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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Yeah Strawberry Banke is in Portsmouth NH. So if that’s in the game and there’s NH initials....seems like it should be NH
  2. Lol you’re the definition of being defensive. Reverting to basic level insults and insinuating people just don’t get it. Also pointing to video game reviews, I’ve already addressed how unreliable that is. I’m glad you like it, honestly I am. I wish I did. I’m hoping it clicks for me the more I play. But your reaction to people critiquing the game? I’m kind of embarrassed for you.
  3. Because it’s a janky mess with immersion just for the sake of it. How anyone can be impressed(beautiful world they built aside) with this game after we’ve had Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild and AC Odyssey help redefine how open world games should be is beyond me. This is Diablo 3 levels of dissapointing.
  4. The controls are horrid. Like inexcusably bad for a game of this level in this day and age. Not only are they incredibly clunky but they employ archaic design like mashing A to sprint. The game itself is riddled with boring menotonis tasks like needing to eat and cleaning your gun and such. It’s like they added this stuff just to say they added realism but did nothing to make them interesting or even feel like necessary mechanics. Look at Breath of the Wild that included the need to wear different clothing in hot or cold. That was implemented very well. This stuff is not. Like I’ve said I’m about 6 hours in. I’ve done a bunch of missions out in the open world and while the world is gorgeous it’s just...boring. I can see where some people love the feeling of actually “living” in the game. But to me the game “so far” is just really boring and with the clunky archaic gameplay it isn’t even really that fun to play.
  5. I’m still holding out hope that it will hit it’s stride as I get a bit deeper. But so far I’m really kinda of bored and unimpressed with almost every single aspect of the game.
  6. Yeah after getting 5 hours in or so and playing a bit in the open world. This is sort of a fun game. All this realism stuff they added does nothing but add annoyances. It does somehow manage to also feel like the jankiest R* game in years. Not a bad game by any means. But not at all on the GotY contenders like GoW, Spider Man and AC:Odyssey’s level.
  7. Move played with both my Gold headset and Vizio soundbar and both sound really good. Love the music. I cant wait to get out of this tutorial opening chapter and into the open world. I’m just kinda...bored right now. @skillzdadirecta I was looking through the options and I’m 99% sure I saw an option where u just have to hit A to run. But still tap it to sprint.
  8. Like I don’t mind tutorial messages popping up but don’t completely lock stuff UNTIL the tutorial part. Don’t tell me about Stamina but the lock me from running right after so I don’t have time to really experiment with how it works. Just let me play the damn game and if you want to give me some tips about stuff from time to time then great.
  9. God damnit. I thought after Zelda and The Witcher 3 these studios would learn to stop wasting our time with these boring 2 hour tutorial missions to open the game. JUST LET ME PLAY ILL FIGURE IT OUT
  10. This. When I talk about Bethesda and Rockstar games being overrated I don’t mean they’re bad or even anything short of excellent. I just think it’s silly when these super hyped games get lauded as one of the greatest games of all time while they’re clear glaring faults are ignored. ??‍♂️
  11. That’s a fair point. But I would argue that movie reviewers and video game reviewers are not even close to being on the same level. Video game reviewers can be bought and buy into hype a lot more than movie reviewers. And Jurrassic World has an “A” Cinemascore for what it’s worth.
  12. Lol yeah Trump was really gonna do anything to annoy the Saudis.
  13. I kinda feel that way too. I usually buy into hype but for some reason I just feel like this game will be fun but not better than the first. Kinda like when a studio doesnr understand what made the first movie so great and so the second is the scene stealer from the first force fed to everyone all movie long.
  14. Yes they are. Skyrim is up there as well. Jurassic World is/was the highest grossing movie of all time. Doesn’t mean it’s as good as it’s numbers dictate haha
  15. Castlevania S1: Finally got around to checking this out and really enjoyed it. Animation was nice and the story was fun. Nice set up for the next season. Made me want to go back and play Symphony of the Night.
  16. Speaking of that, I’m pretty excited for the Jungle Cruise Movie haha. The Rock and Emily Blunt, how could it be bad.
  17. I want it on the Switch so bad. But I guess there are no plans to bring it over.
  18. I mean everything about that sounds cool...till I get to Free to Play and then my interest dropped to -5000%
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