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Everything posted by number305

  1. Why don't you guys have game pass? On sale at various times you can get a year of it for like $70 which is just a little more than one new game and you get tons of content for that price.
  2. The original Crackdown was a great game for it's time. If you remember the only reason it sold so well was because it was the only way into the Halo beta.
  3. Back to the future with The Rock... that pitch would be seriously listened to in Hollywood right now. There are worse ideas. Honestly this all looks like the direction these movies are naturally headed.
  4. Did you not watch this trailer? The badguy literally has superpowers. He is bulletproof with super strength.
  5. Looks like a fun and forgettable popcorn movie. Kung foo fighting with cars... jumping off buildings. The badguy introducing himself by saying "I'm the badguy". Will probably be fun to see once.
  6. That is pretty well done (for an ad). I would expect this to be copied by all the streaming services. If it helps to delay or reduce price increases in the future I'm all for it.
  7. Is there still going to be some sort of a revision of the hardware this year? I haven't heard anything about that for a while.
  8. With the track record of live action vs animated DC movies... I'm a lot more excited to see what they produce in an animated movie. The Spiderverse movie is the new target for animated superhero flix. Hopefully they shoot for that quality.
  9. Some of these are a lot more obscure than the guardians of the galaxy. The guardians headlined their own successful comic (with various team make ups... honestly the movie version together as a team was pretty much first done for the movie). People like 'flag-smasher' and 'big bertha' and 'hate-monger' are obscure on a whole other level.
  10. That is no lie. Games from that gen were hard. I feel like if Celeste came out for the NES you would have had 3 lives and 2 continues... and somehow people would have beat it.
  11. Kind of. In a revisionist way, and only if you watch the extra's from like a thor DVD. But with this version of Ironman probably getting killed off I doubt they ever continue directly with that story line.
  12. I am almost certain we will see Mephisto on the big screen eventually. Also I would bet they will take another run at Mandarin eventually. Probably after they reboot Ironman somehow. Most of these will never be on the big screen simply because they are so obscure.
  13. Amazon did a pilot at least... I don't remember it getting picked up.
  14. It's all good. Like I posted I'm not anticipating it being a good game. But since I have game pass I sure as heck will be downloading it - and hopefully it turns out to be fun. It does not need great graphics if they nail the game play... but even there I have great doubts.
  15. Eh. That is the problem. Everyone always can see how dumb everyone else is.
  16. That is a fine position to hold, as long as you aren't arrogant enough to exempt yourself from the fact.
  17. I used to really like shadowman on the N64. Playing it today is laughable. It's hard to even see clearly where the characters end and the environment begins.
  18. LOL. This argument again. Us message board posters are so enlightened. The average Joe can never figure out what a reboot is.
  19. If the general public can understand what is going on with Spiderman and Batman/Joker these days then they will be fine with Ghostbusters.
  20. They knew it would be turned down. They are more interested in the free publicity tour for getting turned away. I doubt their marketing budget has the money for a 60 second super bowl ad.
  21. I would think it would need to scan the room at least every time it starts. Rooms change pretty often. New furniture, new decorations, or even a shift in the projector. Many people won't be able to permanently mount the projector.
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