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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I hope all those guys get eaten by sharks
  2. I’ve enjoyed Foxes movies, as a whole, and found them more memorable than Disney’s. Also thay trailer looks way better better than Apocalypse and X3 so I’m down. Been waiting a long time, since the damn cartoon, to see a good version of this story told on a screen. Hopefully this is it.
  3. I mean...I don’t dislike the things I’m seeing in these clips lol
  4. All of my games i literally have a bookcase full of games but I don’t have enough friends into games to play. I wish I was still in college.
  5. that looks....ok? I don't like how the horde doesn't interact with you as soon as they reach you. Its like they built in a small buffer or something and it seems kinda dumb. He also seems like hes outrunning them by jogging.
  6. Not to the the “get off my lawn” guy but...do we really need a level of realism where we have testicles on animals in our games?
  7. Lol I get he point you were making. But the phrasing you used is the most “no duh” thing I’ve ever read haha
  8. Now if we had a thread that was titled “What have you done lately to help save the bees” THAT would have been an actually useful thread.
  9. You can think something doesn’t matter while simutaniously, as their creator, stating how you created them. Also i thought it was pretty well known that Bert and Ernie were meant to reflect Frank and Jim’s friendship.
  10. Just finished Castle Rock Really enjoyed it. It felt like it was everything that AHS should be but always fails at. It left a fair amount of looses ends which is annoying and leaves you with a lot of “hey but what about....” but regardless I still enjoyed it and liked the ending. Bill Skaarsgard is entering “will watch anything he’s in” territory for me.
  11. Yeah none of this is indicative of people being morons. Also why is this trash thread still going on?
  12. I love all the sports games but the rest of the good ones are on the classic so i'll probably wait a bit till this expands some more
  13. Still rocking my 6S and will until it dies. I used to renew my phone every 2 years with my contract. But once they went to this new “convent” way of leasing you the phone for the entire amount instead of a discount when you re-up, Im out. Even when the 6 dies I’ll probably buy an older model. I doubt I ever buy a brand new phone again with how out of control it’s gotten.
  14. Yeah that looks awesome, and it’s goong straight to Netflix????
  15. As much fun as swinging through the city is. I also love just walking through the city and giving hi fives and taking selfies with people lol
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