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Everything posted by nublood

  1. IMO this just reeks of pandering. It should feel organic but instead feels like an attempt to check some SJW boxes.
  2. Looks like my biggest concern is true. Too many QTE’s and not enough actual gameplay. I can see the appeal but it doesn’t look like I personally would enjoy it. Y’all have fun.
  3. I tried to go back and play DSIII and Bloodborne and LOL. 30 FPS is like watching a slide show. DSR is silky smooth. Probably the best remaster I've ever played in terms of looks and performance.
  4. I've procrastinated, stayed up way too late, been late for work, gotten a speeding ticket because I was trying to get home to play, gotten in heated arguments with family, (RBI Baseball, Mario Kart, Double Dragon, Street Fighter and MORE!) etc. Good times. Thanks Mom and Dad!
  5. Because I have yet to see it. Everything I have played across both consoles looks pretty much identical. Maybe there's that one game I've yet to play that really showcases the X1X's "power".
  6. I like games, but not gamers. I’ve been playing since the early 80’s. But I don’t consider myself a “gamer”. That word is super cringey to me. It’s weird because I can relate to gamers pretty well. But I don’t like being around them. lol
  7. Who asked for a sequel? Raise your hand so I can stand you up in front of the class and explain.
  8. I hope I’m wrong. But for me, nothing has come close to SOTN since, well...SOTN. I’m hoping this can scratch the itch I’ve had for many years.
  9. Hmmm, none of that really felt like Castlevania to me. For me, a true Castlevania game has to absolutely nail the atmosphere. Simon’s Quest, SOTN, and Lament of Innocence got this right. You can have pretty graphics, sprites, animations, or whatever. But if the music and atmosphere ain’t right, it’s just another failed attempt imo. I’ll give it a chance. But I definitely have reservations.
  10. I think Solo is just the beginning of Disney not meeting their expected profits for a SW movie. Yes, they've made like a cajillion dollars on the franchise thus far. But I think SW movies will continue to decline and disappoint with people like Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson hanging around.
  11. Boards are back? Cool. Now where's all my stuff?? I had like 7 quality posts and 3 likes?? lol
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