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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Considering the amount of people who have actually forced themselves to finish The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales and Histories of Middle earth is staggeringly small. They’ll be fine. As long as it “feels” like it belongs in the same world as the movies and tells a good story people will like it. No one cares what internet virgins who taught themselves elvish and make paper roses thinks.
  2. Excited to play but it’s a 40+ hour open world game. I think I might save it to be my big Summer game. Elden Ring needs my immediate attention this month haha
  3. Yeah I can agree with that. But the Kitchen scene is still one of best scenes in a movie ever.
  4. I thought that trailer didn’t drop till tonight? Either way I think for a teaser it looks good. Looks enough like LotR and im excited to see a story explored in that world that hasn’t really been covered much.
  5. agreed. I never played them before and everyone hyped them up so I was looking forward to it. Then I saw what it looks like. I’m good thanks. Gross.
  6. Really? I didn’t even think twice about that line when she said that.
  7. It really is mind blowing how fucking amazing the first movie holds up.
  8. I read this initially as Arachnid Cyst and thought it was going to be a story about baby spiders in your head. I was prepared to burn this board down.
  9. Saw it tonight and I enjoyed it a lot. But classic murder mystery is easily my favorite genre so I’m biased. I think I liked Orient better. All the characters had more to do and were connected better. Death on the Nile felt like there’s probably a cut of the film that’s about 45 min longer and much better somewhere. Which isn’t to say it’s bad. Quite the opposite. But a lot of the side characters didn’t get enough development for you to really consider them as suspects. I also really liked how this one was more of Poroits story.
  10. I don’t have a lot of faith that this will actually be good. But I don’t give a shit. I love these movies so much. There is NO better theater experience.
  11. Yeah I’m excited for Strikers but both Tennis and Golf were let downs so I’ll wait for reviews first. As excited as I am for the Mario Kart courses. The fact that those waves extend into next year makes me thing 9 is still pretty far away. I really hope they go the Smash route and start adding characters outside of the Mario universe to it. Imagine the courses they could do 😳
  12. I feel like you might like Xenoblade Chronicles. It scratches that Zelda itch
  13. They said ahead of time it was only gonna be stuff for the first half of this year.
  14. That was a pretty damn good show I thought. They have a nice variety of stuff coming this year. FINALLY Switch Sports!!!!
  15. I have idea. Time is just abstract at this point 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. Unless they’re about to pull some major surprises out of their ass this should be pretty “meh” since it’s focusing just on games for the early part of 2022
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