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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. No no no, no “back on topic” coming from you. You wanna die on the most moronic hill of all time? This isn’t ending until the damn hill is named after you. Hence forth…Taking the completely asinine view that Nintendo’s success has anything to do with anything other than Nintendo’s first party software, shall now be known as……….Taking a Crispy
  2. Also this analogy is as spectacularly awful as the the original point its linked too. This thread is the literal best 😂
  3. Ok let me settle this insanity. I guarantee the Steam Deck will have niche success AT BEST I guarantee it will impact Nintendo’s bottom lines approximate ZERO PERCENT
  4. That’s not at all why the WiiU failed. The marketing and messaging was shit and they overestimated the readiness of the Wii user base to move on to another system so quickly.
  5. The best thing I’ve taken from this thread is the idea that Nintendo gives a flying fuck about the Steam Deck 😂😂😂 I literally can’t stop laughing.
  6. Oh no doubt. The revenue streams from CoD, WoW and that mobile division alone are probably worth it. Im just looking at it from the “Sony is shitting themselves” perspective. This really only complicated CoD for them. Which, granted, is a pretty massive complication.
  7. Aside from CoD…how many games has Activision/Blizzard actually released that register in people’s radar in the last few years?
  8. What’s the boss who splits into 4 in the void? I remember that being pretty tough because you have to be flawless to get rid of them quickly before the next one spawns.
  9. What was your reaction to that “surprise” Appearance and subsequent sequence at the end?
  10. Are you only going to do the Harry Potter stuff and leave? Or spend the whole day at Universal? Cause the updated Jurassic Park stuff at Islands is pretty sweet.
  11. Freezing a blaster bolt then force pulling an enemy in front of the bolt they fired is so damn satisfying
  12. If you’re going to be mad if the Tuscan Raiders come back at the end of the season to help in some way you should probably just stop watching now. Also if you have that opinion I assume you also didn’t like Last Jedi in which case just throw yourself in front of a train while you’re at it.
  13. Lol no. I mean you will back track and revisit locations. But honestly the more you level up thr more fun thr actual platforming gets and I actually started to really look forward to any chance for more exploration.
  14. Check anyway. I have a B7 and it was out of warranty and they still replaced it because it’s a manufacturers issue with the display not any kind of burn in due to negligence. maybe they’ll say no but worth a shot. It’s an email and then they asked me for a Screen shot using a certain YouTube channel that shows all red.
  15. Does the burn in only really show up when something red is on the screen? Because some LG screens have this as a known issue and they’ll fix it for free.
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