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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I hope this season has at least a semi satisfying close to the current arc so I don’t have to feel bad about pretending it doesn’t exist after this season. Kinda like how Into the Borderlands wrapped up pretty much everything after two seasons then for some reason had a third season haha
  2. This, 1000% this. For as much shit as people gave the modern story, that’s a big part of what I loved about 1-3(not really 3 though). The mystery and cliff hangers in each game was fantastic and I couldn’t wait to find out more. Then they ended it the way they did and never gave us the modern game they were CLEARLY building towards.
  3. Crap I think I forgot to submit last week. This week was tough. I think I got 5/6? Couple decent guesses and a couple hail Mary guesses.
  4. Im cautiously optimistic. I think Covid derailed S1 hard. The first 8(?) episodes were really solid. Great adaptation? Not really, but solid in the own world they were building. Then Covid delayed the final two episodes of the show, the actor playing Matt was fired and they CLEARLY had some kind of rewrite to get around him not being there. Those last two episodes felt so off compared so the first bunch completed before the Covid break. Sooooo with an uninterrupted S2 I’m hoping they can get it back on track. At the end of the day the more high budget fantasy we get the better haha
  5. I didn’t know that about the secret exp system. How do you know when you hit different tiers?
  6. There’s an option in the settings that allows you to specifically swap the Jump button with the Sprint button. Funny enough that’s literally the only layout change you can make.
  7. Watched the first episode. It’s a lot of run. It really basically is True Lies except the daughter became a spy too. Fun way to spend an hour. Arnold still has that surprisingly good comedic timing.
  8. Just finished it. Solid 9/10. The game never drags at any point but holy shit does it take off in the last two chapters. Like others have said, the opening was fantastic and then I really didn’t like the openness of Koboh. It felt overwhelming but not in a good way. Later in the game once you unlock all the traversal methods it feels fine to back and run around but I wish they had kept the opening areas a little tighter.
  9. What makes this a Sony conference and not Microsoft is the fact that the games behind all those CG trailer will all actually get released 👀
  10. Dreamworks and Illumination have been making better and/or more entertaining movies than Pixar for years. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is better than anything Pixar has done in 15 years.
  11. Props for dreaming big on the idea. I have a friend who did it and they loved it. But yeah in hind sight, just make a Star Wars themed regular resort hotel.
  12. All of these words, in the order that you placed them, have formed an impressively bad opinion.
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