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Everything posted by EternallDarkness

  1. another swing and a miss. I'm beginning to doubt Douglas Adams. Clearly 42 isn't the answer to life the universe and everything. Limey bastard lied!!!!
  2. those tend to go on sale fairly often because they were published by Thomas & Mercer which is one of Amazon's imprints (as is 47 North) if you see either of those listed as a publisher you can pretty much count on them going on sale dirt cheap several times a year...and usually they have really cheap add-on audio via whispersync usually as low as only 1.99 for the add on audio. Over the years I've picked up most of the books in that series and still haven't gotten around to reading past the first. I enjoyed it I just got sidetracked with so many other things. I don't know if you'll see the latest one in the series go on sale though as I don't think it was published by Thomas & Mercer. I also don't know how much Caine actually had to do with that one since Caine passed away back in 2020. If you're interested in thrillers you can pick up cheap T.R. Ragan is another author T&M publish and her stuff routinely goes on sale as well and most of the stuff I've read by her has been quite good.
  3. Not sure where to rank it especially since I still don't have a Series X or PS5 but even with that being said it's been a damn impressive year
  4. agreed, I'm totally imagining everyone in the audience standing up and singing and dancing to the music
  5. she has the golden touch that's for sure. after it makes a fortune in the theaters all the swifties will be buying it on blu ray or digital
  6. The crazy thing is I have no idea what the book is going to be about. I haven't even bothered to read the blurb I just know more Gibney is likely to be a good thing. Hearing you say some stores already have it almost temps to run out this weekend and look but since I still have 10 more books to read before they release this month I'll just wait and pick it up when it officially releases next week and then somehow work it into my reading schedule.
  7. okay I enjoyed the hell out of this...and so of course knowing Netflix we'll find out it's been cancelled in a week or two
  8. can't tell you how much his music has meant to me over the years or how much this one hurts. I definitely regret never getting to see him in concert.
  9. I've started the original multiple times and played a ton of it and yet I honestly can't recall if I ever finished it. I know I snagged it for the Switch a while back when it was 5 bucks and so at some point I'll likely start it up again, play a bunch and then never finish for like the 3rd or 4th time
  10. We need a new Rygar game! I loved both iterations of the game and would love a new one.
  11. just finished up Beneath the Surface by Kaira Rouda, should be coming out next week or the week after. I love books with crazy dysfunctional families.
  12. from a strictly graphical look, Wild Arms 3 looks like it was colored pencil drawing come to life
  13. the man ain't wrong. The first game that popped into my head was flower
  14. Reading a bunch of books that are due to release next month but the one that I'm really enjoying is Red Rabbit. It's a western fantasy horror-lite mash up.
  15. yeah it always seemed no matter how many damn quests I completed there always seemed to me more waiting. I have to say I certainly got my moneys worth from ToTK
  16. well I have some 'artistic' pics of @Keyser_Soze but they'd likely make you sick
  17. If medical conditions are some how getting us better odds of winning....I did lose the hearing in my right ear two summers ago Being serious here. Woke up and had some crackling in my ear, like I had water in it...within a couple of hours could hear a damn thing in that ear. It's call SSHL: sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Scared the hell out of me. Got to see my doc that day and she immediately sent me to a specialist. He told me it was fairly rare though he'd been seeing an uptick in cases ever since the covid vaccines had started getting pushed, though he had no evidence they were related by any means. Tried a number of treatments. First was steroid injections in the ear. PAINFUL as hell. Then hyperbaric treatments, which was definitely an odd experience. In the end nothing worked and now I have permanent hearing loss in that ear. And it's not just that I can't hear in that ear, it's that there is a permanent static sound in that ear, like I'm walking around with a busted TV on that side of my head. Having such a change to my hearing also screwed up my balance for a while. What really sucks is the my hearing used to be insane. I could be three rooms away and still hear conversations perfectly. Now I can be in the same room with a person and if there is a tv or a radio on I have trouble separating out the individual sounds.
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