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Everything posted by number305

  1. Yeah... what they are not showing is really what worries me about this being any good. The game is obviously not going to blow anyone away with it's graphics. The only hope is that the gameplay is super tight and a ton of fun to play. However I think if MS thought they had a hit on their hands there would be a lot more marketing going on for it right now to get people hyped.
  2. It used to be a great feature in games to play with buddies, now it is a great feature in games to play with my kids.
  3. This is going to be a next gen title if they are already talking about it missing 2019. They are going to want a new Halo to go with their two new consoles in 2020.
  4. Something about this - even discounting will smith's look just looks bad. It looks like a made for TV movie, or bad cosplay.
  5. So is his cape dead? I'm not sure he is as cool of a character without that cape.
  6. Fighting up levels is a ton more manageable later in the game. I think your ideas about a softer level scaling might work well. Just can't have no level scaling with the way the game works. Like you said fighting a bunch of level 2 guys might be funny once... but after that there would be no 'fun' in enemies that had zero chance of even hurting you. I still remember that damn boar fight. I tried beating it for an hour straight. Then I left and leveled up five times and came back and it still took me several tries.
  7. I haven't read the article yet so this might get covered there... but getting Marlon Brando in Superman was huge. At that time big name actors would not have touched a superhero movie because they were seen as extreme kids stuff. Getting Brando in Superman changed the game forever for the genre.
  8. The one thing I can say in defense of this games level scaling... It is almost impossible to fight someone more than a couple levels above you. So imagine if you walked into an area that was leveled for say level 5 when you were a level 40 character. It would not be any fun. You could let everyone hit you for 10 minutes and not take any damage, and when you swung your sword you would kill 5 enemies per swing.
  9. I have seen some pretty left leaning critics that hate it. Actually I don't know of any real right leaning people who cover movies for a living...
  10. I hadn't heard about anyone killing Far Cry. Is this documented anywhere?
  11. That was a great movie. I had a few issues with the animation. It seems whenever Miles dad is around the animation skips like it's missing frames. I'm not sure if that is supposed to symbolize something or not but it was a little hard to look at. Also some of the blur effects were a touch too blurry for me. But those were all stylistic decisions. Everyone has opinions and I'm sure others will love how all that was done. Overall was a really great movie. I'm not sure how all the rights work out but I would love it if they would introduce Miles in a live action Spider-man movie - then maybe give him a live action show on the new Disney network.
  12. I'm kinda excited for the Punisher season 2. Kind of weird that it will probably be the last we see of this iteration of the character...
  13. I don't watch her show or really think she is that funny. That being said she may regret it if she quits doing it. Not many people are that successful for that long making that much money. She could probably keep that train running until she was old and grey if she wanted to. However if she stops doing it - there is no guarantee that she could successfully start it again. She probably does not "need" more money at this point. But the show also keeps her relevant in Hollywood. I'm not sure she has a path to stay relevant outside of that show.
  14. There are a few abilities that let you freeze enemies for one or more moves. Those are super helpful, especially one is an area effect so you can freeze a group of enemies. That and just getting more powerful guns. Make sure you pay attention to the map. There are a few area's that are somewhat easy to miss. They generally don't go anywhere but they they have lots of loot to pick up and enemies to fight to help level up a few times.
  15. How far in are you? Seemed to me that later in the game things got easier with more skills available. I really like the game. A little disappointed with the lack of differentiation between characters. It feels a little once all the perks open up that you only have two characters. Tanks and Snipers.
  16. I just don't see the line that you see. After watching this movie I don't know what got so many riled up about it's portrayal of a vigilante but all others seem to be okay. I'm not defending anything... I'm not a big gun proponent or anything. I try to stay away from most politics usually.
  17. Impossible. Duh. Parker died. Didn't you watch the last movie?
  18. The only movie on this list I saw is Death Wish. First off it was a bad movie. But the reason it was bad was that it was poorly directed and Bruce pretty much mailed it in (as he has done in most movies in the past decade). I don't really understand why this movie in particular gets all the PC hate. There are hundreds of movies that have the plot line of someone's family member gets hurt or killed and revenge gets taken by the protagonist. Most of those movies have guns in them too. So I just don't get why everyone agreed to hate on this movie for those reasons as opposed to say John Wick, or Django, or Kill Bill, or Taken etc........
  19. Watch that trailer back to back with MUA2 trailer that is in this thread. Seriously MUA2 looks better and looks like it has more interesting gameplay.
  20. People seem pretty sensitive about the YA label on books they read. I don't think there was anything malicious in @CitizenVectron 's comment.
  21. This looks like what they did with ultimate alliance 2. Made a crappy toned down version for the Nintendo system. They just neglected to make the good version for Sony and Microsoft. Maybe in a year when the exclusive term runs out.
  22. I don't see any way they would bring Jackman back for one movie. They are obviously going to want Wolverine to be a long time hero in the universe.
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