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Everything posted by ort

  1. Yeah, I saw that. Brain Cox is delightful. I want to hear more about how he and Jeremy Strong did not get along. Apparently Cox hates Jeremy Strong and didn't like working with him. I don't think Cox takes his job all that seriously and Strong is always up his own ass about everything and never breaks character. I thought it was hilarious when Brian Cox told him that he's never actually watched a single episode of the show. Apparently he never watches anything he is in. I think all of the actors on this show just kill it. Honestly, that's one of the best parts of the show, are the performances are just all amazing pretty much across the board.
  2. It really was. Everyone knew Logan was going to die at some point. And the writers were like, HOLD MY BEER... The middle part of the show was basically a 28 minute straight shot in real time. The actors played the entire scene out in real time with 3 cameras recording the action. They did go back and shoot some more footage, but the vast majority of that episode was one single scene played out in real time by the actors, in one single take.
  3. It's really just a bunch of COVID deniers pissed off that Twitter was attempting to lessen the damage being done by trying to stop the flood of misinformation and nonsense that was being spread around while MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIED. I'm sorry that people were inconvenienced... It sucked for everyone. Some of us wanted to do the best we could with the information we all had at the time while others are just heartless unfeeling emotionally stunted man babies who whine and pout about everything like stupid dumb fuckers. Not everything is a conspiracy. Everyone was doing their best to try and save lives and help people. I mean, not everyone, there were a lot of people who did the opposite and FUCK THOSE PEOPLE. THEN, NOW AND ALWAYS. FUCK YOU. I fucking hate COVID whiners. Biggest bunch of selfish garbage monsters to ever exist.
  4. This looks like an AI generated trailer from 10 years in the future.
  5. It's funny, I've read countless articles and listened to multiple interviews with Matt Tiabbi and I still don't really understand what the fuck the twitter files is even trying to tell us. They never actually just stop and explain what EXACTLY they are trying to allege happened. It's all just sort of discussed on this level like 3 steps above what actually transpired in all this colorful vague language that is circling around some sort of point but they never actually get there. If you want me to be outraged it may help to slow down and really explain to me exactly what I'm supposed to be outraged about. It's like they are always speaking in code. My best interpretation has always been... okay, and? What is the fucking story here? Matt Tiabbi is a clown and Elon Musk is the biggest asshole on the planet.
  6. If anyone hasn’t watched yet, watch before having it spoiled. Best bottle episode ever? Maybe.
  7. Also, Chris Pratt was fine. He didn’t blow me away, but he also didn’t ruin anything. It’s a total non-issue.
  8. If I didn’t grow up playing Mario games this would have been so boring and pointless. It’s not actually a good movie, but I still had a lot of fun. The theater was full of happy kids, it’s 90 minutes of Easter eggs, callbacks, references, loud noises and chaotic kid movie energy held together by a shoestring of a plot designed only to move the characters from action sequence to action sequence. That said, I had a good time and I’m glad I saw it. My 10 year old son also loved it. It’s pure fan service, but whatever, I’m a fan, service me.
  9. I don’t think this will succeed, it if it does, the blowback against the republicans will be insane. If they thought the recent mid terms went poorly for them, look out.
  10. It's kind of crazy how little I care about any of these announcements considering how much of a Star Wars fanboy I was for the first half of my life. I don't even care enough to read about these or what they are. I'll probably check em out in 4 years or whatever, but I am so out of any fucks to give for the Star Wars franchise. I just do not care anymore. I'm looking forward to Andor Season Two. I'm sure the rest of this will amuse me mildy and/or make me grumble for the few hours I spend watching it and then will get washed away with the endless flood of content coming from everywhere all the time. Star Wars is just played out.
  11. It sounds like what is going to happen is that the city council gets to appoint a new representative and they are just going to re-instate these two people back into their positions. Will they then expelled again? I don't know.
  12. Crow’s private lakeside resort, Camp Topridge, sits in a remote corner of the Adirondacks in upstate New York. Closed off from the public by ornate wooden gates, the 105-acre property, once the summer retreat of the same heiress who built Mar-a-Lago, features an artificial waterfall and a great hall where Crow’s guests are served meals prepared by private chefs. Inside, there’s clear evidence of Crow and Thomas’ relationship: a painting of the two men at the resort, sitting outdoors smoking cigars alongside conservative political operatives. A statue of a Native American man, arms outstretched, stands at the center of the image, which is photographic in its clarity. The painting captures a scene from around five years ago, said Sharif Tarabay, the artist who was commissioned by Crow to paint it. Thomas has been vacationing at Topridge virtually every summer for more than two decades, according to interviews with more than a dozen visitors and former resort staff, as well as records obtained by ProPublica. He has fished with a guide hired by Crow and danced at concerts put on by musicians Crow brought in. Thomas has slept at perhaps the resort’s most elegant accommodation, an opulent lodge overhanging Upper St. Regis Lake. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas travels with billionaire on undisclosed luxury trips – Daily Montanan DAILYMONTANAN.COM An investigative report shows that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas took thousands of dollars worth of trips that he didn't disclose.
  13. Fox isn’t even covering this story which is really weird. It seems like exactly the kind of thing they can spin into a messy beautiful hate chum to spoon feed to their army of brainwashed idiot followers to keep their rock hard anger boners raging until the next thing they can exploit to further their hate filled garbage agenda for their garbage followers. It’s currently the 21st story on their site and has a stupid as shit headline titled “Dem makes racially charged suggestion about how she avoided expulsion.” The third billed story is about how in the 1950s they put crosses on buildings using lights and why can’t the world be like that now? Fuck you, that’s why. Go fuck yourselves Fox News.
  14. After I betrayed people's trust by lying to their faces for months and months and stealing their money by presenting myself in a deceitful and fraudulent way... now everyone is being mean to me... wah...
  15. Hasn't Square Enix always had a very very close ties to Sony? And are both very Japanese? This might not really be that complicated.
  16. She's obviously full of shit. What a vile turd of a human this woman must be. I hope the money she got for doing this was worth it. I like how she's bitching and moaning that people are being mean to her now. Yeah, no shit. Is this a shocker? You're a liar and a fraud. You literally are doing the exact opposite of what you promised to do. People voted for you and gave you money expecting you to do the exact opposite of what you are now doing. You betrayed the trust of your constituents ion the worst way imaginable. Take your stupid fucking prayer hands emoji and shove it up your ass you fake Christian lying liar who lies. I hope this draws enough media attention that some hardcore investigative journalists scrutinize everything about this woman's story and get to the bottom of what actually happened here...
  17. She says the reason she switched parties was because she was criticized for using American flag emojis and prayer hands in social media? That's the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life. I am now fully convinced someone drove a dump truck full of money to her house a year ago and this was all planned from the beginning. There is no other scenario that makes sense to me. This had to be a setup.
  18. Unless something weird happens he's running. He's always said he's running. Not super duper officially with all the paperwork yet, but people keep asking him and he keeps says that his intention has always been to run.
  19. The whole they are soft on “real” crime but go after petty crap like this angle is so annoying. White color and corporate crime is so much more damaging to most people but they just don’t see it and don’t notice the theft directly. The millionaire and billionaire class gets away with so much. Lock them all up. If we have a minimum wage, we need a maximum wage.
  20. So when they say Alvin Bragg is "bought and paid for" by Soros, or "Soros funded" what they actually mean is that Color of Change, a progressive criminal justice group that has many donors (including Soros) backed Bragg and gave his campaign $500,000 during the last election cycle, which was about 10% of the total spent on his campaign.
  21. When I was a rebellious youth, Disney was always considered to be one of the largest, most litigious, most vile, hyper conservative corporations out there... it's very weird how they somehow became a "hero" of the left. If you were making a 4 horsemen of the corporate apocalypse, Mickey Mouse/Disney would have always been one of the horsemen. I'm still not buying it. I watch plenty of Disney shit and give them money, but they'll always be the evil empire to me. I don't care if they occasionally put a few lesbian characters into their kids shows.
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