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Everything posted by ort

  1. The amount of outrage many people show over pineapple on pizza is weird. I mean, I wouldn't order it for myself, but it's good. I'll happily eat it if it's offered.
  2. So it looks like the Xbox version has no online multiplayer and the Nintendo version of online still has people playing in splitscreen? Ha!
  3. So we have the regular Nintendo Online thing... but to play this I need to subscribe to some sort of additional thing, right? Boo. I would play through this again. I loved Goldeneye back in the day (and still have my copy and N64), but I can't play a FPS with the N64 controller anymore. My brain has been rewired for dual analogue. EDIT: Wait, it's also on Xbox Game Pass, and I gots that. Yay.
  4. There is no better way to immediately identify yourself as a complete and total shit-brained fuckestick than to act like some sort of whiney little bitch about some simple COVID protocols. Fuck all these garbage humans. Don't fucking go, Stay home and be a dumb piece of shit. Bye dumb fucks. Don't go. Bye and fuck you,
  5. I was going to post this, but didn't want to get scolded for paying attention to Fox...
  6. Burp, look Morty, we've found a dimension where our voices are pretty close but ever so slightly different. Ah jeez...
  7. My question is this. If you went through all of the archived and stored documents and whatnot of any prominent politician with high levels of security clearance and a long career, would you most likely find a few documents marked as classified? My guess is yes. You could search Obama, Bill/Hillary Clinton, Bush, Pelosi, McConnell, etc... and they would all have stuff like this mixed up in the shuffle. I 100% believe that if Trump didn't have his classified documents scandal, then someone finding a few docs in a remote Biden office would never have even made the news. What we are seeing is the GOP media machine attempting to A. muddy the waters and diminish what's happening to Trump by making it about "everyone" being corrupt, B. take anything they have on Biden, anything at all and just amplify it to throw out as bloody chum to their ravenous army of Fox News Cinematic Universe groomed dipshits. C. The "left" mainstream media attempting to play by the "rules" and maintain some sort of semblance of neutrality and making attempts to cover both stories as fairly and equally as possible to avoid the appearance of bias... even though the other side has zero care in the world about any sort of journalistic integrity and is willing to just do and say literally anything to help their side gain and keep power.
  8. Dan Harmon's apology for his inappropriate behavior is considered the textbook example of how it should be done. He wanted to have a relationship with one of his subordinates and his position of power over her made the situation very difficult for her. It wasn't cool at all, but on the spectrum of me too stuff it's a pretty minor offense in the grand scheme of things. (easy for me to say, I know) Anyway, yeah, Harmon is a deeply flawed self centered narcissist. He admits it. He's a very open person. I listened to his podcast back in the day, and a lot of it was basically him hashing out all the ways he sucks publicly in front of hundreds of thousands of people.
  9. It's because the Right Wing media machine knows all they need to do is put forward a few weasel worded articles that sort of talk in circles and use a lot of big scary buzz words and they know audience will just sorta skim it and then come to whatever conclusion the article has been carefully crafted to lead them to and they are done. They don't actually need to convince anyone of anything. They've spent the last 30 years slowly conditioning their audience to accept the bizarro universe version of whatever the news of the day is, that they don't even need to try anymore. Nothing they say or do is actually on the up and up. Literally everything they do is just a game. They're playing a game. They just want to be able to point their finger and go neiner neiner niener, you did it too. You did the thing you accused us of! That's 1 point in the hypocrite, ha ha column! Score one for us, and then they go and put a tic mark on a big chalkboard and high five each other and wait for the next non-story they can drag in front of their slack jawed army of drooling nitwits to rile them up into the frothing stupid mewling baby-faced pancake nipple gargoyles they are.
  10. I also remember these. They were so bad. There was a kid at my summer camp who had this watch and would give kids turns playing it in exchange for lunch items. You would have to give up a Swiss cake roll or something for 5 minutes of play. Kid was a hustler.
  11. This might be up there. My friend had one of these when they were actually new and "cool". Even back in the day it was not fun. But we tried... (there was a lot less to do back then) Perfect Dark Zero is far from the worst game of all time, but the context is important. It was the big hyped up launch title for a new console... a long awaited sequel to a much beloved game that had skipped an entire generation... and it was so underwhelming and bugging. The screen tearing was so bad iI think my TV is still showing the bottom half of a frame from that game.
  12. If Trump wasn't in all the trouble he was for his classified document info, this Joe Biden story would have been roughly the 7,000th most important news story of whatever day it occurred upon. It's not even newsworthy in the slightest.
  13. I cut my finger opening a can and my neighbor got cleaved up into a pile of sloppy bits by a maniac with a chainsaw. It's like, what? This is our new reality, everyone getting cut all over the place all the time. Better just move on. Nothing to see here.
  14. I'm sure the actual worst game I've played is some garbage shovelware commercial every 30 second iPhone game I downloaded from an ad and deleted 2 minutes later... But the game that annoyed/disappointed me the most (yet I also beat) was easily Perfect Dark Zero for the 360. What a mountain of hot shit that game was.
  15. I bet that Jello Pudding Pops could have a good second run. I remember them very fondly.
  16. I feel like you guys are trying to tell me something but I’m not sure exactly what…
  17. Every time I go on twitter.com the very first post I see is from one of either Elon Musk, Don Jr. or Jim Jordan. I shit you not. It's been like that for weeks. (and I don't follow any of them) Probably because I always click on it and doom scroll it with a self-loathing hate boner. To quote T-Swift, "It's me, Hi! I'm the problem it's me..."
  18. Isn’t the magic number 4? Like, as long as there are 4 hard no’s he can never win unless the dems lower the threshold by sitting out? Getting down to 7 is something but doesn’t really change much. I think him winning is an inevitability, but I’m enjoying the shit show.
  19. I haven't really been paying that much attention, can someone explain why they keep voting over and over and over? Doesn't he already know that he doesn't have the votes? Why are they voting 3 times a day when they know what the outcome is going to be? Doesn't that just make Kevin McCarthy look like a more of a total loser and waste everyone's time?
  20. I think that pretty much all single stream recycling is currently ending up in landfills at the moment. It all just goes into a landfill waiting for some hypothetical future date where it becomes profitable to sort through it. It was always kinda a joke. People try to recycle everything and it ends up making the entire system worthless. It's just not economical. China used to buy the vast majority of our recycling and used their empty container ships to bring it back on the return trip to China... but they were also just putting it in landfills over there. It stopped being profitable for them too, so they no longer buy it from us. Recycling in this country is mostly a total lie. Unless you are sorting it yourself and driving it to recycling centers, it's ending up in a landfill.
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