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Everything posted by nublood

  1. I know I’ve said it before but MAN I wish I could just go through the entire game with one character. I’ve bailed on so many games where I was forced to keep swapping characters because of “the narrative”. But I loved the first one so it’s quite the conundrum.
  2. I always thought the series was gonna move forward in time past Valhalla, maybe a medieval European setting or medieval Japan. I feel like Ubi is out of touch with what the fans wanted and this ain’t it. Not sure why one would even play this when we have AC Origins.
  3. Man, how bad did Callisto Protocol fail to already be on PS Plus. lol
  4. I usually go through this about once a year, usually during the late spring and summer months. But most of the time the AAA games hit in the Fall / Winter months and into the Holiday season and my interest piques again. October of this year is absolutely packed with games. Spiderman 2, Forza, Assassin’s Creed, a new Mario Game etc…just crazy.
  5. I’m having an unexpectedly pretty good time with this. Most everything seems pretty straightforward. But I have no idea how P Organ works. I put points into an extended dodge and an extra consumable but have no idea how to activate them.
  6. I’ve played about 3 hours so far and liking it. I’m really not paying attention to reviews or negative feedback. I’m just playing however I want and learning all the mechanics and stuff myself without help from the internet…for now. So far it’s just… fun.
  7. Awww man am I too late?? I’m going with 55 but if it’s too late that’s cool.
  8. I remember playing the first one almost a year after it released. My reaction was pretty much why…in the world… haven’t I played this game yet?? I then proceeded to put like 50 hrs into it. Capcom really doesn’t have to do much to make a sequel successful. I’ll definitely be looking forward to this one.
  9. Spiderman 2 will probably get stellar scores and be critically acclaimed. And I nearly platinum’d Spiderman. That being said, I’m not really excited at all for the sequel. Forcing me to constantly switch between two playable characters is just about a game breaker for me. I was pretty annoyed with those parts of the first one as well. But the game did so much right I gave it a pass. But the sequel seems to entirely focus on switching between characters and I’m just not ok with that at all.
  10. We pay a monthly fee for the service. Let’s be real, Sony ain’t giving away a dang thing. lol edit: And they’re about to go way up on their monthly price across all tiers, despite the Playstation brand continuing to profit. Nothing like a middle finger to the very people keeping your company fiscally afloat. Greedy PUNKS.
  11. Today I learned this game is coming out Friday. What the heck man, totally slipped my radar. I’ll be following this thread for impressions. But I’m pretty sure I’ll get it anyways despite you noobs complaining about the difficulty Edit: And I second that Mechassault reboot. Playing that game online back in the day were some of the best times I’ve ever had. Slaying fools with overpowered Ragnarok never got old. LOL
  12. If you’re listing PS4 games, then RDR2 is still the king in my opinion. Then Horizon 2, Demon Souls after that. The rest of your list looks pretty good. That being said, Demon Souls remake still has a special place for me with how good the game looks and runs soooo smoothly.
  13. Yep. It’s eye candy but that’s about it. I don’t recall ever being as bored out of my mind playing a video game. It’s definitely gorgeous though.
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