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Everything posted by number305

  1. I'm pretty sure that the key feature of a new iteration of the device will be an improved FOV. Illumaroom isn't happening. Basically to make that function the end user has to set up a projector pointing at their TV wall along with a kinect type device facing towards the TV as well (so it can map the environment). It looks great in demo's but getting it to work correctly in diverse environments and lighting situations is more of a headache than I think M$ is going to take on. If the FOV gets dramatically increased there is no reason you couldn't do the same exact thing with hololens. It would just be strapped to your face and the effect would only be good for the person wearing the device.
  2. https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/16/18185318/microsoft-hololens-2-mobile-world-congress-press-event-date Hololens 2 to possibly be shown off next month. The original hololens has mostly been used at an enterprise level. I think it would be pretty cool if this could be an accessory for the next Xbox. AR has some cool applications. Imagine wearing these while playing a horror game on your TV and you see some monster crawl out of your TV onto your living room floor!
  3. I like they are using the classic theme but it sounded a little ham fisted the way it played in the MCU score. Sounded like some DJ just mixed the two songs together.
  4. I would probably agree with that since the movie wasn't really offensive or anything. However the cost when I make a trip to the movies with my family is about $50 per trip. An OK movie is fine if I see it on netflix or HBO. I'm disappointed if I pay to see an OK movie in the theater. I didn't pay to see ghostbusters 2016. I got it free at one point from Movies Anywhere. So I'll agree it was OK. Ghostbusters 2 was bad.
  5. 2016 movie was just bad. People can get over something they disagree with if you give them a quality product, but the bottom line is you have to make a good movie. Hopefully this movie turns out good. It would be a positive if they chose a diverse cast for the new crew and hopefully they don't just round up the cast that most people have in their heads for this. They need to stay away from Seth Rogan, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart.
  6. Well my quick math (which could be wrong) shows that they have 117 million subscribers. The article posted here says the most popular plan is going to be $13 per month. That would mean they are taking in over 1.5b per month. That is a lot of cash. They obviously have some big bills to pay and they are heavily invested in new content... but if they can keep that revenue stream they should be okay. If the revenue stream dips (hi disney) they could be in trouble.
  7. I'm excited for the conclusion and will probably watch some 5 minute youtube recap before the new season starts to refresh myself. Don't know how you all find the time to re-watch a series. There is so much new content all the time... ain't no one got time for that.
  8. No matter what Glass does - there is no possible way it can do what The Last Jedi did. The reason being is that there are not nearly enough people to care. If Glass isn't what people are expecting or wanting... they will just shrug for the most part and move along. People are invested in Star Wars. Unbreakable and Split have a fan base but not the rabid following of Star Wars.
  9. To me Hart is kind of another version of Jack Black. Lots of extreme facial reactions and big arm movements... However even Jack Black has Tenacious D, and he has found a niche with kids movies (school of rock, goosebumps, house with a clock in it's walls).
  10. I was kinda thinking that Iron man in space scene could be the opening to the movie. They don't have to show how all that happens - when he gets rescued in space/or gets back to earth he can explain to Cap how he got off the planet.
  11. The book is great. Actually the first 2 or 3 in the series of books are really good. But... they have proven hard to film. I think for this to be successful they need to take a hatchet to the source material. Don't try to do everything in the book. Parse it way down and make something that is enjoyable to watch in a 2 hour sitting. This will piss a bunch of people off but I think it will give a better chance at a quality final product.
  12. Celeste stresses me out. I'm worn out after about 30 minutes of playing. Very hard, but it seems all doable so far.
  13. Thanks I will try it. I plan on trying life is strange 1 + 2 in the future too.
  14. Last month I signed up for Game pass and so far it has been a fantastic deal. Games I have played so far from game pass: Forza Horizon 4 Zombie Army Trilogy Rush: A disneyPixar Adventure (kids) State of Decay 2 Strange Brigade Below Mutant Year Zero (I beat this - Great game!) Agents of Mayhem (bad game, but one I had wanted to try for a while) Also they are adding new games like crazy so I'm sure there will be fresh stuff every month to try. In addition this year games I know I will be playing from this service: Ori and the Will of the Wisps Crackdown 3 Gears 5 On a related note the game Celeste is currently M$'s games with gold game for the month. I have been playing that too and I like it a lot. I got the game pass 12 month for $70 on sale before Christmas. It seems so far like one of the best deals I have gotten in a long time!
  15. Is it a bit odd that we have a thread discussing if that movie was the worst movie of the year, and Bale gets a best actor award for being in it? I haven't seen it, and maybe he gives the best performance of the year in a terrible movie... but it feels like the award was given as a political FU.
  16. This must have been a free game at some point... I have it on Xbox and I didn't know I owned it.
  17. If it helps I can just tell you now. All the marvel shows are canceled. They are just putting out the content that was already done.
  18. From my experience you will notice more of a difference with hdr and an oled screen, than you will notice extra resolution.
  19. I'm probably gonna get killed for saying this, but I'm kinda disappointed this did well and I haven't seen it. My reason for that is this - I really like a lot of DC characters and I think DC has done a terrible job with this movie 'universe' they have created. However as long as WW and now Aquaman are making money it is just going to delay rebooting the whole larger mess so that someone else can have a shot at creating a better Superman/Batman.
  20. I think some of his best moments in the comics were team ups. Secret wars, his work with Deadpool, and with daredevil...
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