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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Did people think she wasn’t going to be a part of or get anything from the show? That boycott did wonders to slow down the video game I imagine it would be even less effective on a show(presuming the show is actually good)
  2. Looks pretty damn good to me. I mean the cartoon is basically flawless from start to finish. But I’ll take any reason to revisit that world even if it’s in a slightly different form.
  3. I’ve only even heard of 3 of the best picture nominations. I’ve seen 1. And Jo Koy sucks. The Taylor Swift joke was whatever, her reaction was funnier than the joke. Her fans are just crazy so who cares. But that Barbie joke….dude sucks.
  4. Yeah I had the same feeling. So I just decided to never swap out my party and largely ignore the side stuff for the party members in my camp. That way there’s some new feeling stuff if I do a second playthrough.
  5. Same. I’m usually playing one main story driven game. And then something light just to offset it like The Show, WWE, Fortnite, Vampire Survivors from time to time. But I can’t play 3 full games at once like I did in High School/college.
  6. 3rd person makes this an automatic pass for me. If it was an evolution of Uncharted/Tomb Raider I’d be excited. But it’s not. So fuck it.
  7. Isn’t there already a newer comic series that explores his backstory? I hope this season is more S1 part 1 and less S1 part 2.
  8. Same, I haven’t played a ton over the last month. I usually don’t play it unless I have a couple hours. But that’s the only reason. At no point have I felt like it was dragging or that I wanted to “push through” just to get to the end.
  9. I’ll never forgot those live marathons TechTV did the day after Christmas where people could call up and they’d help them with the tech issues in their new stuff. Amazing.
  10. I enjoyed this. The middle is mess. Building the team felt like a check list of “let’s do this cool thing”. But it was big, pretty and dumb enough that I’m looking forward to part 2. Kinda reminds of that Chris Pratt time travel alien movie thing on Amazon.
  11. Garfield Christmas Special is GOAT tier Garfield suction cup on the back window of a car is also GOAT tier
  12. lol this is the largest collection of classic D1Pesque takes since the last Star Wars thread 😂
  13. Bonus point from me for the perfectly executed back body drop on the beach 😂
  14. No Hard Feelings - 8/10 I dunno maybe I was just in the mood for one of these. I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one. It certainly doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it’s more sincere than I was expecting. It was nice that Jennifer Lawrence’s character wasn’t over the top a train wreck. And the same for the kid. Probably doesn’t hurt that you have someone like Jennifer Lawrence who’s able to give it a lot more nuance than an Amy Schumer or Cameron Diaz. I dunno, if you’re looking for a nice rom com this one felt better than most.
  15. Lemme guess, the non California/Texas side turns out to be the actual bad guys. I love Alex Garland but I dunno if I wanna sit through this one.
  16. It’s an arc but I’ll add the Imagination Land South Park episodes. For a single episode, the LotR/Back Door Sluts 9 or Scott Tennerman
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