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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. I wouldn't post anything from a reddit investigation, they got the wrong people in the Boston marathon bombing
  2. Tag A movie about grown men who play tag, not exactly going in thinking it was going to be Oscar material. It was fine for what it was. 6/10 Tropic thunder I think this might the last of the big release politically incorrect movies that there would be zero chance of making now. Also Tom Cruise's best role. 8.5/10
  3. Upgrade The first third is ehhh whatever sci-fi staring poor mans Tom Hardy, from the first fight scene(which has some VERY creative camera work) on it is the surprise hit of 2018. This is also the closest we have got to a Deus Ex movie. If you are on this forum you should probably give it a watch. 8.5/10
  4. This was the best season so far. First few episodes were just ok except for the comedy episode which they somehow always nail. Once they got to Earth though it just took off. It is a kids show so yeah there are some dumb "why don't they just do _____" moments but that is to be expected for a show like this.
  5. "what's my motivation?" that caused me physical pain, its never going to happen
  6. yeah I am sticking with my 1080@144 monitor for a while longer it seems. Oh well we really need hdmi 2.1 to hit TVs too, that is the next big change Buying a 9700pro back in the day has ruined me on videocard pricing, I bought it near launch for $330 and that was the best card money could buy at the time and murdered everything else, inflation adjusted that is about $460 in today's dollars.
  7. fuck those prices $600 for the 2070 they are out their minds. the xx70 are supposed to be the mainstream product, should be in the $300-$350 range
  8. Atlanta Season 1 and 2 season 1 Felt fresh and original with a good mix of humor and drama and just a nice slow burn. 8.5/10 Season 2 The last 3 episodes were good the rest of the season was just weird, with the piano episode just being full of WTF. Having single character focused episodes did not work IMO. 5/10
  9. Deadpool 2 extended cut In a vacuum I think this might actually be better than the first one but obviously it is not watched in a vacuum it is a sequel and has a lot of been there done this feel to it but I still had a great time. The X-men main group gag was hilarious and the line about a guy who can't draw feet might the geekiest thing ever in a movie. Also if there was ever a movie to sit and watch/listen to every second of the ending credits it is this one. 8.5/10
  10. Kids are boring today outside of their online lives and I say this as someone that was a painfully boring kid
  11. It is any crime. They can't keep trying you over and over again for robbing a bank. If you are found not guilty that is it.
  12. All jurors for all trials names and information should be sealed, I am honestly shocked that news outlets actually asked the court for it
  13. They have to get him at least on tax evasion that is cut and dry, the more conspiratorial charges he might get off on since they all hinged on Gates' testimony and he had to admit on stand that he was a liar.
  14. The Meg It was as expected a dumb summer movie about fighting monster sharks with cookie cutter characters. 5.5/10
  15. yeah this is falling into the "I'm not even mad" category at this point
  16. I beat this game just a couple weeks ago, absolute garbage plot that clearly had huge chunks cut out of it. Gameplay is super basic, I just warp striked everyone and one won most battles in the 5 seconds. Characters are decent and it is a pretty game but it is so disappointing how far the FF games have fallen.
  17. Terminator 2 First complete watch in at least 15 years but due to the number of lines I knew word for word I watched this movie a LOT in the 90s. This is an absolute action movie masterpiece. The last hour of this movie could be a 400 film course unto itself, it is perfection from the time they show up the cyberdyne building till the credits. I talked about it in the in T1 vs T2 thread, the great stunts in this film but I down played how spectacular they are, everything that is mind blowing in this film was done with real people risking their lives or top tier animatironics, they do not make films like this anymore. Die Hard came out in 1988, T2 in 1991 and then we had a 25 year gap till Fury Road. I honestly think for everything T2 did right it set the stage for all the over used CG in the 90s and 2000s, T2 used CG only when it was impossible to do it for real, following movies did it when it was easier and it ends up looking like an easy out. Why is T2 awesome because that is real semi dropping 20 feet into a concrete runoff, because 5000s squibs were used in the cyberdyne seige, because an insane helicopter pilot did the best flying that will ever be filmed, because Stan Winston is a god, they did it for real until they couldn't, everyone else did it CG because it was easier. My only real complaints about this movie are the villain disappears for an hour and I want to slap the sound designer for using suppressed gun sounds all the time when the guns are clearly not suppressed. Those a quibbles, this is a top 5 all time film for me. 10/10
  18. The Shallows This is a fun, quick, I've had a couple and just want some dumb entertainment movie. I'm sure I laughed at things that were meant to be serious but who cares I had a good time. 6.5/10
  19. you can kindly go fuck yourself economist, I'm already paying almost $9000 a year to rent my house from the government
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