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Everything posted by ort

  1. I didn't really like them as a store, but I did end up in one at least once or twice a year. It sucks seeing these retail chains go down like this. I guess you can get most of what they sell at Target, but they did carry a lot of things that no other big chains really do. How has no one posted this yet???
  2. I can see how people born as biological males in women's sports issue can be problematic... but it's almost entirely theoretic at this point and not based on what is actually happening. That is a completely separate issue we can deal with separately. Not sure what the answer is, other than it's very complicated and nuanced.
  3. These bills suck. One of my friends is literally moving his entire family across the country to get away from Missouri and the anti-trans bill they just passed. These bills have terrible real world effects on very real people. As if being trans isn't already difficult enough in todays world... I'm "friends" with a lot of very conservative rich white men and holy shit do these people have it out for trans people. I always ask them to explain to me exactly what real tangible effects trans people have on them, and they really do not have any good response. They worry their kids will get wrapped up in this new "trend" and transition. I try to explain that doesn't even make sense... but whatever. The other thing I always say is, you know, if trans people make you uncomfortable and you don't understand it... you know what the easiest thing in the world to do is? Just ignore them and move on with your life. It will be just fine, I promise you.
  4. I haven't watched this new season at all, but has this show ever been anything but that? It always had the sophistication and nuance of a Saturday morning cartoon with a giant budget. It's always felt like someone playing with action figures. This show has never been serious. It's been goofy as hell, over the top and unbelievable (even within the Star Wars universe) from the very beginning.
  5. This was also always going to happen. There was about a 0.01% chance this trial would be allowed to play out. This was a large enough settlement that it has to sting. There is no way it doesn’t and while I don’t think this will really change much about how they constantly shovel mountains of half truths and anger porn into the eager mouths of their audience of brainwashed dipshit halfwits, but you can bet your ass they will be more careful about saying things that can have a result like this. The whole thing was just so stupid. The amount of stupid dumb fuckers who still to this day think the election was stolen is shocking to me. This will change nothing at all. Not one mind will be changed. The fact that Fox was so eager to just play along with Trumps blatantly false assertions is fucking gross. The fact that this entire fiasco isn’t the biggest scandal in American history and that Trump and anyone else playing along with his dangerous idiocy isn’t just shunned from polite society forever is also shocking to me.
  6. So many gun owners fantasize about using their guns. They carry a gun everywhere and just itching for any excuse to use it. So many people have been conditioned to think we live in some sort of post apocalyptic crime filled hell scape of lawlessness and chaos and they didn’t buy those guns not to use them, that’s for sure…
  7. I think Matsson is sort of a mashup of many silicon valley billionaire tropes. But yes, definitely some Musk sprinkled in there. Mostly his vague social media posting. Matsson seems way more grounded and normal and sane than Musk.
  8. And LOL this is just the beginning… From Mike Lindell to OAN, here's everyone Dominion and Smartmatic are suing over election conspiracy theories so far WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Dominion and Smartmatic have filed defamation lawsuits against people who spread baseless claims that their voting machines "stole" votes for Biden.
  9. Also, (not suprisingly) this isn’t even being mentioned on the Fox News website. Anywhere. At all.
  10. Donald Trump has now literally cost them almost a billion dollars. Do they turn on him now? How can they keep shilling for that man?
  11. Is there anything more infuriating than a billionaire who was born on 3rd base acting like the worlds biggest victim? Why does he have to insert himself into everything? He's such a big whiney narcissistic moron loser. Maybe some day he's going to go too far and someone will cave in his stupid dumb face with a ball peen hammer and people will line up for miles for their turn by to piss on his lifeless corpse until his body is floating in a lake of piss and turns into a cold bloated rotten piss balloon with a pile of raw piss soaked hamburger meat where his dumb smug face used to be... and the world will be a better place. The sun will feel a little brighter and the birds will sing and eventually we'll all live in a world where we don't have to think about or discuss what this stupid dumb idiot does or says.
  12. It's kinda funny, but I just found out that Brain Cox is the voice over guy for those ANNOYING AS FUCK McDonald's commercials with the old guy singing "ba da ba da da" at the end. I hate that VO so much. Ugh, his delivery just grates on my nerves. It always felt so tonally out of place for corporate juggernaut of garbage processed food to have this playful, down home whimsical, somewhat condescending old man voice. I hate Brain Cox now. I'm not loving it. (not really, but kinda)
  13. Another banger of an episode. It makes sense now why they "had" to kill Logan so early... because this shit is gonna be messy. Apparently this entire season takes place over the course of 10 days, with each episode covering only a single day.
  14. I don't know if this is the best thread for this, but whatever... here ya go... enjoy this banger of an ad from a Trump Super PAC...
  15. I have a Nazi helmet that my grandfather had as a war trophy. I think it's a pretty interesting thing to have and I'm glad I do, but yeah, I didn't really seek it out and I also didn't pay for it and we're also Jewish, so you know. I also keep it in a box in my basement and not out on display. (It's currently in a box in my parents attic actually, I forgot it ended up there)
  16. It would actually be pretty cool if they made this look exactly like a Saturday morning cartoon from 1983...
  17. They will keep making Stranger Things stuff for a long time. It's a very safe bet that there will be multiple spin-offs. I think there are already multiple spin-offs in the works. My guess is that it's going to get very silly very fast. I still watch and enjoy the show for what it is now... but I truly miss the vibe and tone of season one. The show got very silly very fast. I think I was joking in the main Stranger Things thread that if the show kept going past season 5, that somewhere around season 7 we would be seeing Eleven and the kids piloting a 4 story tall mech they built from carnival parts fighting a giant Godzilla sized demigorgon on the moon. That seems to be the trajectory they are currently on...
  18. Perry's social media posts read exactly like a typical Fox News comments section on any story about black people. They constantly fantasize about gunning down uppity blacks in the street. Fox News removes the most egregious posts, but they come in so fast that they can never keep up. It's just a nonstop stream of people advocating for violence in the streets. Fox News basically exists solely to rile people like Perry up. They encourage and allow this behavior. This is exactly what they want. This is how it is designed to work.
  19. I mean, in a normal world with two functioning political parties this would be the smoking gun, but we don't live in a normal world and nothing is going to happen. Nothing.
  20. This is great news. I loved this show and the rock opera finale they created was pretty disappointing in my opinion.
  21. I don't know about lately, but I make a point to check the Fox News homepage daily and it's downright shocking just how blatantly manipulative and deceptive they are. It's really beyond comprehension how they can get away with calling themselves a news source when it's immediately clear to any person who hasn't been slow boiled for 20 years by their endless stream of nonsensical anger porn that they are not an actual news source. Every story. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Is designed with one purpose and one purpose only. To enrage and anger their audience. That's really it. They don't report on stories, they report on reaction to stories. They didn't have a single fucking actual story about the state reps who were removed from their seats... but they had about 2-3 talking about various people's reactions to the story. If Biden makes an executive order or something, they don't write a story on it and slant it to the right. The story will be "Biden Slammed from all sides for controversial decision" with a photo of Biden looking confused photoshopped in front of a storm of money... and then in the story they will quote 3 or 4 Ted Cruz types and Fox News hosts outrage and then some lukewarm mild statement from a democrat congressperson from Idaho that you've never heard of... and then the comments will be an endless stream vile hate and lies and racists advocating for death in the streets. That's how about half the country gets their news of the world. Don't believe me? Go check it out. I don't care what day it is, what is happening or when... ANY TIME you click on Fox News, you will be shocked by what they are presenting as the most important news of the day. It's like you are watching news from a different alternate universe.
  22. I guess what's important is that they kept it vague and confusing enough that anyone can project whatever reality they want onto the situation and feel like all of their pre-existing biases are 100% correct. So, yay? I like how so much of this narrative is contingent on the idea that the vast majority of politicians, doctors and journalists were all somehow conspiring together to convince the world that covid was worse than it actually was so they can... uh... control us? Destroy the world? Steal underpants? I don't know, but it's all so fucking stupid. It makes ZERO sense to anyone with the ability to process information. Yeah, the COVID response was far from perfect. It's not some vast conspiracy... the world is a messy, complicated bureaucratic nightmare... it wasn't perfect and hindsight is 20/20... but this revisionist history that every medical fact was wrong and it was all some sort of sick con job is so fucking stupid. A MILLION FUCKING AMERICANS DIED. ONE MILLION. More than every single foreign American war put together. Imagine if we were involved in some sort of war and the general populace was required to make difficult sacrifices to help the war effort (for a war that killed a MILLION Americans) and one political party decided it was int their best interest to make helping the war effort as hard as possible by spending all of their energy to obfuscate, confuse and enrage their followers in an attempt to get some sort of political traction amidst the tragedy of war... imagine... oh wait, that's exactly what happened. COVID whiners are disgusting, shallow selfish garbage people and I have no respect for any of them. FUCK THEM ALL.
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