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Everything posted by EternallDarkness

  1. from what I've seen on twitter this is another physical release getting screwed over on the switch right alongside the Metal gear collection
  2. aren't Deca Police and the new Fantasy Life coming out this year as well? This fall has been insane
  3. Fun little game, kind of a simplistic diablo lite. But I have to laugh in a game where 'the king has stolen everyone's words' the damn princess just never shuts up! Seriously when you are in 'town' (if you can call it that) she pretty much talks none stop.
  4. yeah that's what I'd ben expecting and if they had combined both it would be tolerable.
  5. After 10 hours I can say it's definitely better than 6. Decent characters with some damn funny dialogue but as of now I still love the original Disgaea cast the best and I think 5 might have had my favorite gameplay.
  6. got around to reading the second book in the Creature Feature short stories series Amazon put out the other week. Ankle Snatcher by Grady Hendrix, very cool and creepy tale.
  7. Have no idea why I was thinking about it today, but I miss Dance Central. I was horrible at it but still thought it was a blast. Heck I'm kind of disappointed that the whole Kinect (PS equivalent can't recall the name) was just given up on. Anyone else miss those games (DC especially) ? I know there is just dance and even though I've picked up a few of those over the years I've never played them
  8. wish I could see how old that listing is without signing up for service
  9. 6 wasn't horrible but it was definitely a step backward.
  10. seems no stores in my area have copies Noticed the same for Silent Hope as well. I miss the good ole days when stores actually carried merchandise
  11. you'd think with there being so few someone would have sold one recently I don't need to hear about your Cortana doll
  12. So I was digging through one of my closets and came across a box from way back. Halo 3 Best Buy Midnight Madness Inflatable Chair. I never opened the sucker so I have no idea what it looks like. Checked on ebay to see if it was worth anything but nothing is listed Anyone have one?
  13. yeah it was odd. I think we were supposed to dislike her. Heck, no one in the book was all that likable.
  14. Read The Stranger Upstairs over the summer, definitely wasn't what I expected. I seem to remember liking All Hallows, though I thought it getting released last year in Jan or Feb was so dang odd for a book centered around Halloween
  15. Watched the first few episodes of The Devil's Plan, a Korean show on Netflix. I'm assuming it's an intelligent version of Big Brother. I say I assume because I've never seen a full episode of BB, only caught little clips which were enough to tell me I had no desire to watch. But the show has like12 or 13 people living in a house, competing in intelligence based competitions.
  16. yeah she is excellent, though half the scripts she's forced to endure have been horrendous
  17. pretty sure there is none for murder anywhere in the US...though with California you never know
  18. the lack of a map feature definitely blows, seems like a stupidly basic thing to overlook
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