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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Back in the day there was no topping some Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six campaign co-op. sigh...
  2. I was thinking of picking up BFv on the cheap but i'm curious... You say the newer maps are garbage, but also say Operation Metro is fun. This confuses me.
  3. Are these worth it for someone who never played the originsls and thus has no nostalgia for them?
  4. At this point i think kotaku needs him more than he needs kotaku.
  5. Why put Sonic in a ball instead of having Sonic just roll around everywhere? Seems redundant.
  6. I don't have to be good at a game to enjoy it. I've never really been good at CoD games but I've enjoyed them from time to time. This CoD needs work. The multiplayer just isn't fun in its current state. You couple that ridiculous TTK with guns that are way too accurate for their own good and it'll ruin any multiplayer game. I got on a rooftop and sniped two guys on the street, a whole other building away, with an LMG. That shouldn't happen. For every one time I did something like that to someone, there were ten times something like that happened to me. It was ridiculous. I can respect what they tried to do with the Conquest style game mode, and I actually enjoyed it for a short time, but then the CoD bs starting getting to egregious to ignore.
  7. I just rented it from Redbox because I was really interested in the Conquest type game mode and I got through about four matches and I was done. Played with some friends in Team Deathmatch for about ten more matches just to level up my gun levels and unlock some stuff... but yeah. It's going back to Redbox tomorrow and I doubt I'll ever think about it again. I wanted to like it but it's as you and others have said; it's whoever sees who first is the one that wins. I don't recall winning a single firefight where the other guy shot first. I don't even recall many firefights period, it's usually pretty one-sided. And I will also say that a super-quick TTK coupled with a 2ms ping and a 400Mbps upload speed doesn't feel like it's doing me any favors. It feels like the other guy knows I'm there before I do. Gotta love that old "interesting, that's not what I saw" killcam revelation.
  8. I'm not a "celebrity". If I was, I'd want everyone to call me by my name, not Evil Ash.
  9. I might pick it up. I hate that i want a CoD, especially after that exclusivity bs but i've been wanting a solid mp game after passing on BFV. I just fear that i'll be over it after a month.
  10. I honestly think none of this would bother me as much if they didn't go by their user handles. I mean, even The Rock started going by Dwayne Johnson after seeing how silly it was that everyone was calling him Mr. The Rock. That's my old man gripe.
  11. What's ironic is that he literally just stated a week or two ago that they weren't goibg to do anymore "small scale" games, and that pretty much every game they made was going to be like Ass Creed Odyssey and Breakpoint. It seems Yves is learning what crow tastes like.
  12. I fully expect Skull and Bones to be vaporware. If anything, they'll take whatever they were working on and slap an Assassin's Creed label on it. I can't help but wonder if they were caught off guard by the launch of Atlas and the rate at which Sea of Thieves is evolving.
  13. Here's the thing, Yves... Ghost Recon doesn't have a devout fanbase anymore. You made sure of that shit years ago. Every single Ghost Recon game you've released has been dramatically different. Where games like Far Cry and Assassin's Creed remained distinctly Far Cry and Assassin's Creed for long enough to gain a dedicated fanbase, Ghost Recon gets torn apart and rebuilt for every fucking iteration. Even Splinter Cell, with it's ups and downs, still felt like Splinter Cell. Ghost Recon has been a military sim (Ghost Recon), a tactical shooter (Ghost Recon 2 & Summit Strike), a Black Hawk Down action movie (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1 & 2), a corridor shoot 'em up (Ghost Recon Future Soldier) a season of Narcos (Wildlands) and now a game that... doesn't really feel like any of those. I've been a fan of Ghost Recon since waaay back in 2002. But that doesn't mean you've made it easy. This series has been all over the map for almost two decades now, and now with Breakpoint you make yet more design changes and expect everyone to just hop on board? The Ghost Recon name does not carry the weight that Assassin's Creed or even Far Cry does. The one thing Ghost Recon needs is consistency. And you've never, ever provided that for the series. It's a shame, because I do like Breakpoint, for what it is, and I am actually enjoying it. But even I can tell that your developers wanted to make the game a hardcore experience, but someone wouldn't let them. There are so many systems in place that aren't utilized. The fatigue and canteen system is completely pointless, as is the food buff system. I just don't need them. There are essences of a "survival" game here that got shit-canned in exchange for a live service model. And that sucks. And why the fuck can't I base jump????
  14. They really need to re-purpose that to say "hey pay this much a year for a private server, and also get all this other stuff." I honestly don't know who's making the decisions over there. Even Elder Scrolls Online went from a sub to Pay-to-Play and had a metric ton of content already before going to microtransactions. All they had to do was follow a template they've already had success with. The mind woggles.
  15. Ok Nintendo. Next challenge: attach one joycon to my thigh, and the other to my rear bike wheel.
  16. That could be why the combat hasnt changed much. It took a back seat while they focused on great writing, fun characters, and interesting quests. I'm ok with that.
  17. It's a non-issue. Let me elaborate; It's a non-issue if you just play the game. If you go into this game with a goal of getting to gear score whatever as quickly as possible, of course it's going to feel like a grind. I've just been playing the game at my own pace and everything's falling into place as it should. I haven't felt locked out of anything (even though the raid is unlocked at gear score 150, you'll get there easily by playing the story and side missions. It's really intended to be endgame stuff anyway.) There's no reason to spend any money on the microtransactions unless you absolutely must have that tattoo/backpack/t-shirt.
  18. I think one of the reasons this game got trashed in the reviews was because everyone was racing to get through it by the time the embargo lifted. Its really not the way to play this game. For example; Angry Joe, whose opinion i usually share, bitched about having to fly everywhere and that it was boring. Yet he only played with Del and OJ and they were just flying around everywhere and not collecting intel. If he wouldve been collecting the intel, he wouldve had campsites unlocked all over the map and he wouldnt have had to fly everywhere. I wanted to reach through the screen and shake him. Same was with the IGN review. The guy described how he was playing the game basically going straight from objective to objective and i thought to myself "man if i was playing like that i'd hate the game too."
  19. As long as they dont force me to play as Ms Marvel. Her transmorphing powers remind me too much of Reed Richards who is probably one of the lamest characters in the Marvel universe. That said, i'm not too excited for the Avengers as a whole. I wouldve been a billion times more excited if this game wouldve been the Ultimate Alliance sequel instead of what came out on the Switch.
  20. Early previews noted that the gameplay was a bit janky and not the best, but they also stated that it's an RPG first, and not a shooter. My guess is that it can only be better than New Vegas, but if you try to play it like Fallout 4 or Mass Effect you might have trouble.
  21. To be fair, if that was Dallas, there would also be hail, sand, and a Tsunami.
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