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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. How bout they just give me one to commemorate the two of my 360s that arrived in an early grave
  2. Wait, that first video compares it to Anthem. Is this a drop in drop out looter shooter? Cause the issue was not gameplay or the world in Anthem, that was all fantastic. It was the shitty loot, poor cosmetics and less than engaging story. But if this is a single player Anthem with a better more cinematic story??? Sign me right the fuck up. Also, extremely populated worlds are extremely overrated.
  3. I uhhh don’t hate the pink one. That being said I’ll get a black controller but I’m not getting covers until they get a lot cooler
  4. Tornados can happen in hilly areas. They happen in the northeast more frequently than you’d think. They just typically can’t escalate to massively destructive levels without wide open spaces. The ones in the northeast can knock over trees and maybe rip a roof off but they can’t level buildings.
  5. @skillzdadirecta I watch it on a Fire Stick and I press up during the episode to activate whatever those in episode special features on Amazon shows are called. There’s little animated shorts, behind the scenes features and interactive map that shows you where they’re traveling and still from the show; it’s pretty awesome. Yeah I believe they’re currently in production for Season 2 and Season 3 has already been green lit. That’s the nice thing about Amazon over Netflix, less crippilizing fear your show will be cancelled for no reason haha
  6. It’s fun to go on the Show only Reddit and read people legit guessing who the Dragon is. Most people seem to have figured it out at this point but I think it’s a credit to the show actually wanting to make that a mystery that people are still guessing.
  7. Watched the first episode last night and I’m hooked. The individual peoples stories are so compelling and interesting that I legit forgot I was watching an alien invasion show. Which isn’t to say the aliens are just absent, they’re not. The tension and mystery around them is excellent as well.
  8. Episode 6 was phenomenal. Easily my favorite episode of the series. The kids are still more passengers than I’d like but honestly who cares with the performances Moraine, Lan and the Aei Sedai are turning in so far. So I think they’ve established that this show is going to be drastically different than the books. But my god have the captured the feel and the essence of this world and it’s characters while still also hitting enough major beats to make it familiar and the changes still let me have that “what’s going to happen next” feeling. So happy with this show.
  9. A) Sonic Mania was great B) The first movie was great and not because of nostalgic reasons C) Do you need a hug?
  10. I need Nemesis to get into public domain so other complained can actually expand upon jt and make it as awesome as it should be.
  11. Just started The Shadow Rising. At this rate I’ll be done with the series in 2025 lol. Def enjoying this book the most so far though.
  12. If I was a man of no class I’d post the “That’s huuuge bitch” gif 👀
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