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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. To be fair, if that was Dallas, there would also be hail, sand, and a Tsunami.
  2. What I find interesting is that Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain had an even simpler and more basic gameplay loop (and equally bullshit story) and it had every gaming journo on the internet dangling from Kojima's nuts like a tire swing. I played MGSV from start to finish and I still don't understand the praise. I took down my first Behemoth tonight playing solo. Those things are not to be taken lightly. My main 'con' when compared to Wildlands was that Wildlands spoiled me with the drone options. I keep waiting for my explosive and emp drones but so far they're MIA.
  3. Unfortunately for every one of us that pushes back against 2K/EA's bullshit, there are five others that will buy whatever Lebron is wearing that week.
  4. So I streamed a bit of my play session earlier today and I thought I'd link it in here to give you guys a better idea of the gameplay. For whatever reason, it's not loading for me right now but if it doesn't pop up soon i'll download it and post it to youtube or something. The beginning of the video shows a pretty good infiltration and clearing of an area. It'll give a good indication of the overall gameplay. The rest of the video is me arguing with my cat and completely botching/completing a mission objective. Removed. Of course the ONE video I'm trying to share doesn't work
  5. If the gameplay loop got old for you, i say wait it out to see how the game evolves. Right now its a very simple gameplay loop; it just happens to be one that i personally enjoy. Wildlands was definitely more densely populated, for better and worse. They got rid of the GTA-like "infamy" meter, so there's no endlessly spawning choppers, guys driving up in jeeps, etc. Its more similar to AC Odyssey where there is a guy that has a radio that can call for backup. Take out that guy first and if the shit hits the fan you're still limited to dealing with the current bad guys. Even if he does get the call off, you'll have a chopper or jeep show up with some additional guys, but its not endless like in Wildlands. I prefer Breakpoint's setup in that regard.
  6. It depends. I played through the entire campaign in The Division 2 and enjoyed it quite a bit but it became very grindy. Ghost Recon has a gear score, but being able to pull off a headshot negates the need for it. I personally like the fact that i can sneak up on a group of three, pop off three quick rounds, and move on. I dont need every bad guy to be a bullet sponge. People take off points for the "unnecessary" gear score but i actually like that i'm not limited by it. That said, Div 2's narrative is a lot tighter and more scripted. GR's is more open and unpredictable (i.e. "bland").
  7. I've been playing it on XBX and its fine. Its not great, but its... fine. I personally havent encountered all the bugs and glitches others have so i cant comment on those. I've put about 30 hours into it. I'm not gonna say that other peoples' opinions dont have merit, but the "gameplay loop" that everyone is trashing is exactly the same loop the Ubi uses in other games that have gotten universal praise.
  8. Still takes place in the '40s? If it would've taken place in the '50s or '60s i might have been looking forward to it. It looks just like the other ones.
  9. Once upon a time I would've been excited for 16-player party chat. But the thought of having 24 voices in my head at once just doesn't sound like a fun time.
  10. Oh, I'm not saying they aren't great. I love it when a game utilizes the rumble in the triggers on my Xbox. Racing games like Forza 7 are awesome. My gripe is that aside from racing and shooting, they aren't really used for much. Remember when the Gamecube had that extra button under the right analog trigger? And when you pressed it in Rogue Leader, it would speed up your X-wing, and when you pressed it far enough to click, it would close the wings and send you into cruising mode? That shit was great, I would love to see something like that come back. Hell, I'd love to see Rogue Squadron come back.
  11. Not gonna get excited over haptic feedback in the controller, especially the triggers. Xbox has had that for years and very few developers actually utilize it. Most of the time the controller just feels like you touched the sides in Operation. The programmable resistance could be cool, IF devs use it (which most of them won't).
  12. Is this as bad as the alarmists on the internet are saying? Buggy? Boring? Etc? You can omit the MTX element, because i never buy any of that shit anyway. I thought the demo was okay, but I cant really judge from my enjoyment of that because i always have a hard time getting into betas when i know i'll have to do everything over again. I just don't know if the gameplay loop will hold up. Brandon Tyrell's review in progress basically outlined his rinse-and-repeat loop and it seems pretty Ubisoft. The thing that makes me curious is that ALL Ubi's games have that loop, and games that were critically praised like AC Odyssey STILL only break down into that one simple loop. If anything I can see Breakpoint being Odyssey but without some of the personality and Kassandra's upskirts. I dont know where i'm going with this.
  13. Looks like now that theyre not focused on making a game play like its on the N64, they can focus on making one unique and fun.
  14. Philosophical, you say? Bandits: Halt, this is a stickup. Give us all your weapons. Player: Why do you need all our weapons? Bandits: Because, um... we just need them. Player: But, why? Bandits: To shoot stuff with. Player: Can you not already shoot stuff with the weapons you have? Bandits: Well yeah, but.. Player: If I remove the bullets, then give you the weapons, would you still want them? Bandits: Well, that would kind of defeat the purpose.... Player: So you don't really want my weapons, you just want the bullets. Bandits: Well, yeah... uh.. I guess. Player: Here you go. *gives five bullets* Bandits: Thanks! Player: *leaves. loots fifteen bullets from chests on way out.*
  15. Google's too busy shooting themselves in the foot to notice that everyone else is making their service better.
  16. So I have a few questions. When I started up the game, I already had a Hunter at 270 or whatever light level. I know for the F2P launch they bumped everyone up, but should I have already had a character created? The intro seemed vaguely familiar, so I'm not sure if I played a demo or a beta or whatnot, but anyway, I ended up creating a new character. I feel a little weird coming into a game I've never played before already being bumped up to lvl 20. Am I going to be missing anything? If I play through the vanilla game, is the game going to level scale? If so, what's the point of the bump? Was there a grind that they wanted to mitigate? Should I even bother getting into the game at this point, or just wait for Ghost Recon on friday?
  17. Now we're talking. PSNow wasn't worth $25 a month to me, but if i can get it for $5-$10 i'll give it another shot.
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