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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. The third movie is worth watching for Silver all by himself. He was so utterly fantastic in it. Yeah I’m curious how many more seasons. If Silver is basically the end boss being the only character that doesn’t really end up with a redemptive arc then I could see them ending it after 5, maybe stretch it to 6. The real question will be, are they going to incorporate 4? Or finish with something that’s not tied to the original movies to give the show something of its own to claim.
  2. I am fairly certain I know what will be my favorite movie I watch this year 😂
  3. Oh man we barely made it through. Crag heart and Mind Thief. Mind Thief made it through the last door and ran out of cards. I got crazy lucky with my modifiers on some high damage cards I’d saved and cleared the room with only one turn of cards left. The first room def almost sank us as we were trying to figure out what to do haha.
  4. Watched the first couple episodes tonight and it’s as fantastic as ever
  5. awesome thanks man! Appreciate all the advice! Starting it today, so excited!!
  6. @Kal-El814 ok one last question(probably not) I’m mostly going to be playing with my wife or by myself. I know in the single player campaign you control two characters. So when my wife plays should I just keep playing with both those characters and make it a 3 player game? Or just let her swap her character in and keep it a two player game. Not sure which would be easier/make the most sense.
  7. I did spend $15 to get the game narration on Foreteller though because that’s cool as fuck 😂
  8. I went the cheap route and I’m gonna do the YASS to start. If my wife and I really sink our teeth into I’ll probably upgrade at some point. I won’t lie, the idea of having to glue the thing together myself pushed me over the edge away from it haha
  9. Excited to know there’s another website I don’t ever have to visit. I didn’t think the premier was bad, but I didn’t fall in love with it either. Solid 6/7 for me.
  10. Haha yes that’s who I mean. And I agree that the Blight looked fantastic. I guess they actually built the blight as a set and it was about as long as a football field. I think them embracing the use of practical effects/make up/sets when possible goes a long way in how good the show feels.
  11. @Kal-El814 I agree with a good chunk of everything you said. I was absolutely crushed with how disappointing the finale was given that I loved the entirety of the rest of the season. Up until that point I was on board with basically every single change they made. They were being so smart. That being said, everyone I know that hasn’t read the books really enjoyed the finale so I decided to watch it again with lowered expectations. And while I didn’t love it, I was able to appreciate it a bit more. The one thing I loved no matter what was the casting of an actor to play The Dark One. Brilliant, and the guy the picked seems fantastic. He gives off a bit of that Gabriel Byrne/Al Pacino as the devil sort of vibe. The final confrontation was beyond disappointing but given the struggles they said they had with CGI and Covid I can understand that recreating the book finale would have been basically impossible. I still would have liked it to be a bit more dramatic though. I still hate how they won the battle in the gap to my core. That was fucking stupid from every angle. They could have figured out a way to tie to Rand. The horn being under the thrown. Sure, whatever. Would have been bette to have it at the Eye but I get why they changed it so whatever. Loial being stabbed off screen was a waste. That was the perfect thing to build even more massive heat on Fain. Show him doing it if you’re gonna go that route. Moraine being cut off? I despised that on first viewing but I’m assuming she gets it back right away in S2 and it shows how powerful the Dark One is. I’m on the fence till I see how it’s addressed in S2. Im also willing to give them a bit of a pass given that Mat left the show after Ep6 and that has to have fucked up their plans for the last two episodes. Moraines height and the distance to the eye I don’t have issue with 😂 I think it’s pretty universal that the show was really good overall and they did a fantastic job adapting the source but that it absolutely needs to be 10 episodes. There’s too much in those books to handcuff yourself to just 8. Im hoping Amazon ups their budget but even if they don’t. S1 of these types of shows is always the most expensive and if the budget stays the same S2 should look like it got an increase. Still super excited for S2, just wish they’d stuck the landing more like Witcher did.
  12. @Kal-El814 got it for Christmas and have just been staring at it too intimidated to take out the card board till I get an organizer. Do you prefer thr YASS type organization or Broken Token?
  13. Yeah it’s completely glossed over. At the end of the finale my wife went to me “I’m so confused, how many councils are there and what do they all do?” This show could really use the X Ray stuff they did for WoT. The interactive map and additional history animated shorts do an AMAZING job of helping to flesh out that world for non book readers.
  14. Everytime I see Florence Pugh in something I always forget where I know her from. Then I remember it’s Midsommar. Then I think about Midsommar. Then the rest of my day feels weird cause I’m thinking about Midsommar 😂
  15. Just finished it and absolutely loved it. The way Jacks arc finishes is so utterly spectacular. I want more of that character haha Theres going to be an Echo show? I can’t think of a single thing I could be less interested in out of every single Marvel character in existence.
  16. Yeah I was gonna say. Compared to the marketing of the first two sequels, this was almost non existent. I don’t remember a single TV ad and certainly no food/beverage tie ins that I can think of.
  17. no no no no no no no. Not every game needs to be open and have side quests. Enough of that bullshit. They already try to shoehorn that into most games. Leave the beautifully constructed linear games alone. NO MORE FUCKING SIDE QUESTS
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