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Everything posted by number305

  1. My guess is that you are right that Phases don't really matter much. Also this being Spiderman I am guessing Disney has less control over it's content. In the eyes of the people who make these decisions maybe the next phase starts with the introduction of the next big bad. Do we know for sure what the first Phase 4 movie is? Maybe there will be an intro to Galactus... or Dr Doom, or whoever the big bad is for the next phase.
  2. With the acquisition of all the new studios over the past couple of years I would think that by the end of 2020 there will be a good number of exclusives coming to the xbox brand. Also anyone coming over from the PS family can get signed up with game pass and instantly have a huge library of games to wade through.
  3. I think this can change depending on where you go. I used to go to a theater where this was a problem but moving across town and going to a different theater I haven't ever seen the crying kid thing happen again. I have no idea if this is a demographics thing or something the theater management takes care of and keeps from happening... but my suggestion is that if it happens at your theater then try going somewhere else. Obviously sometimes you can't if you live in a small town etc.
  4. Just want to say I respect you and your opinions. I think the Marvel version of planning is what is ideal to pull off a successful multi-part universe. What Marvel has is some end goals in mind, and a set of rules that they follow. That obviously does not mean that things don't change over time, new ideas are introduced, things are retconed etc. That is going to happen over time. But there is a consistent vision. My problem with this current Star Wars trilogy which maybe I have not articulated clearly enough is that they gave it to two directors who have very different visions for what the core story should be. That is what I see as not being planned out well enough. I like both directors for what they do. JJ is more fan service and fun, Rian is deeper and more challenging. I think either take on Star Wars could produce great results, but I think a mixture of the two where each director is changing the flow the previous director put in place is a long ways from an ideal setup.
  5. So your story now is that when they made ep 7 they weren't sure they would make enough money to make another one so they didn't plan for it? Hollywood history does not matter at all here. I'm not interested in the thought process for Smurfs 1. We are talking about Star Wars. They knew they were doing a trilogy and they screwed up by having multiple directors with different visions and no one doing a good job of keeping the story coherent. That isn't a poke at either Rian or JJ. I think the story would have been better if either of them had had full control of the trilogy rather than passing it back and forth. That has been my point the whole time that you seem to disagree with. Disney seems to think I'm right since that is exactly what they are doing now.
  6. It will be interesting when we hear the next-gen plan from all the major players. I think we are getting close to the end of regular console cycles. It was already blurred this gen with the Pro and the X.
  7. Uh oh. I guess star wars is going to suck now. They are thinking ahead and planning. Maybe even letting a single director be in charge of en entire trilogy. These movies are doomed. Only by blindly throwing random shit at the screen can greatness be achieved.
  8. The person least surprised that Palpatine is alive has got to be Maul. Getting thrown down a shaft ain't nothin. Hell Maul was cut in half first.
  9. 'without a doubt' is a stretch. Everyone has their own preferences. You would get a lot of arguments saying it is better than Civil War. Civil War is considered by some to be Marvels high water mark.
  10. Sorry, I was informed in the other sw thread that planning a coherent story arc is over rated.
  11. I like that the new droid is named D-0. I hope he gets back together with black sabbath.
  12. The way they did these movies reminds me of an elementary school game where everyone sits in a circle then one person starts a story, the next person continues it etc all the way around the circle. No planning or continuity. If you don't like what was in the previous movie just disregard or change it. These would have been better if they would have had either JJ or Rian just do all 3.
  13. With Jon Favreau and Taika Waititi involved I am expecting good things from the Mandalorian.
  14. So if you play Celeste and you slow the game down, turn on infinite stamina, increase your air dashes, and turn on invincibility... you are not playing Celeste. I mean for a disabled person I guess you can watch the story. But whether you are disabled or not you are not going to get the Celeste experience playing that way. I have not beat Celeste - but I played about the first half of the game and it was good. The whole point of that game is dying on a level lots and lots of times - and figuring out exactly what you are supposed to do - then even after you know what to do dying lots more times trying to accomplish it - the the best part when you finally nail it and get through to the next screen you get a big rush and sense of accomplishment. No one is going to get that feeling with all the cheats turned on. With those cheats on you could probably walk through the game and maybe die a handful of times (if you are invincible then probably only dying when you encounter a hole to fall down). Its cool if you want or need to play that way but you are not experiencing the real game. Also every game on Xbox has accessibility options. The Xbox adaptive controller works with any game because it is an xbox controller, and there are a ton of options to make games playable on that thing for a wide variety of individuals.
  15. I think the two sides that are having this argument in this thread have different views of video games. Some people view games like children's toys. They are there to amuse you and to have fun with. And that is certainly true with many video games. The other viewpoint is that video games can be elevated to an art form. If this is your point of view then as a developer you would want your art to be experienced as you intended and not have other modes forced into your art by outside forces.
  16. This guy looks TERRIBLE for 47. Just to compare Mark Wahlberg, Elon Musk, Sacha Baron Cohen, and Jered Leto are all his same age.
  17. Nah. It's middle of the road. It rates about the same as Thor 1. Much better than Hulk, or Thor 2... but not 'better than most'.
  18. If the purpose of your game is to be hard then being forced to have an easy mode is dumb. What would the purpose of Super Meat Boy be if it wasn't hard? I don't personally play games that are super hard - but I do understand that there are people who enjoy them. Not every game is meant to be enjoyed by everyone.
  19. Wolverine has always been a loner and not wanted to be found. Plus he doesn't get his metal skeleton until weapon X. We are getting to a time period where a lot of the backstory of the characters will need to be updated. A functioning Magneto of today probably could not have been a kid in the Holocaust. The age is just getting too much. The good thing (bad thing?) is that humans do terrible things to each other in war all the time, so it would not be that hard to pick another time period and war for Magneto to come from.
  20. MCU version of Scarlet Witch got her powers from the mind stone that was in Loki's scepter. Not sure how they could change that now, they showed and talked about it happening.
  21. No X-men in phase 4 but that does not mean no mutants. It would be the least surprising thing ever if they start off with a standalone Wolverine.
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