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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I mean everything about that sounds cool...till I get to Free to Play and then my interest dropped to -5000%
  2. Lol and therein lies the problem with video game reviewers. When’s the last mega AAA title that got got a shit review and ended up being way under expectations? As long as the game is simply good, reviewers will give bonus points based on hype so they don’t get blasted by the internet hordes or simply the studio paid them for a good review(looking at you IGN). Normally I think the underwhelming trailers and review embargo until release day would be take as red flags. But given the hype and the reputation of the original it’s getting a pass. Not saying the game will be bad or anything short of great. Just kind of interesting how this stuff all plays out.
  3. Through this whole thing Blizzard keeps popping into my mind as well. Like you said they’ve never been afraid of long Dev times and long delays to get a game right. So I’m curious what their culture is like.
  4. No thank you. Just take the show behind the shed and put it out of its misery. Been going steadily down hill since the excellent pilot.
  5. Character names and specific scenes are not the plot. And when I say people can remember the plot I don’t mean they can describe every scene in detail. I think most people can give the basic plot, the basic story points of good movies they liked. Most of the stuff you mentioned falls more into “film geek/film officiando” territory. Totally different. And yes that arguemnt very much was about people not being smart enough and not caring enough to follow the plot/make predictions off a plot.
  6. We’re not really gonna rotate back to the ridiculous “everyone except us that matches movies are stupid” argument again are we? I’d bet most people could give the basic plot.
  7. Yes thats what makes it so badass. You can use it during combat. And it’s uninterruptible. Yes it’s does 60% of Assassin damage. But go look at your assassin damage vs warrior/Predator.
  8. Yeah, that skill has saved me a bunch of times. Also there’s a skill you can get soon in the assassin tree, I forget it’s exact name but you swipe the guy’s leg and stab down in combat. It does an INSANE amount of damage.
  9. I’ve watched Video Rental and Toy Stores disappear in my life time. I will NOT watch movie theaters die out. If it means I have to go every damn day I’ll do everything I can to keep them around haha
  10. Well MOST movies aren’t good. But I’d argue that most movies that a good/very good and that very successful people remember the plots. Marvel movies somehow managed to combine the budget and money making of the big action blockbusters with the generic forgetability of rom coms.
  11. The heath boost ability is a must have at be beginning in my opinion. Also the Spartan Kick, the ability where you throw the spear and can chain it is great as well.
  12. I understand this sentiment from people. But for me nothing will ever replace the theater experience. But I tend to see movies on weekday nights or early weekend afternoons so I almost never see a movie in a theater more than half full. And with most theaters moving to these luxury recliner seats you’re getting further and further from other people. The days of battling with the asshole behind you who keeps kicking your seat are the dick in front who keeps leaning back to far are over. I do still enjoy full theaters for big franchise opening nights like Star Wars because that’s always an experience in and of itself.
  13. This. I see every Marvel movie(although I’ve stopped going in theaters) and I enjoy every Marvel movie(except for the POS Avengers 2) but all except for a small handful are immedialty forgettable.
  14. But it would be easier. Drax is already dead. The ability to replace him is already written into the story line. Also it doesn’t take a major thespian to just be literal about everything.
  15. Halloween is not only my favorite horror movie but one of my top 5 overall movies. So def checking this out either tomorrow or next weekend.
  16. I wanted the Lion to kill that thing so bad lol
  17. Yeah the Purge movies have become guilty pleasures for me. The show is no different. Really enjoying it.
  18. I would be totally fine with no more Guardians. Not everything needs to be sequaled to death.
  19. I will say, being only 2 1/4 books into the series i can now fully appreciate how utterly terrible the movie was. I mean if Starz can make an absolutely bat shit crazy book like American Gods into a show I don’t see why The Dark Tower(or The Stand for that matter) isn’t already in production.
  20. “Omg but James Gunn is the greatest living director, a true legend of comedy, and irreplaceable icon whose removal will surely herald the impending doom of not only Marvel but the entire Disney corporation!!!!!”
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