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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. If you had that big money you could go for one of these sweet PC's
  2. Best buy had around 20 stores prior to 93 so it wasnt an option for most people for NES games
  3. Same , the PS2 era they became affordable enough that you could be less picky or more adventurous with your choices
  4. Flowers of Evil by Ulver The Suns of Perdition - Chapter II: Render Unto Eden by Panzerfaust
  5. And what about that Patreon page? It’s collecting over $2,100 a month to pay for web hosting, but has no identifying information denoting who started the page or who is getting the money, and no way to contact the owner. Patreon didn’t respond to questions about who started the page and who is profiting from it.
  6. @Remarkableriots Going on the trailer posting rampage Much appreciated
  7. WTF I thought this was some jokey as troll post, but this cant be ..
  8. Sunspot has changed over time the original creation was very dark skinned but new iterations have him much lighter Original vs Actor The actor is Brazilian but not Afro Brazilian , I think some leeway should be afforded when it comes to making comic movies.
  9. Let’s say I get assaulted in a public place and I fear for my life and I pull my piece and kill the person , I would likely walk free. Now let’s say after I shot the person , you see me and think I am going start killing everybody and you jump me and I kill you . I am likely to walk free as I could argue that I was still being assaulted and could be considered an an accident. If you manage to get my gun and kill me you would likely walk away free.
  10. PSN ID after you do it tells you to make sure you have access to the email address associated with that ID
  11. I am sure this the gimped version of SF with a handful of characters.
  12. Not an original but at 4 hours long its well worth it. It isnt deep though. I fucking loved this one This one is not bad
  13. The past 3 gens of Nintendo consoles has been behind,the likely hood of them switching gears is slim to none.
  14. Nintendo isn’t chasing that 4K dragon. I am sure there is new hardware in the pipeline but they don’t even give a fuck about 1080p much less 4K.
  15. Zombie 4k The film was one of the 72 Video Nasties of the 80's and was prosecuted due to the violence and gore. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls051364249/ The film is about a women and a reporter who travel to a tropical island after an "empty" boat appears in NYC belonging to the women father. They soon find out the island is "cursed" . This film was supposed to be the Dawn Of The Dead 2 but as much as I enjoy Fulci and this film itss very subpar compared to Romero's classic. Romero has never been subtle but in this case he is scalpel compared to Fulci brick to the face approach. Romeros film centered around the recently deceased , Zombi used a both the recent and the long dead so he loved to include insects like maggots to up the gore factor. This really is more of a party flick then Romero's , I enjoy it more when you can laugh at the dubbing,wince at the gore and grin at the 70's titty shots with others. Video: Its a 5/5. Companies need to look at Blue when they need a film remastered at 4k. It is a pristine transfer, the HDR adds just a touch of clarity to some shots. Sound: 4/5 The Atmos track is great but the original 1.0 is good too
  16. https://www.slashfilm.com/61-days-of-halloween/
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