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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. Not to rub it in but I posted in this thread before the last round of pre orders if anyone wanted me to try and get one and no one replied. My sister snagged one so I sold it to a coworker for an extra $150.
  2. L4D2 just had an update so Ill be jumping in on that.
  3. Spiderman's got a good rogues gallery and recycling Electro in feels premature. They could do a great 2 parter with Vermin into Kraven story or even Black Tarantula .
  4. Yup good stuff , I mentioned it at work one day while talking about 80s tv and every one looked at me like I was making it up. Not a single person had heard of it.
  5. Normally yes but in this instance the store front is paying for exclusivity so I guessing am EGS has input in the matter Technically since they are key holders to the platform they have some say in the matter. I am sure they can dictate the the top end price.
  6. It hard to do a next gen tax when there isnt generational divide on PC. I have to think this is Epic trying to grab customers at low price point.
  7. I laugh every time time I see this pic , Trump trying to use his “Scanner” power to blow up Hill dogs head on stage.
  8. It was RSD last Saturday , I was able to grab Graves At Sea " History Of Sickness" and Roger Waters double of "The Wall" live in Berlin 1990.
  9. I picked up the Vincent Price Collection Vol.1 Reissue from Scream Factory. I started with the Pit And The Pendulum. Visual : Outside a few scenes the quality is 8/10 Audio : It released with a clean Mono track , no cracks or pops . 5/5 Vincent Price as usual knocks it out of the park. Barbra Steele co stars
  10. I cant for the life me understand why Epic decided to go with a frat boy approach , I have to assume they thought that Apple would be swayed by the public and they would give in.
  11. Really surprised by this Judge , she is really on top of shit http://threadreaderapp.com//favicon-16x16.png Thread by @PatrickMcGee_ on Thread Reader App THREADREADERAPP.COM Thread by @PatrickMcGee_: Apple-Epic hearing started a few minutes early. “We are going to be hear for hours, I suspect,” says Judge Gonzales, who threatens to mute people if they regurgitate arguments she’s alread...…
  12. The old “ were in too deep now, so fuck it” method of running a bank.
  13. Sony newest model is supposed to get update to hdmi 2.1 and it’s $1000 range Q80t model above the 45 inch has the all the same features and is around $1100 LG Oleds are good to go but are $1400 -$3000
  14. Undecided voters are Trump voters that are to chicken shit to say it in public.
  15. Showing my age here but growing up in the arcades , playing fighting games locally , shit talking was just part of the scene. It was friendly banter to throw each other off the game. Calling someone the N word or a F@g would have got you an ass whipping by a half dozen or more folks. I dont understand it.
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