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Everything posted by ort

  1. It took 'em a while to really hit it hard, but they are now. I guess it's a slow news week and/or Trump said something really dumb and they are trying to distract... I like how it's now this big scandal, but the Biden's weren't even there and it's in a part of the White House where hundreds of people work and can see thousands of visitors every day.
  2. If this was from literally any other tech company I would be all over this...
  3. I can see him talking to his aides... "oh shit, quick... find a cop who looks like this and kill him!"
  4. If you belong to a political party whose leader writes something like that, you can just shut the fuck about literally everything forever, because you are not a serious person and you literally believe in nothing.
  5. It's also interesting how weird it is to hear non-stop usage of the word "gay" as a negative and the constant use of "retard". Not to mention how they handle trans characters. ...and I haven't even gotten to all the pedophelia jokes with Sgt. Hatred yet... I personally am not offended, just noting that you could never get away with that today... and this show isn't really that old.
  6. The problem is I keep taking breaks... I watch in spurts... It's funny, because I haven't watched these in so long, but at the same time, I've seen them so many times in the past, that it really doesn't feel fresh... I think if I had just found this show for the first time I would be more motivated, but I legit have seen all of these episodes like 4 or 5 times... just you know, 20 years ago...
  7. I've been enjoying my rewatch a lot. Just finishing season 2. I'm almost certainly not going to be done before the movie comes out, but I've decided I'm okay with that. I'd rather not binge it... I'll stick to my few episodes a week pace.
  8. I'm calling shenanigans, how can you possibly know what my favorite game is?
  9. So the Falcon / Captain America TV show was completely borked by COVID, and now the movie gets borked by the writers strike. Fun! EDIT: Or not, you know, reading the article helps...
  10. I know the Desantis team didn't directly make that ad, but the very fact that they saw it and said, "YES, we need to share this on our official account" is bad enough. Ron DeSantis is a piece of shit and anyone who likes him at all can fucking just go die in a hole.
  11. We still use the Xbox One... because there isn't that compelling of a reason to upgrade to the "Series" generation... That said, I think we're about to finally upgrade...
  12. The web developer woman who didn't want to make LGBT wedding sites doesn't even make wedding web sites and was never asked to create a gay wedding site. She just went to court because she really didn't want to just I case it ever came up. This is a complicated topic... because I wouldn't want to make a website for something I didn't believe in either... but if you just change her complaint to her refusing to make a site for an interracial couple and it starts to become more clear why laws actually do need to be involved.
  13. It's bad enough that the woman who hands me a cookie puts a giant screen begging for a tip in my face... I also hate how buying something using square at one of these stores magically gives them your email address... I'm sure I technically agreed to get emails from people somewhere in this process, but at the same time, did I really? Did I? UNSUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE I also always tip because I strongly relate to and sympathize with customer facing retail employees, but yeah, tipping is dumb, stores should just pay a livable wage and I'm on team South Park guys here...
  14. I like how there are literally thousands of unsubstantiated / non-confirmable stories like this about Trump, and they just flow through the media like water, coming and going and forgotten about in days or even hours... because no one can keep up with the sheer volume of them... and then when there is one story like this about Biden, based on almost nothing, or by anonymous 3rd-hand rumors... it can dominate conservative media for months and months and months... It's like, there are 500 Trump micro scandals to every one about Biden, but somehow they seem to rise to the same volume for some reason. Unless there is tape or proof I just ignore these, because they are meaningless. Anyone who is demented, stupid, brainwashed and/or vile enough to still support Trump sure as shit isn't jumping off the wagon because of a story like this and everyone else already thinks he's a fucking piece of shit (because he clearly is) so stories like this are utterly meaningless.
  15. I'm a big fan of this show, I didn't really vibe with the last several seasons / years or whatever... and I really don't know if we need this or not... but that trailer actually looked good and I guess I'll check it out... why not...
  16. Fuck both these people... but there isn't a person on the planet who needs a good ass kicking more than Elon Musk, so I'm all for this.
  17. We currently have roughly 15 bottles of wine in our basement that people have "gifted" us over the years. My wife never drinks it, and while I like wine okay, it's not really something I seek out unless someone offers it to me... so it just piles up. I'm on team George here...
  18. I think they did know... I read a report that they have evidence that not only did they jettison the emergency weights on the bottom, but that they went a step further and jettisoned the entire back part of the sub to make their ascent even more rapid. These are things they would have had to have been triggered by the pilot, so they knew something was very wrong. How long did they know that? I don't know... seconds? minutes? who knows... EDIT: The "inside" info was that they jettisoned the "standard" emergency weights to start a rapid ascent, they did not ditch the entire rear, I heard that somewhere, but I can't find info on that anywhere...
  19. I mean, I don't know if scam is the right term... he did have many previous successful trips down there... If the owner himself wasn't onboard, I could see it being a scam, but as it is, I think it's just a bunch of people thinking the rules don't apply to them... and for billionaires and crazy submarine inventor dudes, that's usually true... but the laws of physics don't care how rich or entrepreneurial/ambitious you are.
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