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Everything posted by nublood

  1. First time I stepped outside of the sewers in Oblivion. I probably had an out of body experience. See that castle... waaaayy off in the distance? Yea, you can go there. Gaming changed for me after that.
  2. They didn't even address the battery life?? LAUGHS IN SWITCH PRO REMOTE
  3. Sonic Frontiers because I needed something fun and less stressful after Ragnarok. Oh wait, there’s timed challenges that require fast twitch reflexes and near perfect reaction time to complete said challenge. Game is still a lot of fun though.
  4. I feel like the Xbox brand needs to do....something...anything. Idk, maybe it's just me but it just seems like there have been a lot of slow days at the office as of late compared to Sony and PC games. Am I wrong? But they're still putting up good numbers considering they still haven't recently launched any major exclusives compared to Sony. So there's that I guess.
  5. It kinda infuriates me how little of a difference my gear seems to make. I’m level 6 with level 9 armor. And my weapons, runes etc are near maxed out. But I swear if these enemies are just level scaling right along with you making it pointless to even loot or upgrade anything. 🤷‍♂️
  6. I was in Target a few days ago and saw the Ragnarok edition in stock. Here we are two years later, and I'm still shocked to see them on store shelves.
  7. Returnal because deep down, people like to suffer.
  8. “Need” is all there is. Want does not exist in the gaming universe sir. Muahahaha
  9. So I’m definitely not as savvy as you guys about PC tech. But why would one need a 4000 series card over say, a 3070 or 3080 GPU? Is the jump really that noticeable to justify the price right now?
  10. I know it didn’t come out this year, but Ratchet and Clank is still the king of visuals for me with Demon Souls in a close second. Horizon West looks REALLY good too. But I just find the game supremely boring.
  11. I've heard it's Bloodborne, so that's my guess. And Bluepoint would absolutely CRUSH this if it happens! I've heard they're doing a sequel too. Just an extremely talented developer.
  12. I figured it out. Just had to go into the PS store, find the game and download the update from the game info tab. But yea, if you already have any version of the game, the update is free. No need to purchase the Complete Edition. Sorry Best. lol But NOW I’m noticing a difference. Buttery smooth man. Taking a look off of that balcony at the mountains and everything is a pretty big difference. I did notice my save files didn’t transfer. Hopefully I can get those back…
  13. That was pretty incredible! Some of that actually exceeded my expectations of this game. And now I will go into media blackout mode. I think I have seen enough!
  14. I got the disc version with the intention that I would pretty much only be buying disc based games. I did that for about 3 months before I started buying digital. I hardly ever use the disc drive now. Swapping discs is too much like work.
  15. Those are probably day one for me. Everything else, meh.
  16. Man, I have to respectfully disagree. After recently coming from games like God of War, Horizon, Ghosts of Tsushima, etc, Forspoken’s dialogue sounds pretty poor in comparison. Well, there is no comparison lol. But I still may get it one day. The spell casting was fun and there’s enough content there that I’ll probably get it one day down the line. But nowhere near full price.
  17. Holy crap the commentary is bad in this game. I know it’s Ella Balinkski or whatever but her voice doesn’t sound like it was meant for acting, in any capacity whatsoever. I hate using the word cringe but…yea. The gameplay is pretty neat and casting spells is fun though, so there’s that I guess. But this just went from a day one to a maybe one day… way down the line. I’m kinda glad because the first quarter of next year has too many games on my radar. This one just got eliminated. lol
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