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Everything posted by number305

  1. I still think Madden fits your bill. There have been bad years where the reviews hammered the game and I don't think sales really showed any reflection of the scores. Crackdown 3 also seems to be immune to it's poor scores - but I think that is a function of game pass. I don't think many people would have purchased it, but lots of people are playing it. Review scores may have a lesser impact in the future. If people see others having fun with a game on twitch or it is a game they can play for "free" through a service they already have then there is really no barrier to try it for themselves anyway.
  2. I would not mind a few threads about good movies that are under the radar. I hate pretentious oscar bait movies, but there are some real good movies that go unseen that I would like to hear about. I just recently watched 'Shotgun Stories' a 2007 Michael Shannon movie that somehow I had no idea existed. It is available on Amazon Prime and I recommend it if you are like I was and missed it.
  3. I think there are a lot of people that have been taking advantage of playing game pass games on both PC and Xbox. I do. But to be honest I have no numbers or stats on that.
  4. All I can go by is what is actually happening. Sony is in the business of building walls around it's territory and M$ has been working like hell to tear theirs down. Look at what this thread is about for instance...
  5. Without your money M$ is nothing. They have proven this in several arenas. Enterprise, personal computing, and now games. Their big shift came a handful of years ago. They had been fighting Apple tooth and nail... then they realized everyone was using iPads anyway. So they decided to make sure that all those people using and iPad in the enterprise environment were using M$ software on them. That business for them absolutely exploded.
  6. That disc-less take is a good 2017 take. By 2020 gamepass will make that all irrelevant. It kinda already has. If some family is on a budget they can just buy their kid the Lockhart box and a gamepass sub. Boom hundreds of games with 5-6 new ones every month.
  7. Yup. The funny thing is M$ looks like the only company welcoming this future with open arms. Well the only current major player in the games sector anyway. They recognized that providing excellent services and being hardware agnostic is a financial winner. The problem for gamers is that I think it will be a while before Sony plays nice with others. They only way they will probably ever give in is if they start to massively lose market share and are forced to. So in the end the consumer will decide.
  8. We could have a pretty good discussion about this. There are lots more movies being made now for several reasons. For one there are a ton more outlets now than there were in the 80's. Also making a movie can be done in high quality for much less money (factoring for inflation). The tools between cameras and computer technology has made film making accessible to the masses in almost the same way that a hit music album can now be produced from an ipad. Some of my posts in this thread went a little over the top... but I was basically responding to the dumb statement that the '80s were garbage'. There has been and will continue to be great content from each decade.
  9. Why would you not play them? Imagine the upgrades of running the new zelda on the X.
  10. This was obvious if you were paying attention. Below is my quote from the Crackdown thread on Tuesday: Honestly I think retail sales are not a priority for MS at all anymore. Even outside of video games look at all of MS business from the enterprise level to home users and now to games. Microsoft is interested in getting people into a subscription model. That is their push company wide and they are less and less concerned about the hardware it is running on too. My guess is that game pass may show up on "other" devices (other than PC where it already exists) in the not too distant future.
  11. I would put: Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Last Crusade, The Terminator, ET, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Die Hard, Aliens, Stand by Me, Gremlins, Princess Bride, Blade Runner, The Shining, The Thing, Full Metal Jacket, Nightmare on Elm Street, Platoon, Raging Bull, Scarface, BIG, Spinal Tap, Predator, First Blood, Coming to America, Spaceballs, Caddyshack, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Escape from New York, Broadcast News, Lethal Weapon, Big Trouble in Little China, Totoro, Blues Brothers, RoboCop, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Airplane... lots more up against any lineup of movies from this decade. Things are not getting better all the time. I think that social media and the internet have severely shortened peoples attention span and generally made people dumber. People read less - fiction sales have fallen every year since 2013. I love the superhero movie genre but there is no doubt that those movies have pushed out many other 'good ideas' from even getting a chance to be made.
  12. I would take the 80's content over what is being produced today in almost every category. Music, Movies, Art, Literature... I think if you count streaming as TV then the TV of today is better than in the 80's. But that is about it.
  13. LOL. Is this a sentence? I'm looking forward to this movie. Hope it is good.
  14. I could be wrong, but I think before the movie that exact group had never been together before as the Guardians. Those characters all existed and had been in the Guardians at one point or another.
  15. What makes anything a premium title? I think at one point "AAA" had some financial number associated with it (cost to make the game) - but I have never heard a definition for 'premium'.
  16. Honestly I think retail sales are not a priority for MS at all anymore. Even outside of video games look at all of MS business from the enterprise level to home users and now to games. Microsoft is interested in getting people into a subscription model. That is their push company wide and they are less and less concerned about the hardware it is running on too. My guess is that game pass may show up on "other" devices (other than PC where it already exists) in the not too distant future.
  17. I have trouble understanding why anyone would care about that stuff. Who cares if strangers rate your levels. But I'm old. I also don't understand watching others play games on twitch.
  18. I would expect this is the last we see of JJ for a while. Punisher and Daredevil are popular enough that they will be continued or rebooted quickly in some form by Disney.
  19. Do you expect Dragon 3 to perform better than Lego 2? I don't follow this stuff all that much, but from the outside I would have expected Lego to be a bigger impact.
  20. That is weird. But I have a buddy that will buy CD's even when he has access to the content from streaming... so to each their own. In my opinion these companies are selling their games through game pass access and are being paid. I don't feel any responsibility to give them extra money. I played and loved Mutant Year Zero on game pass, but I played it all the way through and beat it. No reason for me to ever buy it. If they ever put out DLC I will happily buy it.
  21. Sorry but that is bannanaland. Developers that put their game on Gamepass know what they are signing up for. I can totally get behind purchasing DLC for games that you like on GP... but kind of the whole point of GP is you don't have to buy the games. Also they do get paid by MS for having their game on there. Also Crackdown is a MS game. You have a very big heart if you are donating extra money to Microsoft. (you must also have a very big wallet)
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