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Duchess May

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  1. So keyboard works on Xbox One version. I noticed a chat window, so tried typing but seems canned messages only, but my character started moving, changing weapons, can control the map, and even the buttons prompts change ([ESC] for menu). Sadly, mouse didn't work, but I don't like playing kb/m anyway lol.
  2. I live for in-game cutscenes! I love it. I am mostly meh on pre-rendered stuff. I enjoy seeing what tech can do. I also work in the movie industry and always been interested in cinematics. There is room for games with and without.
  3. Thrawn: Alliances... loving that LFL is embracing Clone Wars era and giving us new stories once again with Anakin and Padme--it's probably the most interesting period of time in that universe. Next up, maybe Lost Stars. I'm trying to get through my backlog of Star Wars novels on my long work commute and I've almost caught up to the entire hardcover canon.
  4. Meh. TLJ is my least favourite SW film. I haven't even bothered to purchase it yet, and I'm not exactly a casual fan of the franchise. Unless the films are going straight to Disney's streaming service, I don't see there going to be mass appeal with all of the oversaturation of SW films releasing, which clearly hurt Solo. I should state that it is my least favourite due to almost zero world building, instead playing out more like one boy's re-imagining of Star Wars akin to his adventures with action figures on weekend. I don't hate it, and it's not as boring as half of Attack of the Clones, but at least AOTC had massive world building that lore was able to be crafted from (plus the best music in the franchise).
  5. Thanks for the impressions and heads-up. I will likely drop a tenner for it just to have it in my back log for who-knows-when.
  6. Good. I put a lot of money into the Kickstarter. I want it to feel exactly like the originals. I want the story Shenmue fans have been asking closure for.
  7. Loving playing it again, not that I don't still have my original copies. A few bugs on cutscenes, but holds up very well for me overall. No waypoint markers or quest lists...good ol' investigating.
  8. Develop artist tools, create Linux images, deploy updates, manage nodes.
  9. (You can say three words to continue the story. I'll start.) Once upon a
  10. I can now go kill myself with contentedness knowing someone went to bed with an empty bowel.
  11. She is a not the best choice, imo. A well known queer woman and famous... I guess that's it.
  12. As someone who creates Linux images for work, I find direct download mirrors to be much faster (like Berkeley.edu, close to me). ;p
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