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Everything posted by nublood

  1. Dude took some BJJ classes and now he thinks he's a 3 time UFC champion. Typical.
  2. This is pretty much me as well. I haven't finished Jedi Survivor, Zelda, or Diablo 4. And I'm really struggling to find time to bounce between those games. Getting this right now would be a big insult to my backlog. lol
  3. This is me too but I don’t really care. It’s taken me this long to get my build right so I’m good with where I’m at.
  4. I'm anti vaxx as well, and can confirm that I am still breathing. But anyways, I played the demo last night and enjoyed what gameplay I actually experienced. I thought the cut scenes were excessive and wound up skipping most of them so I could get back to actually using my DualSense remote instead of just holding it for extended amounts of time. Yea yea, I know it's Final Fantasy so I should be prepared to basically watch a movie. But the gameplay might be enough for me to pull the trigger on this....eventually. But I seriously doubt this is gonna be a day one for me. I just don't have that kind of time right now for games like this.
  5. After hearing about this and that Tiger Shark attack in Egypt, me and the ocean had a good run. That’ll do it for me.
  6. I will say, that it’s not as bad with my Rogue character. But it’s definitely still there. My Barbarian on the other hand is level 32 and just constantly gets it handed to him. I’ve respec’d, rebuilt, reconfigured etc. I’ve basically felt like a level 1 character the entire game. Maybe I’m playing it wrong. lol
  7. My opinion, it’s the 1:1 level scaling. You never feel like the leveling and looting is really making a difference. Enemies instantly match at any attempt at improving your character. For me, it may be the worst I’ve ever seen in a video game. I’m still enjoying the game but it’s starting to get to where I can’t overlook it anymore.
  8. I really liked the first one and sunk a lot of time into it. I got so much content out of the game and never paid a penny to play it. One of the best examples of F2P games out there imo. When does this one release?
  9. Is this game fully cross platform? My son is a PC gamer and I’m an old fart that still prefers consoles. I mostly play on the PS5.
  10. I just got bounced after picking up my first legendary chest piece Now I’m stuck in queue. You would think that the company that has been running the most-played MMO for nearly two decades would actually have learned a few things about server capacity management. But I guess they continue to buy their servers at Dollar General.
  11. I don’t really want to feel like I’m out leveling enemies. I just want to feel like the loot, abilities and leveling that I’m doing is making a difference. Because so far, I really haven’t seen it. There was an early boss I faced, where the best I could do was taking a little over half its life. So I leveled up about 10 levels, got better abilities, weapons, etc. I come back and now I could barely even make it to the boss because the enemies are so ridiculously OP’d and I can’t even take a quarter of the boss’s life. But I’ll be aiight. There’s tons of other things to do in this game. I’ll just focus on what I can do for now.
  12. I have iron skin and it isn’t helping me at all. I don’t have the other abilities you mentioned so I’ll have to try that. But I just went back…again… to the same dungeon and now it’s three times harder with different enemies all together. It’s not really an issue of skill for me, it’s just all the enemies are extremely damage spongey. To the point my abilities and weapons are barely making any difference. I don’t get it.
  13. I fought a certain boss, got beat numerous times and then left the area to get better equipped and level up. So I came back and it was actually harder than before. I think they gotta fix this. Because for me, it’s keeping this game from being a really good time.
  14. Good Lord is it me or is the level scaling in this game really bad? Like, what is the point of loot and leveling if enemies are going to instantly match every improvement you make? I keep getting it handed to me by friggin side quest bosses. I’m playing as a Barb so I’m wondering if I need to re-roll as a ranged character. I don’t remember it being this bad with the first three games. I could usually play for hours before I even came close to dying. I’m still really liking it though. Everything else is top notch. Just annoyed that I’m level 20 and nothing that I have done has seemed to make a difference.
  15. All of the temples are done. And I still haven't done the fairy quest to upgrade your armor. Why? Because it's stupid and I don't feel like doing it and apparently I didn't need it anyway.
  16. I agree about the graphics. I understand the tech we’re dealing with regarding the Switch. But in my opinion, Nintendo is the elephant in the room as far as graphics are concerned. The question is how long you can continue to look past it. Nintendo is far too profitable not to even try their hand at a comparable console to MS and Sony, it’s kinda silly at this point.
  17. Well technically it doesn't "break" like other weapons. But yea, it was about the same in BOTW. Wish they would have improved on that because the sword is very satisfying to use. But almost as soon as you start using it the energy depletes. It's just a goofy mechanic imo.
  18. The dust is settled and I am still very not ok with how fast the Master Sword breaks after all you have to do to get it. I get that it would be game breaking to not have it last forever. But to have it break after hitting a freaking grunt level brown bokoblin a few times? Yea ok legendary super perfect weapon.
  19. I'm just glad I played the demo or I probably would have bought into these reviews. Not for me.
  20. Aaaaand there it is. This is why we can't have or keep nice things.
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