Goldeneye, House of the Dead 2&3 and Dead Space Extraction for about £8....
  7. A bit of Witcher 3, though only half an hour or so. I’ve booked in for my driving theory test (only remembered on Thursday) so today has mostly been studying for that. Come Tuesday, I’ll smash out a few hours in the morning before work.
  8. That's a tricky one as the games that I grew up with (Master System/NES and SNES/Genesis) have aged, on the whole very well. Even returning back to early 3D games from the N64, as I've played them fairly consistently since release, they've not been a disappointment. The closest though would be Double Dragon the Gameboy. I had and loved it when I first played it (at about 5 years old), but playing it recently it's not just a basic beat 'em up, but not even a great port of one. Even then, the waves of nostalgia still help gloss over those facts.
  9. I re-watched the Last Jedi tonight after not seeing it since it's initial release. On a second viewing, it came across as a much better movie. The elements of humour that stuck out initially, played well with the tone of the characters involved and the action scenes, the over-arching plot and the conclusion were all fantastic. It did still have some decidedly stupid elements that required some suspension of disbelief, but when we're in the Star Wars that's fairly easy to do. It's made me both excited to see the conclusion to the trilogy and also look forward to when the Solo movie appears either on Amazon, Netflix or Sky.
  10. The good new for miners is people will always want to buy firearms illegally over the internet, so they'll never fully die off
  11. Had a nice, cheap Merlot last night (speaking of wine) from Australia. Not the smoothest, but can't knock plum and coffee flavours in a red. Bought a single bottle of some random IPA since it's Saturday and everyone likes a treat.
  12. Not that I'm demanding, but I'd love to hear some feedback (it's a game I've been looking at). I've played a bit of Witcher 3, though I think if I'm playing anything this evening, it'll be either retro in nature or something online. Though I was bored and checked out the PS store (PS3) and there's a fair few games that are dirt cheap, so I may pick up something like FF9, 10 or some random PS3 game.
  13. Out with the dog on Dartmoor
  14. The only aspect I don’t like is some of the audio work. Namely some stock sound effects which just don’t fit overly.
  15. More of a PSA, but if it comes to America, everyone should watch the Great British Menu. The best 3 chef's from each region of the UK are in competition (being judged by a world famous British chef in each reason) to cook a dish at a banquet (this year, in honour of the NHS). It's essentially the best chefs around, in direct competition with each other, trying to be extra fancy and clever with their food. As a fan of a cooking programme, it's just the tippy top.
  16. Metacritic tells me that it's not been reviewed favourably and compares it with the slow opening to Futurama/The Simpsons. I enjoyed the opening of both so I'll add on an imaginary 30 points in my head for enjoyment and quality.
  17. I bought Diablo 2 on a whim when I was at uni and really enjoyed it, though never became obsessed with it. A bit of me is tempted to pick up the PS4 version just to see what it’s like. Shame there isn’t a trial version.
  18. Small jog for me too and weather was cool so it was nice. Will hopefully wake up early tomorrow and smash out a pre work workout. Aiming to do a 10K hill walk on Saturday and maybe a little job prior.
  19. I'm still OK with the control scheme, though I could imagine it feeling weird not on a GC controller. Though I have an urge to play some Resident Evil before the remake of 2 is released and I've never had a problem with 'tank controls'.
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