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Everything posted by EternallDarkness

  1. Yeah I know. We all know you're headed for Japan....and many of us are jealous (at least I am )
  2. Got a 512 earlier this year and now I wish I'd gotten a 1TB
  3. I enjoyed the hell out of it. As for watching the anime...I actually think in some ways it's superior to the anime as the anime really drags some stuff out waaaaaaaay to long.
  4. played more of Baten Kaitos and then finally tried out Blue Fire which I bought ages ago when it was one sale. I like the look and the general feel but the platforming control is aggravating as hell.
  5. finished up Jo Nesbo's upcoming The Night House and have to say it's quite trippy. Of course when a book starts with a kid getting eaten by a phone you're pretty much guaranteed it's a crazy story.
  6. didn't end up starting Holly and instead started The Dead Take the A Train, quite twisted
  7. Finished up The Deadlands: Trapped the second book in the series. It's about a dinosaur series, think more serious/mature Land Before Time.
  8. the trophy stuff doesn't bother me. Spidey just looked like a fun character to play, likely not on par with the actual spiderman games but still for 4 bucks...
  9. played some more Baten Kaitos, definitely an under appreciated game but say what you want about how bad the English dub was (and I freely admit it sounded like it was recorded in a tin can) I still miss it.
  10. I know the ps4 version has Spidey in it. Does he have a campaign to play through. I already have it for xbox but if Spiderman has a campaign I'm willing to shell out the 4 bucks to get on playstation as well
  11. Good to hear. I'll have to keep it on my radar while I try to clear out my backlog. Debating finishing up Eighth Continent tonight or starting on Holly.
  12. the green movement most definitely have to do with Africa, ask the kids in the congo who have to get the minerals for the damn batteries. And yes there is considerable environmental impact from the making of those cars. I don't have the time or desire to go looking for the articles detailing the environment impact of building those cars. Should we make more stuff in the US. Hell yes I am all for that. If the pandemic wasn't a wake up call on that issue for everyone then they likely had (and probably still do) have their head up their asses.
  13. what can I say, when I start thinking about all the screwed up shit that happens in Washington I can't help but think of how many politicians and big time celebs likely took trip to pedo island.
  14. not even going to attempt to answer all those (especially since I never wanted to get into a discussion about politics in the first place, I just wanted to vent about both parties sucking ) but the 'green' push is utter bullshit. More damage is done to the environment in the name of saving it. All those child forced into slavery in the mines in Africa really appreciate it. Tax credits for green vehicles...which only benefits the rich since they are the only ones who can afford the damn cars? Not to mention the damn infastructure isn't there for the all those green vehicles as that idiot Granholm clearly showed when her people blocked charging station for her photo op trip. but I'm out of this thread, I always feel the need to vent once in a while but focusing on this for any length of time is not good for my blood pressure
  15. yeah it's taking place in France. Don't quite know how he got there. Series starts with him tied to overturned boat the ends up beaching in France and he says something about he went out looking for something though I don't think he's said what yet or even how he ended up out to sea. I'm assuming we might get that information at some point but given the storylines in TWD we could easily never find out
  16. neither party is doing any good for the people they claim to represent.
  17. Anyone watching it. I know Walking Dead has been long abandoned by many here, and yet I had to check it out. I'm so confused by this show. I swear like 20 years had gone by in TWD main show (at least it felt like it) and yet this kid from the Dixon show was born towards the start of the apocalypse and yet he's like 11 years?!?! I can't remember any of the times jumps from any of the various shows being stated flatout how long they were but it sure as hell seemed like more than 10 or 11 years since the outbreak happened
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